Dev Branch is an experimental build that contains bugs and unfinished features. Please read the TESTING NOTES below to get a feel for things in the build that are known to be missing OR broken.
How to get the build
Go to the BETAS tab on the Foxhole Steam Properties window and select "devbranch -".
Select the LOCAL FILES tab and click "Verify Integrity of game files...".
On the "Join War" screen, select "DevBranch" from the drop down at the top right corner of the screen
Please post any bug reports or feedback to the devbranch-bugs and devbranch-feedback channels on the Foxhole Discord. Do not report bugs that are already known issues. Release notes will be updated as new builds are applied to the branch. Thank you!
This Dev Branch will be rolled out in phases. Only content and changes related to Phase 6 are listed in these notes. Do not test or give feedback on content that isn't included in these notes. Read our Dev Branch Details post for more information.
IMPORTANT: The following release notes are preliminary and in draft form. Some features/changes will change or be omitted before final release.
Orange bullet points are new as of the latest Dev Branch update.
Known Issues
Some map images are out of date.
Because saves have been maintained this phase, some Relic Base and Map Marker movements may look incorrect.
Landing Ships do not rapidly decay as expected.
New Content
BMS - Bluefin
Class: Storage Ship
Faction: Neutral
The Bluefin storage ship is a massive, all-purpose mobile naval yard capable of storing crates of resources, packed vehicles and ammunition for long-distance travel and beach-to-beach equipment ferrying. The Bassett Motor Society is proud to deliver such a cutting-edge, versatile blue water asset to various countries across Raka, Katoma, and the Alliant Union.
BMS - Longhook
Class: Base Ship
Faction: Neutral
The Basset Motor Society’s premiere base ship, the BMS - Longhook is a sturdy, reliable vessel that provides an excellent centre of operations for building and maintaining smaller boats for ferrying personnel and equipment.
Class: Destroyer
Faction: Colonial
Serving as the front line to the Republic Coastal Legion, long have Conquerers lived up to the namesake. These beasts are fitted with armaments to tackle threats both above and below, including a specialized sonar station and depth charge launchers. A young upstart, Diana Geminus, was first to command a Conquerer after quickly rising through the ranks with fresh ideas for defence against the northerner’s disgraceful efforts.
Class: Submarine
Faction: Warden
This Nevish submersible excels in punching holes in the hulls of the Colonial fleet. Armed with Moray Torpedos and state-of-the-art sonar technology, the Nakki is a silent killer. Famously, three Nakkis crept behind a Colonial fleet at night and picked them apart one by one, leading to Prefect Evander to call a retreat. Their “Legion” was not at all prepared to be assaulted from under the waves.
Class: Battleship
Faction: Colonial
Long-feared on the open seas, Titan-Class battleships are spoken of in hushed tones and with great reverence. Fitted with a wide arsenal of cannons and gun emplacements, the Titan’s enemies will soon feel the crushing depths. The Republic Coastal Legion holds Titans as its Signifiers and entire fleets rally on their position. Modelled on the flagship of Ambrose Leon’s storied fleet, the Titan is a beacon of victory for the Mesean people.
Class: Battleship
Faction: Warden
Callahan-class Battleships are massive, fully featured mobile bases. They pack enough firepower to devastate enemy naval vessels and their crew, or rain death on nearby shorelines while shrugging off punishment with its reinforced hull. Named for Caoiva’s founder and first Archon, who famously held fast in conflict with rival clans who wanted his head. Several Callahans remain anchored at Whedon’s Row Harbour.
Interceptor PA-12
Class: Landing Ship
Faction: Colonial
The Interceptor PA-12 is a vessel designed to transport friendly troops and light vehicles across large bodies of water.
MacConmara Shorerunner
Class: Landing Ship
Faction: Warden
The Shorerunner is a large vessel that ferries friendly troops and light vehicles to assault distant shores.
Model-7 “Evie”
Type: Depth Charge
An explosive charge that detonates at a target depth. This anti-submarine ordinance is fired from the deck of naval vessels using specialized launchers.
E680-S Rudder Lock
Type: Sea Mine
Designed for underwater deployment, Sea Mines detonate upon contact with enemy vessels. They deteriorate after 48 days.
Moray Torpedo
Type: Torpedo
Fired from submersible vessels, the Moray Torpedo is a self-propelled underwater missile that functions well at a variety of ranges and depths. It’s designed to bore into the hulls of large ships, leaving them vulnerable to leaks.
The Type C - “Charon” and 74b-1 Ronan Gunship have been reworked. These boats have been fitted with armour, a walkable deck, and are armed with two Tripod Mounts and a Heavy Mortar.
The 74c-2 Ronan Meteora Gunship has been removed.
Dry Dock
A floodable basin and construction platform that facilitates the assembly and repair of the largest naval vessels.
Naval Works modification for the Small Assembly Station
An assembly rigged to manufacture parts used in the construction of naval vessels at a Dry Dock.
This modification produces three new shippables, Naval Hull Segments, Naval Shell Plating, and Naval Turbine Components for Large Ship construction.
Navy Pier
A temporary pier that facilitates movement of goods and troops onto large naval vessels from the shore.
Offshore Platform
Offshore Platforms are open-water extraction facilities used to extract various oils. A steady supply of processed Coal is required for certain operations, as extracting materials from the ocean floor is a complex process.
Rare Materials
Used for building advanced vehicles.
Rare Alloys
Bars of incredibly rare materials used in some of the most advanced and complex constructions, such as large naval vessels and AEON Rockets.
World Expansion
Endless Shore, Tempest Island and Godcrofts have been moved east to form a new coastline.
Four new maps have been added to the world.
Reaver’s Pass
Stlican Shelf
Stema Landing
Fisherman’s Row and Oarbreaker have returned to the west coast and have received substantial changes to better reflect their original design goals.
Lance-46 “Sarissa”
Class: Battle Tank
This high-powered mobile artillery platform deploys a set of sturdy, mechanical legs to brace for the power of 150mm cannon fire. The “Sarissa” Lance variant is a highly custom and ingenious use of the Lance chassis that creates versatility in armour operations, reducing much of the overhead when transporting and deploying static artillery batteries.
Flood Mk. IX Stain
Class: Battle Tank
Built on an inverted Flood chassis, the Mk. IX Stain is a fully-featured mobile artillery platform. Once deployed, the Stain can fire a 150mm cannon over long-distances to pummel enemy positions with indirect fire.
AU-A150 Taurine Rigger
Class: Heavy-Duty Truck
Faction: Colonial
Built to brave the hills in the western provinces of Alliant Union, the Taurine Rigger is a Velian modified variation that specializes in towing heavy equipment and supplies over treacherous terrain. Employed in the Colonial Legion for near three centuries, the A150 has become an indispensable tool in Colonial operations. It’s no surprise then that it has been often imitated, yet never replicated.
Cnute Cliffwrest
Class: Heavy-Duty Truck
Faction: Warden
This heavy-duty tracked service vehicle was originally designed to haul large resource caches and heavy weapons along the craggy cliffs of Sorovia.
Rooster - Lamploader
Class: Trailer
Faction: Neutral
A simple towable trailer that holds various fuel sources and can be used to refuel vehicles.
Rooster - Junkwagon
Class: Trailer
Faction: Neutral
A simple towable trailer that holds common building resources.
Rooster - Tumblebox
Class: Trailer
Faction: Neutral
A simple towable trailer that holds heavier building materials.
Niska Mk. III Scar Twin
Class: Half-Track
Faction: Warden
The third Niska Motor Carriage variation sports twin mounted machine guns at the expense of reduced passenger shielding and overall firepower. This simple revision was originally an ad hoc alteration by field engineers, but quickly sought after by armour regiments across the Caoiva-Veli front line.
This Half-Track has a hitch that can tow Trailers. See New Features for more details.
GA6 “Cestus”
Class: Field AT Rifle
Faction: Colonial
This simple, dual-barreled short-range field gun packs a punch. Its economic construction makes for fairly basic assembly at the cost of longevity. Meant for Anti-Tank support, the Cestus is best utilized in ambush tactics or woven between the lines of heavier armour.
Duncan’s Coin 20mm
Class: Field AT Rifle
Faction: Warden
This field gun is a capable, if somewhat flimsy, anti-tank weapon derived from cheap materials, crude processing, and utilizes dated technology. The affixed 20mm cannon may feel ancient by modern standards, but rest assured, it has no problems piercing modern armour.
New Features
Rockets have been readded.
Rocket Creation
AOE-9 Rocket Platform
This is a new Facility building that replaces the old Rocket Sites that were pre-placed in the world.
Rocket Manufactory modification for the Small Assembly Station.
This modification produces the following shippables: A0E-9 Rocket Booster, A0E-9 Rocket Body, and A0E-9 Rocket Warhead. These shippables are the three parts used in the construction of the Rocket.
These parts are immune to friendly fire and can be Reserved at a Reserve Stockpile.
Rocket Parts are used to build a Rocket via a Crane. Cranes can place the shippables on the Rocket Site in order to construct a Rocket.
Rocket Sites are fuelled with Heavy Oil over 24 hours before the launch process can begin.
Firing within the Region after 12 hours has been removed. A launch within or outside of your Region can only occur once the Rocket is fully fuelled.
Rocket Targeting
Radio Backpacks are no longer used for spotting.
Intel Center listening operations are now used to designate targets for a Rocket.
The Rocket Site must be claimed by a Squad before it can be used. Only members of that Squad can participate in the launch process.
The Rocket Site must be within 2000m of the target. The Intel Center does not have to be near the Rocket Site to generate a target.
Once a target’s codes are submitted to the Rocket Site by 3 players of the claiming Squad a target icon will appear on the map for both Factions. An alert will also play every 2 hours with details of the target location.
Rocket launches take 48 hours to complete.
Stopping a Rocket Launch
There are several ways a Rocket launch can be stopped in the 48 hours before launch:
Rocket launches can be cancelled by 3 members of the claiming Squad. Upon cancellation a new launch cannot be started for 4 hours.
The Rocket, Rocket Site or the active Listening Center can be destroyed.
Rockets no longer drop anything when they are destroyed.
Visibly damaging the Rocket will delay a Rocket launch until it is repaired.
Rocket Misc Changes
Rocket Sites have new icons. These icons show whether there is a Rocket at the Rocket Site or not.
Rocket Sites are no longer destroyed once a Rocket is launched and can now be reused.
Rocket Sites can be claimed by a Squad for 76 hours and can be refreshed like other structures.
Once the 76 hour claim elapses any Squad can reclaim the structure.
Rocket Impact Sites now have an icon.
Launch codes are no longer reused and are instead randomised each time.
Sirens will only play at World Bases that will be destroyed by a Rocket impact.
Dev Note: Previously bases of all types would sound sirens even beyond the range of the Rocket impact. This caused confusion as players would assume bases outside of the range were going to be destroyed.
Players close to the base of the Rocket as it launches will be set on fire.
The Intel Center UI has been updated to accommodate the launching process.
Dev Note: The Rocket Site has a useful tooltip explaining the whole process for constructing and firing a Rocket.
Dropping an item on a Large Ship returns the item to the ship’s Stockpile.
Lowering the Anchor of a Large Ship enables Naval Turrets to automatically fire upon small vessels.
The pilot of a Large Ship can see the heading and speed of the vessel under the compass.
When deploying to an Island Region players are shown a message warning them that they’re disconnected from the main continent.
Gunboats and Large Ship cannons can change to Direct Fire mode for close quarters ship-to-ship combat.
Shipyards can now repair the armour of small boats similar to Garages.
Players and vehicles are sheltered from Snow Storms when below the deck of a Large Ship.
Large Ships cannot anchor within 150m of the Region border.
Large Ships can ram smaller vessels at speed to destroy them.
Large Ships with a Barracks allows players to deploy to the ship from the Home Region.
Vehicles equipped with a hitch (Tractors) can tow Trailers, but the speed at which a vehicle moves while towing depends on both the Towing Capacity of the vehicle and the weight of the towed Trailer
If a Tractor's Towing Capacity is below the recommendation for a Trailer, the player will be warned when entering the driver's seat.
A Trailer can be towed by aligning the hitch of the Trailer with the hitch of a Tractor and interacting with the hitches similar to coupling Train cars.
The following vehicles are now equipped with a hitch
Dunne Transport
Dunne Leatherback 2a
Dunne Landrunner 12c
R-1 Hauler
R-5b "Sisyphus" Hauler
R-9 "Speartip" Escort
HH-b "Hoplite"
Armoured Fighting Tractor
Dev Note: A hitch with minimal Towing Capacity was added to the base Trucks to improve the accessibility of towing
All Field Weapons can now be towed, with each having different weights that impact the speed of the attached towing vehicle.
Manual Gearbox
Heavy-Duty Trucks are equipped with manual gearboxes that allow drivers to switch between low and high gear, giving them increased flexibility when going over difficult terrain or when towing heavier loads.
Low gear is ideal for inclines or difficult towing conditions
High gear is ideal for achieve higher top speed on roads
When exiting from the rear seat of a Tractor with a hitched Trailer you are exited at the Driver's door.
Balance Changes
BMS - Ironship
Health decreased from 4000 to 2600
Added armour.
BMS - Aquatipper
Added armour.
Health reduced from 1440 to 950.
Type C - "Charon" now has armour.
74b-1 Ronan Gunship now has armour.
HC-7 "Ballista"
Armour health increased by ~53%.
Minimum penetration chance improved (harder to pen).
Speed increased.
Mobility increased.
HC-2 "Scorpion"
Armour health increased by ~30%.
Minimum penetration chance improved (harder to pen).
Speed increased.
Mobility increased.
Cost changed from 5 Construction Materials to 5 Processed Construction Materials, 10 Assembly Materials I, 3 Assembly Materials IV
R-5b "Sisyphus" Hauler's max speed has been increased.
Balfour Stockade 75mm range increased from 35m to 40m.
Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest
Range increased from 300m to 325m.
Accuracy firing at max range increased by ~14%.
120-68 "Koronides" Field Gun added 15° of traverse to the left and right of the barrel.
945G "Stygian Bolt" range increased from 40m to 42.5m.
Dev Note: Balance for these weapons is still a work-in-progress.
Dev Branch Specific Features and Balance Changes
Rare Alloys have been renamed to Rare Metals.
Rare Metals have been renamed to Rare Alloys.
Offshore Platforms
Rare Metals drops have been removed.
Armour type improved from Tier 2 to Tier 3.
Added two new recipes:
1x Heavy Oil every 50 seconds (no cost).
1x Enriched Oil every 90 seconds for 100 coal.
Dry Dock health increased from 3600 to 4250.
All Large Ships are now slightly more vulnerable to High Explosive damage but more resistant to almost all other damage types.
Flooding from leaks has increased.
BMS - Longhook production time reduced from 24 hours to 10 hours.
BMS - Bluefin
Naval Turbine Components cost reduced from 2 to 0.
Basic Materials have been added to the ship's Item Stockpile.
Production time reduced from 60 hours to 8 hours.
Callahan Class Battleship
Bow Storage Room capacity increased from 200 to 300.
Midship Storage Room capacity increased from 400 to 600.
Production time reduced from 60 hours to 10 hours.
Titan Class Battleship
Bow Storage Room capacity increased from 200 to 600.
Midship Storage Room capacity increased from 400 to 600.
Production time reduced from 60 hours to 10 hours.
Nakki Class Submarine production time reduced from 36 hours to 10 hours.
Conqueror Class Destroyer production time reduced from 36 hours to 10 hours.
Travelling between Regions in a Large Ship now takes 60 seconds.
Towing speed of all Trucks and Half-Tracks has been increased.
Tractors can now see the inventory of a Trailer when interacting with buildings similar to Trains and their coupled cars.
Rooster - Junkwagon
Moved production from the Small Assembly Station to the Garage/Mass Production Factory costing 10 Refined Materials.
Inventory size increased from 5 to 7.
Rooster - Lamploader and Tumblebox
Processed Construction Material cost reduced from 20 to 10.
Rooster - Junkwagon now required for construction as a base vehicle.
Towing weight reduced.
Reduced Navy Pier max length from 5 Navy Piers down to 4.
Fire Engines can no longer add water to Large Ships.
Periscope camera movement speed now matches the movement speed of Spotter seats.
Added underwater ambience.
Enemies can no longer use the "Climb aboard" action on Large Ships from the water.
Large Ships no longer need to anchor to allow players to deploy from the Home Region to the ship.
EDIT: This only applies if the crew count is below the travel limit and if the ship is far from a border
The Cremari Mortar can no longer be fired from Large Ships.
Heavy Weapons can no longer be fired from Gunboats.
Large Ship Storage Rooms are no longer restricted when the ship is Squad Reserved.
Gameplay Changes
The 120-68 "Koronides" Field Gun, 945G "Stygian Bolt", Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest, and the Balfour Stockade 75mm are now classed as Large Field Weapons.
Bodies of water freezing due to maximum intensity Snow Storms has been disabled temporarily.
Vehicles that are produced at Facilities are automatically Squad locked to the Squad that has the structure reserved.
Exiting the driver’s seat of a vehicle that is in motion causes the vehicle to quickly, but not instantaneously, come to a stop.
The following vehicles can now be shipped in Flatbeds and Landing Ships:
King Spire MK-I
King Gallant MK-II
Devitt Mk. III
Devitt Ironhide Mk. IV
Devitt-Caine MK.IV MMR
H-5 "Hatchet"
H-8 "Kranesca"
H-19 "Vulcan"
The countdown for travelling between Regions is now cancelled if:
A vehicle's weapon fires.
If the vehicle is moved.
Water Buckets can now only be submitted to Stockpiles when they're empty.
Observation Bunkers now have a Spotter seat that can be entered.
Sniper Rifles and automatic weapons, excluding the KRN886-127 Gast Machine Gun and the Malone MK.2, can now be fired from Gunboats and the BMS - Packmule Flatbed.
Map Changes
World Rocket Sites have been removed from Great March, Morgen’s Crossing, Nevish Line, Origin, Reaching Trail, Endless Shore, and Farranac Coast.
Observation Towers have been removed from most Regions excluding Coastal and Island Regions.
Shipyards and Coastal Guns have been added and removed throughout the world.
All maps excluding Heartlands, Great March and Reaching Trail have had their rivers adjusted to accommodate Large Ships.
Allods Bight:
Land east of The Stone Plank has been removed.
Basin Sionnach:
A small Trainbridge has been added north of Sess.
Drowned Vale:
A slope east of The Saltcaps has been reworked to accommodate Endless Shore’s move east.
Endless Shore:
Vulpine Watch and Dannan Ridge have been removed along with their landmass.
The western side of the region has been reworked to accommodate the move east.
The Evil Eye Relic Base has been removed.
Sídhe Fall Relic Base added east of Saltbrook Channel
The Fingers:
All four of The Fingers have been reduced in length
The Routed and several Relic Bases have been removed or moved.
All roads into the Region have been removed.
Eight new islands have been added.
Fisherman’s Row:
All landmasses except for Fisherman’s Row itself (the main landmass) and The Satyr Stone have been removed.
A Relic Base has been readded to the south-west of the main landmass.
Three new islands have been added.
All landmasses except for The Axehead, Den of Thieves, and an unnamed sand island have been removed.
The Axehead landmass has been majorly reworked.
The Axehead is no longer a logistics town. The logistics town is now a new version of Isawa.
Seven new islands have been added.
Baccae Ridge Seaport and logistics area has been adjusted to alleviate traffic.
Baccae Ridge Pre-Placed Track has been rerouted to no longer cut the Town in half when a Train arrives.
King’s Cage:
The Manacle bridge has been replaced with a more permanent structure.
Pre-Placed Tracks have been added to Manacle travelling east-to-west.
Southblade Relic Base added south of Gibbet Fields.
Marban Hollow:
Lughbone Dam has been moved and reworked slightly.
The mountain south of The Claim is now made of red rocks.
Morgen’s Crossing:
All existing land south of Lividus has been removed.
A new landmass extending from Weathered Expanse has been added.
All landmasses except for Conclave, Castor, Pollux, Grisly Refuge, and Barrenson have been removed.
A Relic Base has been added to Grisly Refuge.
Five new islands have been added.
Conclave has been reworked to be a logistics town.
Reaching Trail:
Brodytown logistics areas have been reworked to spread out traffic.
Several breaches have been added to the Bulwark.
Several areas along the west and north have been smoothed to make attacking easier.
The base has been moved to the north side of the road.
An additional road has been added leading to the base.
The nearby rockface has been smoothed out.
An additional road has been added leading to The Whetsone Relic Base.
The rockface leading to Barronhome from Lord’s Cellar has been smoothed out.
A Trainbridge has been added to the Winding Bolas landmass.
Weathered Expanse:
Port of Rime has been moved to Stlican Shelf.
The Weathering Halls is now a Logi Town.
The landmass has been extended south-east to connect to Stlican Shelf and Morgen’s Crossing.
Other Changes
The Dunne Dousing Engine 3R and the R-12B "Salva" Flame Truck have a new SFX for reloading.
The War Start popup image has been updated to reflect the updated world.
Dynamic vehicle tooltips have been improved to accommodate Large Ships.
The Rocket Factory modification for the Small Assembly Station has been renamed “Battery Line”.
The Rocket Factory modification for the Ammunition Factory has been renamed “Rocket Battery Workshop”.
Outdated Wiki link removed from Main Menu.
Crane hook rotation is now animated when transferring a shippable to something.
The background image in the map screen has been updated to reflect changes to the world.
Ballistic Rocket icon and description in the Technology Tree has been updated.
Improved collision responses when a vehicle is in contact with multiple surfaces simultaneously.
Bug Fixes
The Main Menu language selection drop-down menu does not update what language is selected.
Facility Modification Center has some interior sections that accumulated snow.
Flame Ammo has an unnecessary qualifier saying it can be used in vehicles.
Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest veterancy camo tiers look very similar making them difficult to distinguish.
Weapon aim line visuals persist after closing a commander’s hatch.
Devitt Ironhide Mk. IV is missing veterancy camo from the front armour plate.
Field Weapons pitch excessively when moving over Facility Foundations.
Gates are obstructed from opening when a vehicle is touching the gate.
Vehicles based on the BMS - Aquatipper are misaligned after border travel.
The Large Assembly Station Train Assembly modification is missing snow on some train wheels.
The Power Station collision is excessively large in some sections.
Metalworks Factory Recycler modification collision is excessively large in some sections.
All Colonial Light Tanks have a rear wheel that does not animate whilst moving.
King Jester - Mk. I-1 firing pattern is different between the gunner and nearby observers.
When using the No.2B Hawthorne from a passenger seat the player does not aim left and right.
Resource Transfer Station UI is incorrect when observing a tab of Stockpile that the Resource Transfer Station does not have.
The War Start Popup shown in Resistance Phase uses both a twelve and twenty four hour time format.
Lance-25 "Hasta" commander rotates with the main gun.
The Anti-Tank Sticky Bomb has a grammatical error.
Gallagher Thornfall MK. VI driver obstructs shooting for the MG.
Players are visually rotated when exiting a mount that’s at an angle.
Field Weapons become difficult to turn when reaching high speeds down slopes.
The Dunne Dousing Engine 3R and the R-12B "Salva" Flame Truck’s gunner seat has several animation issues.
The War Start popup shows a default time when a war start has not been scheduled.
Encampments can be built on roads.
Vehicles with an engineer seat have a delay for the gunner firing when reloaded rapidly.
Field Weapons cannot do static rotations.
Vehicles based on BMS - Aquatipper are left floating when it’s destroyed.
Abisme AT-99 decay timer is now a qualifier instead of just text in the description.
Vehicles are able to drive on some rocks unexpectedly.
High-speed vehicles stop rotation during a drift when slowing down.
Ballistic Rocket impact site crater has inaccurate collisions.
Spamming the Climb button during the animation of getting onto a ladder interrupts the animation.
Red rocks have low-detail collision.
Map Bug Fixes
All maps have been visited to clear some road obstructions.
Basin Sionnach:
Cuttail Station gravel does not apply road speeds.
Farranac Coast:
A Salvage Field is missing from some logistics layers.
The mountain south of Victa can be climbed in some specific spots.
Great March:
Sitaria World Resource Mine is too close to a nearby Garrison to allow Cranes to interact with shippables.
King’s Cage:
The Manacle Town Hall can be built from the road below the west cliff line.
There are some floating bushes along the northern border.
Some roads in Initium are misaligned.
The Bulwark has many gaps and misalignments.
Barronstown Construction Yard is misaligned.
There are several spots where players can get stuck around rocks.
Umbral Wildwood
Some trees are floating north of Amethyst.
A Salvage Field is missing from some logistics layers.
Nevish Line:
Scrying Belt Coastal Gun is outside of active AI range at war start.
Dev Branch Specific Bug Fixes
Lance-46 “Sarissa” engineer does not have an animation for repairing.
Map images are not up to date in all regions.
Some structures can be built over the Rocket Site.
BMS - Grouper can sail under the Navy Pier.
BMS - Grouper can sail under the Offshore Platform.
Beached Large Ships cannot get back into the water.
Large Ship pilots are too far away to interact with Bridges in some cases.
Reloading a Large Field Weapon whilst undeployed causes the wheels to spin.
Moray Torpedo can now be placed in Stockpiles such as Material Pallets and Storage Rooms.
Large Ships move violently when enabling the Dry Dock’s repair action.
74b-1 Ronan Gunship walking along the interior deck causes the player to act as if they’re in shallow water.
The driver of the 74b-1 Ronan Gunship and Type C - "Charon" perform a firing animation when the turret fires.
Water clips through the deck of the 74b-1 Ronan Gunship and Type C - "Charon" in some areas.
Exiting the mortar of the 74b-1 Ronan Gunship when moving at high speed causes the gunner to phase through the wall.
Exiting a vehicle before running someone over does not attribute the kill to the driver.
The BMS - Aquatipper can pick up a desynced vehicle from the driver’s perspective.
Power Lines are difficult to connect to the Dry Dock.
Driving a vehicle onto the legs of a Field Weapon causes the vehicle to lose traction and become stuck.
Titan Battleship does not have a horn SFX.
74b-1 Ronan Gunship mortar gunner cannot see infantry at some angles.
The driver of the 74b-1 Ronan Gunship and Type C - "Charon" cannot open Bridges.
Reversing with a Trailer causes the Trailer to stick up into the air.
AI flags are visible on the Build Site of Large Ships.
BMS - Longhook crane arms obstruct movement due to the low deployment angle.
Field Weapons can push hitched Trailers.
Large Field Weapon deployment requirements are too restrictive.
All Large Ships had an incorrect armour profile assigned to them.
Conqueror Class Destroyer's Barracks has some beds clipping into walls and a floating junction box.
Large Ships get stuck when attempting to pass through Rail Bridges.
The prototype texture on vehicles under construction at Assembly Stations is incorrect.
Offshore Platforms have collisions at potential locations they have not spawned at.
Travelling between Regions with a Large Ship adjacent to land sometimes puts the ship on land.
The BMS - Aquatipper's ramp is obstructed from closing by some vehicle hitches.
BMS - Bluefin has no collisions with other vehicles when anchored.
Attempting to submit a Gunboat with damaged armour returns an incorrect message.
Dry Docks have an item Stockpile.
Callahan Class Battleship ladders cannot be climbed.
Water can be seen in the bottom deck of the BMS - Longhook from the top deck when there is no water onboard.
Veterancy camo is not applied properly to the Large Field Weapons.
Some textures in the BMS - Bluefin's cargo hold flicker.
Offshore Platform structural support pillars do not have collisions.
The Train Bridges east of Third Chapter cannot be connect to with player-made Tracks.
Large Field Weapon deployment animation does not play in some cases.
When climbing a Large Ship's ladder player rotation is not locked to the ladder as the ship moves.
Climbing state is not properly synched between the climber and observers.
Dropping a Large Item on a Large Field Weapon deletes the Large Item.
Large Field Weapons can still be moved whilst deployed under some circumstances.
Large Ships can raise anchor whilst near a border (meaning Dry Docks within 150m of a Region Border can construct ships without them being permanently anchored).
BMS - Longhook's Crane Operator is incorrectly titled "Gunner".
BMS - Bluefin cannot unpack Vehicle and Structure crates.
BMS - Bluefin Crane Operator cannot undeploy whilst anchored meaning the ship is stuck permanently anchored.
Large Ships have an option to change fuel types.
Several deployment states from ramps to anchors animate when entering replication range.
Both Heavy Trucks have excessively strong armour.
Large Field Weapons can be hitched to a Tractor whilst the weapon is deploying.
Enemies can construct Landing Ships on the BMS - Longhook.
Flags on the Observation Tower clip through the structure as they wave.
The driver of some small vessels turn the wheel the wrong way round when turning.
Several stuck spots in Reaver's Pass have been fixed.
Duncan’s Coin 20mm has some bolts that do not rotate correctly when moving.
BMS - Bluefin's ladders to the Crane Operator do not align the climber correctly to the ladder.
Offshore Platform description no longer mentions Rare Metals.
Exiting the rear of the Cnute Cliffwrest whilst the vehicle is moving kills the player.
Friendly Fire caused by hitched Trailers is incorrectly attributed to the Trailer's last driver, not the Tractor's current driver.
Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest's driver performs a rifle firing animation when the weapon fires.
The legs of the BMS Overseer Sky-Hauler have no collisions.
Landing Ship ramps are improperly angled when the ramp is up.
Gunboats cannot unbeach themselves with their own engine power.