Release Notes
New Content
■ Silverhand Chieftan - MK. VI
○ Class: Assault Tank
○ Faction: Warden
○ The Chieftan assault tank is fitted with asymmetrical armaments, including a 250mm mortar cannon and a twin-barreled 12.7mm turret.
■ HC-2 "Scorpion"
○ Class: Light Infantry Tank
○ Faction: Colonial
○ The "Scorpion" HC-class tank is a moderately armoured infantry support vehicle with twin, high-powered heavy machine guns and short-ranged radios for improved intelligence support. In addition, exterior seating is available for infantry.
Gameplay Changes
■ The majority of combat vehicles have been drastically balanced.
○ Health values have been reduced.
○ Armour values have been increased.
○ Deflections do not degrade tank armour.
■ Armoured vehicle visuals now dynamically change according to the status of tank armour, giving players more feedback on penetration chances.
■ Increased the chance of incapacitating soldiers deteriorating into critically wounded soldiers.
○ Getting shot again while incapacitated can now result in the player becoming critically wounded instead of killing them outright. ○ Reduced the number of soldier supplies generated by critically wounded soldiers at hospitals (quantity over quality).
■ Armoured vehicles mitigates demolition damage.
■ Abisme AT-99 (AT mines) damage has been reduced.
■ BF5 White Ash Flash Grenade and Anti-Tank Sticky bomb damages have been reduced.
■ New resource: Wreckage can now be found and returned to a refinery for sorting.
■ O'brien v. 110 cost reduced from 45 to 35 refined materials. ■ H-8 "Kranesca" cost increase from 145 to 160 refined materials.
■ Bunker Base's Garrison AT turret damage increased. ■ 14.5mm ammo has been removed from the game. All associated weapons now reload using 12.7mm and are considered high velocity turrets to maintain their current weapon damage values.
■ All field weapon forward ballistic shields have been elevated to prevent the occupants from getting shot from the front on flat terrain.
■ Vehicles will warm slowly in garages, at seaports, storage depots, and shipyards.
■ Noble Widow MK XIV can now reverse up hill. ■ When entering the commander seat of a vehicle: the player will start with the hatch closed to prevent getting shot.
■ Tier 3 Garrison House, Relic Base, and Seaport anti tank damage increased.
■ Diesel and Petrol item weight now accounts for how much fuel is left in the can.
■ Garrison and Bunker Supply production times reduced to mitigate clogging of the Factory.
■ Ignifist 30 assembly time reduced.
■ Ignifist 30 movement penalty reduced.
■ Both Bonesaw’s penetration chance increased.
Map Changes
■ Salt March in Marban Hollow has been renamed to The Claim. ■ Kofteri Channel renamed to Lion's Head in Oarbreaker Isles and has been moved beyond a bridge to the West.
Other Changes
■ U is a new hotkey to toggle voice chat on or off. This keybind can be changed in the options menu.
■ V is now default key to pickup large items.
■ Snow accumulates and melts on all vehicles.
■ All grenades now spin while traveling through the air.
■ Regional fauna go quiet during snow storms.
■ AA-2 Battering Ram, Collins Cannon 68mm, and H-10 "Pelekys" gun barrel models have been updated. ■ A tooltip icon has been added to the respawn screen to give clarity to respawn timer mechanics.
Bug Fixes
■ Players crashing when deploying to a location with no man's land.
■ Under rare conditions players rejoin invisible and invincible.
■ Snow vanishes and materializes when driving up or down a slope.
■ Ignifist 30's aiming line is red when aiming from a trench.
■ Border bases are available to be claimed when the war rolls over into resistance mode.
■ Incapacitated players are worn as fanny packs when being carried.
■ Cyclists can use their slim figures to fall under the map near bunker base ramps.
■ Bunker base ramps built into slopes allow players to fall under the map.
■ For weapons with a 45m range the weapons aiming line continues beyond maximum range.
■ Field weapons can carry a player on its foot and by backing into a wall: insert the player on the other side.
■ The deployment queue can be artificially inflated visually by attempting to deploy multiple times.
■ Flatbed top speed moving up hill slows to a crawl.
■ Map Bugs
○ Oarbreaker Isles: Cliff climbing location North East of Skelter Course.