Bug Fixes
Railway Tracks can be elevated to unintended heights.
Bug Fixes
Players' profiles are blank on the Faction selection screen and players are prompted to select a Faction each time they connect to a Shard.
Balance Changes
Metalworks Factory Recycler Modification Component recipe
Damaged Component cost increased from 30 to 75
Component output decreased from 20 to 5
Recipe duration decreased from 90 to 25 seconds.
Production Order personal slot capacity decreased from 21320 to 2130
Stationary Harvester Excavator Modification recipe
Damaged Component output increased from 9 to 18
Production Order personal slot capacity increased from 300 to 600
Bug Fixes
Sailing into a bridge as it opens causes some ships to not move once the bridge is open until the movement key is released and re-pressed.
The Maintenance Status tooltip's proximity calculation does not take into consideration the alternative maintenance structures having no supplies causing the supplies consumed per hour calculation to undercount.
Other Changes
Localisation languages updated.
Bug Fixes
Concrete Mixer does not have a Production Order output limit.
The Water Bucket cannot be reloaded with the Water item.
Fixed rare client crashes.
Bug Fixes
Submarine gunners can fire two torpedoes by holding down the Fire button, resulting in the loss of the next loaded torpedo.
Client crash when exiting whilst in a Shard in some cases.
Players aim to a fixed elevation when aiming over a destroyed Bridge.
Fixed clients exiting on launch on some Linux machines.
Gameplay Changes
Storm Cannon and Tempest Cannon can no longer be fired if related technology hasn't been researched.
Bug Fixes
Facility item production can be started prior to the item being researched.
Bug Fixes
Train cars stop rendering on clients under some circumstances.
Other Changes
Changes to address intermittent connection errors on LIVE Shards.
Bug Fixes
The camera of Submarine Periscope operators does not zoom out.
AU-A150 Taurine Rigger left tread does not animate.
Power production queues are blocked by users with missing resource inputs.
Initial Release
New Content
Class: Light Frigate
Faction: Warden
Named for the unpainted look of an early prototype, the Blacksteele-Class Frigate is a highly manoeuvrable, albeit small-statured vessel. Deployment of “Trident” Submarines by the Republic Coastal Legion saw the Caoivish Naval Command respond in kind with the Blacksteele. Designed as a sub-hunter escort, the Blacksteele excels at thwarting submersible assaults against larger, ungainly ships. The head shipwright on the project was none other than Conor O’Brien’s top protégé, Rory Boyd, who, in his later years became known as a master shipwright, and largely recognised as the man behind the Caoivish Naval Command’s world-class reputation.
AC-b “Trident”
Class: Submarine
Faction: Colonial
The AC-b or “Trident”-class submersible brings much-needed versatility to the Republic Coastal Legion. Featuring a quick-loading ammo bay, the “Trident” is capable of quickly re-arming and returning to the hunt. Combat Magister Curia commissioned the skilled engineers out of Dimiourg to develop a submersible to help counter the rapidly progressing naval technology deployed by the Wardens and Nevish Alliance. Much of the senate criticised Curia for this decision, as they believe it more prudent to invest resources into airborne warfare innovations. After witnessing the return and redeployment of several successful trial AC-b operations, it wasn’t hard to convince the Senate.
New Features
Items can now be transferred directly to Large Ships docked at Dry Docks with a Crane.
Torpedo changes
Torpedo racks now hold ammo for Torpedo tubes.
Torpedo tubes are primed for reload with a Wrench.
The Moray Torpedo can no longer be carried by players.
Torpedo tubes have been split between two gunner seats.
Direct hits to Large Ships with a Moray Torpedo causes a Large Leak and kills crew near to the impact.
Large Leaks require Metal Beams to repair partially.
Partially repairing a Large Leak reduces the flow of water but the Large Ship must return to a Dry Dock to fully repair the Large Leak.
To accommodate both changes the Large Ship ammo racks have had the following changes
Moray Torpedo can no longer be stored in Large Ship ammo racks.
Metal Beams can now be stored in Large Ship ammo racks.
Torpedoes fired from the same Submarine will not explode on one another if they collide.
A torpedo hit causes a Large Ship to roll from the force of the impact.
New visuals have been added for torpedo impacts.
Sea Mines are shown in different colours for friendly and enemy mines, improving their visibility.
Ships can now travel from one side of the continent to the other at the world borders in the Island Regions.
Automatic fire now resumes once it becomes valid to do so whilst the Fire button is pressed.
Dev Note: For example turning the MG turret of a vehicle might stop you from firing as it turns to where you're aiming. If you continue to hold down the Fire button then fire will continue once the turret has rotated to where you're aiming.
Automatic fire can be queued up when the weapon is obstructed by pressing the Fire button and will begin when the weapon is unobstructed.
Weapon attachments such as the Buckhorn CCQ-18 stay equipped on a weapon when it is holstered.
An icon is displayed in the player's inventory to show what weapon currently has the attachment equipped.
Voice Chat
Local voice chat volume and Squad voice chat volume sliders have been added to the Voice Options Menu.
The volume of an individual can be adjusted in the Player Context Menu.
Added a toggle for muting and unmuting Local voice chat (defaulted to "i")
Toggle Alerts has had its default keybind changed from "i" to "y"
Added a toggle for muting and unmuting Squad voice chat (defaulted to "o")
Added a Shard Queue to better distribute players into Home Regions to reduce wait times during War starts.
If you are disconnected from this queue for any reason your spot is reserved.
Streamlined Region restart reconnection process. Players will now be automatically reconnected when a server comes back online after a restart.
Additional changes to make connections more durable against external networking conditions when travelling between Regions.
Squad Reservations on disbanded Squads can be overridden by reserving for another Squad.
Squad Reservations on a disbanded Squad is cleared when raising the anchor on a Large Ship.
Balance Changes
The upgrade cost of most vehicles at the Field Modification Center has been reduced by ~33%.
The following are the exceptions to the ~33% reduction:
AU-A150 Taurine Rigger and Cnute Cliffwrest:
Processed Construction Materials cost from 120 to 0
Construction Materials cost from 0 to 150
HC-2 "Scorpion" has had no cost reduction due to its uniquely low cost.
Critically Wounded Soldiers
Soldier Supplies produced at Hospitals and Field Hospitals increased from 4 to 5
Increased the chance that Critically Wounded Soldiers spawn.
MG ammo capacity on the Callahan Class Battleship has been increased to 150
The following items are no longer Faction exclusive products:
Sea Mine
Moray Torpedo
Model-7 “Evie”
Provisional Road Maintenance Supply cost reduced from 3 to 2
AB-11 "Doru" health increased from 1650 to 2000 to match AB-8 "Acheron".
BMS Overseer Sky-Hauler has been moved from Facilities (Tier 3) to Facilities (Tier 2).
Crane Railway Tracks
Moved from Facilities (Tier 3) to Facilities (Tier 2).
Cost changed from 3 Steel Construction Materials to 25 Processed Construction Materials.
The maximum amount of Refined Materials sorted from Wreckage has been reduced slightly.
This amount is still higher than pre-Update 54 levels.
Submarine Periscopes
Periscope Operators can no longer always see ships regardless of depth.
Periscope depth set to 10m.
UV-5c "Odyssey"
Health increased from 1150 to 1250
Added an additional seat.
UV-05a "Argonaut" inventory reduced from 7 slots to 6
Drummond 100a and Drummond Spitfire 100d disable threshold reduced from 55% to 40%.
Field Modification Center cost reduced from 250 to 150 Processed Construction Materials.
All ships, excluding the BMS - Grouper, are more resistant to Anti-Tank Kinetic damage.
The BMS - Aquatipper, BMS - Ironship, Type C - "Charon", and 74b-1 Ronan Gunship are less resistant to Explosive and Armour Piercing Explosive damage.
86-Ka "Bardiche" and 86K-c "Ranseur" acceleration has been improved.
Gameplay Changes
The Sub-Region modifier for Maintenance Supplies has been removed.
Respawn at nearest Home Base and Respawn at nearest Safe House respawn options now detect the nearest base from the spot the player died instead of the nearest base from the player's assigned static respawn point.
The range for the sonar operator of the Nakki is measured from the center of the ship to be consistent with other Large Ships.
Facility Changes
Production Orders
Facilities now allow up to five players to start a Production Order that will run simultaneously and consume no additional power for each additional order.
These orders can be set to public or personal similar to Factory and Refinery orders.
If set to public, any resources within the Structure's Stockpile will be used for the Production Order.
If set to personal, each player will have their own output slot for each recipe allowing items to be stored securely whilst production is underway.
Items are released into the Structure's public Stockpile 28 hours after the order is complete.
Facility products can now be retrieved as Reservable crates and stored in Reserve Stockpiles.
If there are more than five Production Orders at a Structure a queue will be formed.
Power cost is set by the order with the highest power cost in that Structure.
The maximum throughput of liquids in Pipes has been increased to accommodate the potential increased liquid consumption per building.
Power Plants will now consume fewer resources when the supply of power is greater than the demand.
The resources produced by the Sulfuric Reactor Modification for the Power Station is also scaled down.
Facilities no longer completely shut off when the power demand exceeds the power supply unless the power supply is less than 10% of the demand.
Facility Structures now scale down production speed proportional to the difference between power supply and power demand.
The BMS Foreman Stacker will reduce to a standard reduced rotation rate when the power demand cannot be met.
Facility power UI has been adjusted to more clearly communicate power supply and demand on a network.
Assembly Stations
Squad Reserved Assembly Stations no longer Reserve all produced vehicles to the Station's Squad.
When starting a Production Order a prompt will appear asking the player if they would like to Reserve the vehicle to their Squad.
Dev Note: This is just a regular Squad Reservation. It will be possible to Wrench this vehicle after the usual grace period.
Liquid and Resource Transfer Station Stockpiles no longer restrict access when Squad Reserved.
Pipes can now be configured to only accept one type of liquid by the original builder, or by Squad members if the Pipe is Squad Reserved.
Oil Wells and Piped Water Pumps have had their additional recipes removed as they're no longer needed under the Production Order system.
Oil Refinery Water, Oil, and Heavy Oil capacity increased from 1000L to 5000L.
Metalworks Factory Water, Heavy Oil, and Enriched Oil capacity increased from 1000L to 5000L.
Coal Refinery Water capacity increased from 1000L to 5000L.
Fuel Silo capacity increased from 500L to 5000L.
Materials Factory Petrol capacity increased from 1000L to 5000L.
Liquid Transfer Station capacity increased from 400 to 500
Resource Transfer Station capacity increased from 12000 to 15000
Facility Structures Destroy timer increased from various values to a standard 4 weeks.
This excludes Railway Tracks and Provisional Roads.
Multiple Facility Structures are now also Reserved if the Structures share a Foundation island.
The cost of Facility Modifications are refunded in addition to the base Structure cost when the Structure is Demolished.
Materials produced at Facilities can now be packaged into crates at Storage Depots, Seaports, and within Containers.
Enemy vehicles and Structures can now be repaired.
"(Enemy)" is appended to the repair message when repairing something belonging to the enemy.
Dev Note: This was changed to resolve some cases where vehicles could be hard-locked to one Faction and to remove other redundant UI workflows.
The BMS - Ironship now uses updated ship physics.
Assembly time for items inside the BMS - Bluefin's Stockpile have been reduced by ~66%.
Bridges can no longer be destroyed whilst a Large Ship is passing through it.
Large Ships now take damage when parked under Bridges similar to smaller ships.
The grace period for receiving damage is longer on Large Ships.
Sounds produced by Submarines that are submerged can no longer be heard by outside observers.
Aiming with Binoculars or from a Spotter seat now zooms out the camera as the distance from the player increases.
Map Changes
Rocks below Seaports have been removed in all Regions.
Allod's Bight:
An anti-climbing pass was undertaken.
One problematic haystack has been annihilated.
Callum's Cape:
An anti-climbing pass was undertaken.
The Clahstra:
Watchful Nave Relic Base has been converted into a Town.
Storage Depot removed from East Narthex.
Farranac Coast:
Added a road surface to the road between Terra and The Mirror.
King's Cage:
The Bailie Relic Base has been converted into a Town.
Marban Hollow:
Readded Lughbone Dam bridge staircase.
The Moors:
Removed legacy snow VFX.
Nevish Line:
An anti-climbing pass was undertaken.
Added a natural ramp up to the Observation Tower west of Arise.
Tempest Island:
The road leading to The Iris Seaport has been adjusted.
Other Changes
Shipping Containers and Resource Containers can now be reliably interacted with when stacked on-top of each other up to three Containers.
Shippables that are packaged now show their name followed by (Packaged) instead of a generic "Shippable" name in the Context Menu.
For example a packaged Resource Container now shows Resource Container (Packaged).
Colours can now be applied to Liquid Containers and Resource Containers similar to Shipping Containers.
All shippable structures produced at Facilities now have prototype visuals when under construction.
Increased the minimum brightness of the colours of the underwater shroud to make the sonar-detected vessel visuals easier to see.
Legacy Camera Mode has been removed.
Stockpile Category tabs are hidden if a Structure cannot hold anything within a certain Stockpile Category.
The voice chat enabled and disabled message that appears in the chat now mentions what button it is to change the enabled or disabled state.
Spawning at a Safe House now provides 3 seconds of invulnerability like other spawn points.
Inventory changes
Adapter slot moved next to the Primary Equipment slot.
Utility slot moved below the uniform slot.
Large Item slot moved next to the Gas Mask slot.
The Buckhorn CCQ-18 no longer replaces a weapon's name when equipped and instead shows as an icon next to the weapon similar to The Ospreay.
The following UI can now be closed by pressing the Use key (default E)
Upgrade menus for Trenches and Bunkers.
Tutorial signs.
Structure Event Logs (matching existing behaviour with Stockpile Action Logs).
The following UI can now be closed by pressing Esc
Map Post creation prompt.
Disband Regiment prompt.
Squad creation prompt.
Reserve Stockpile naming prompt.
Reserve Stockpile passcode prompt.
Sign post editing prompt.
Rocket Platform code input prompt.
Pressing the Build key (default B) now closes the Build Menu.
Pressing the Map key (default M) now closes the Map Post creation prompt.
The entire world can now be seen when at the minimum zoom level.
Players can no longer lock unoccupied enemy vehicles.
Added control hints when placing a Build Ghost.
Mute has been renamed to Text Mute in the Player Context Menu.
Added inverse kinematics to some hand animations. Hands-on vehicle-mounted weapons and Tripods will now accurately follow the weapon's handles as it moves.
Some visuals of the BMS - Bluefin have been updated.
Added a "Click to continue" button to the Welcome Screen and updated the text to match phrasing used elsewhere.
Improved logic for choosing what mount to enter when there are overlapping vehicles or Structures.
Dev Note: This was most notable when trying to enter a BMS - Aquatipper with a vehicle on-board as it would often cause a failure.
Updated Armoured Car collisions to be more accurate.
The visuals and sounds of the Dry Dock have been updated.
O'Brien Warsmith V.215 roof vent textures have been updated.
Cullen Predator MK. III now has an underside similar to other tanks.
Added a Region Event Log for Demolishing a Structure.
Bug Fixes
Emplacements with barrels extended over some structures are destroyed when said structure is destroyed.
Walking into shallow water with an item equipped in your hands holsters said item.
Drummond Loscann 55c, Mulloy LPC, AB-8 "Acheron", and AB-11 "Doru" based on the BMS - Aquatipper are not moved as the BMS - Aquatipper moves.
Ambient objects around the Seaport disappear when the Seaport is destroyed.
Dying whilst having the Buckhorn CCQ-18 equipped plays the detachment SFX.
Shooting at invulnerable structures adds to Damage Dealt in the Activity Log.
Dying at the moment a handheld liquid source reaches 0 leaves behind an empty container.
Power Station build-site hitbox is excessively large.
Niska Mk. II Blinder's barrel does not animate when fired.
Industrial Area Safe Houses can't be interacted with by vehicles.
Tracked vehicles are unable to climb over Bunkers modified with an Engine Room or Storage Room.
The tracks of vehicles continue to animate when exiting the vehicle whilst in motion over a structure or other vehicle.
Gallagher Outlaw Mk. II hull MG has several animation issues.
Aim Toggle can become unresponsive if pressed whilst the character is performing an action.
Dropping items into a full Dropped Item Container creates a false stack of 0 items.
Fissura gd.I shows a Shrapnel damage icon.
Emplacement Trenches and Foxholes do not reliably kill things within them when destroyed.
Deploying the BMS - Ironship within quick succession causes the doors to look open for the driver when they're actually closed.
Attempting to submit a non-compatible Large Ammo type to a vehicle returns an erroneous error message.
Build Sites in the Rapid Decay Zone are not subject to decay and can be maintained with Maintenance Supplies.
Structures in the Rapid Decay Zone show a supply source despite decay not being prevented.
UV-5c "Odyssey" front vision slits open when driving.
Abisme AT-99 are not visible on some bridges.
Artillery landing on the hull of the BMS - Bluefin impacts the water not the ship.
Grenade aim lines are inaccurate when throwing the grenade below the deck of a Large Ship.
The camera sometimes goes to ground level when a travel attempt succeeds after one failure.
BMS - Bluefin gangway ramp collisions require the player to vault when running up the ramp.
Completing the construction of a Trench or Bunker whilst a Modification is being added to the area the Trench or Bunker is connected to leaves the Modification floating in the air.
Falling whilst based on a moving Large Ship does not impart the velocity of the ship onto the player as they fall.
Players occupying some vehicles absorb incoming shots in specific cases.
Type C - "Charon" rudders turn the wrong direction and much too far.
BMS Overseer Sky-Hauler fails to interact with structures at some valid angles.
Large Ships move rapidly and erratically if passing under a bridge as it's destroyed.
Some overflow respawn points on Relic Bases are too low causing players to become stuck in some cases.
The hatch of the Nakki can be seen through when observed with sonar or from another submerged Nakki.
Players standing on the deck of a Large Ship have a non-functioning option to open nearby bridges.
Conqueror ammo racks have ammo clipping through the top of the rack when full.
The vehicle or structure a player is standing on stops rendering when observing far distances with Binoculars or a Spotter Seat.
Entering the driver's seat of a deployed BMS - Class 2 Mobile Auto-Crane enables movement.
120-68 "Koronides" Field Gun reload animation sets the barrel to be parallel with the ground.
Backpacks and Dropped Item Containers on the ramp of the BMS - Aquatipper are carried with the vehicle despite floating when the ramp is undeployed.
There is a small gap beside the bulkhead doors of the Nakki that can be seen through.
Dropping the anchor whilst the ballasts of the Nakki are changing causes the SFX to play infinitely.
An aim line is provided to ineligible items when a player is mounted inside of a Structure.
Devitt Ironhide Mk. IV has camo on the armour plating of the vehicle at Tier 1.
G40 "Sagittarii" does not animate.
Ragdolls of dead soldiers do not move with the ship they're based on.
Bridge Modifications on Trenches are not obstructed by other Modifications on the Trench.
Field Hospitals do not have snow on them during a Snowstorm.
The player silhouette is not visible when a player has line of sight to another player that is obstructed to the camera inside of a Trench or Bunker.
Field Weapons do not prevent reconstruction of a Bunker Husk.
Retrieval cancelled due to movement failure message appears erroneously when a player tries to move during the period where assembly cancelling cannot be triggered.
Splitting a stack of items into multiple stacks results in reduced encumbrance in some cases.
AFK Players are not kicked from a Region if they are in the respawn screen.
The full space of the Resource Transfer Station is not used by Assembly Materials III, IV, and V.
Vehicles can drive on Catwalks.
The commander of the HC-7 "Ballista" and HC-2 "Scorpion" does not rotate with the vehicle as it moves.
HC-2 "Scorpion" upgrade cost is not the expected 75 Construction Materials.
Large Field Weapons do not look deployed when entering replication range whilst they are deployed.
Large Ships phase through some other ships causing erratic movement.
Blumfield LK205 moves erratically on Structures.
Craters sometimes spawn in Trenches and Bunkers.
SFX playing around a player follows the player when observing through the Spotter Seat of an Observation Bunker.
Players can repair ships if they're stuck in a falling state.
Other players become hidden to the periscope operator of the Nakki when submerged.
Tooltips and prompts refer to Garrisoned Houses as Garrison Houses.
The Nakki does not resurface after being empty of crew for 20 minutes in some cases.
Players get stuck if walking into the side of the AB-8 "Acheron" instead of sliding along it.
Relic Vaults can have Large Items submitted to them with the Submit Large Item button.
Textures are incorrectly set on Assembly Materials III, IV, and V.
Grenades equipped in the tertiary equipment slot are shown in the ammo count of an equipped Grenade Launcher despite not being reloadable.
Type C - "Charon" and 74b-1 Ronan Gunship have a stencil visible when they're destroyed.
The Item Stockpile Category tab becomes visible if the player attempts to submit an item crate to the Dry Dock.
Shipyards add mud to the player during a Rainstorm.
Shipyards kill nearby vehicles when destroyed.
Players with high latency can no longer interact with anything if attempting to perform an action in a Large Ship seat when the anchor is lowered.
Conqueror clips through the sides of the Dry Dock when under construction.
Assembly Materials V look like Assembly Materials II when equipped.
Snowstorms provide concealment inappropriately when the weather is partially in the Region and the observer is beyond the Snowstorm's range.
74b-1 Ronan Gunship lights move when the ship is destroyed.
Several Large Ship MGs are using incorrect SFX.
Players are not always killed when on the deck of the Conqueror, Type C - "Charon", and 74b-1 Ronan Gunship.
74b-1 Ronan Gunship rudder turns the incorrect way.
Players are not prevented from retrieving items from a Stockpile into a Squad Reserved vehicle that they're not a part of.
Cnute Cliffwrest has no inertia animation when moving.
Facility Liquid, Resource, and Material Transfer Stations are missing icons from map intelligence.
Some Large Ships have white gaps along the ship's edge when below deck.
R-5 "Atlas" Hauler rear lights are too high up the vehicle.
Remove Reservation tooltip is missing a full stop.
Refresh Reservation tooltip has an inappropriate double-space.
Weapon restrictions are not applied immediately, allowing a player to continue firing if they hold down the left mouse button.
The MGs on the Aegis Steelbreaker K5A are using the wrong SFX.
Modifications reappear on Bunkers after being removed if said Bunker is upgraded.
Several vehicles do not have tread decals applied to road surfaces.
Several vehicles create tread marks with incorrect widths.
The player's soldier rotation becomes visually locked in a direction if they're revived after a player carrying them disconnects.
The Critically Wounded countdown timer moves jaggedly when carried by another player with a poor connection.
Structures can be built under Gates unexpectedly.
Treads produced by Niska Mk. I Gun Motor Carriage, Niska Mk. II Blinder, and Niska Mk. III Scar Twin are too wide.
Attempting to aim whilst you are below the waterline causes the player to aim at the ocean floor.
Binoculars can be used before they have finished equipping.
Pipes do not connect to Facility Structure Pipe sockets if the socket appears after a Modification is added to said Structure.
Attempting to place a Facility Build Ghost with a Modification Pipe socket, shown in orange, snapped to an existing Pipe causes the placement to fail.
Small Gauge Railway Track (Foundation) does not use rigid spline controls allowing it to be raised and lowered unintentionally.
The platform area of a Train Station Garrisoned House is not visible in the Structure's Build Site.
Drummond 100a has a phoney mount area at the rear of the vehicle.
Seaport Static Cranes cannot interact with the BMS - Bluefin's Stockpile.
Border travelling 'tail-first' with a Train causes Train Cars to flip their orientation but maintain their order.
Offline Characters ("Sleepers") do not obstruct Trenches and Bunkers from being Filled In.
Brasa Shotgun is missing ejected casing after firing.
Vehicles parked on the Large Assembly Station cannot be entered by enemies.
The player's head goes through the shield of the Bane 45 when reloading.
Nakki dive plane animations are incorrect.
The suspension of the R-5 "Atlas" Hauler is clipping through the vehicle's bed.
The Personal and Public option at a Refinery incorrectly shows Personal if the player does not witness their Personal order completing despite functioning as Public.
Interacting with the Personal and Public option in a Refinery prevents the player from pressing return to open the text chat.
Bunker pieces near the Bunker Base cannot be upgraded to have AI in some layouts unexpectedly.
Balfour Rampart 68mm barrel hitbox does not extend to the end of the barrel.
40-45 “Smelter” Heavy Field Gun barrel hitbox extends beyond the end of the barrel.
The Water Bucket can collect water through vehicles and terrain in some cases.
Velocity is imparted on the player when structures transition between states unexpectedly.
Stationary Cranes cannot interact with the BMS - Bluefin if it's too close to the crane.
Exiting the Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest whilst reversing pushes the player into the ground slightly.
Stationary Harvesters have VFX facing the wrong direction.
Bunker AT Gun Garrisons do not return their gun to the center once there are no targets to engage.
The corners of a Bunker Rifle Garrison can obstruct fire of an occupying player.
00MS "Stinger" MG is misaligned when packaged.
Gate (Tier 1) are not obstructed by Trenches when placed over a road.
Pillboxes are able to fire at targets when they're still hidden from said target.
All Ambulance variants have animation issues.
Ladders on several destroyed structures are non-functioning.
Binoculars can be used whilst swimming if they're being used as the player begins swimming.
Vehicles can be upgraded at Assembly Stations whilst a Trailer is hitched.
Some Garrisoned Houses are missing collisions on their roof.
Howitzer Garrison (Tier 3) has some small holes either side of the gun.
A player's active Squad is not displayed when their Role in a Regiment is updated.
BMS - Class 2 Mobile Auto-Crane has no roof under the central winch.
AT Gun Garrison fire rate is not increased by the Pantry, Kitchen, and Wash Station Bunker Modifications.
Callahan-Class Battleship staircases have a collision that stops the player walking up them if the player is too close to the left wall of the stairs.
H-10 "Pelekys" collisions extend too far from the vehicle's rear causing packaging and exiting issues on Landing Ships.
The icon displayed when mounted in an Observation Tower is incorrect.
Titan-Class Battleship's 40mm turrets have an unexpectedly high disable chance.
Field Weapons can fire from inside Bunkers.
Demolished Structures sometimes appear as being destroyed by the enemy in the Region Event Log.
There is a spelling mistake in the Ammunition Factory Rocket Battery Modification tooltip.
Players crash when moving out of a gunner's seat in rare cases.
Titan-Class Battleship has water clipping through the front when its low in the water.
Persciope mount prompt incorrectly refers to the operator as a gunner and notes the wrong location on the Nakki.
Map Bug Fixes
Many Regions have had obstacles in the road moved or removed.
The Brinehold map marker is completely obstructed by the Region name at some zoom levels.
Allod's Bight:
Ground textures flicker along the border with Shackled Chasm.
Ash Fields:
Map image is out-of-date.
Ground in the north-west of Ashtown is considered underwater when placing Tracks.
Callahan's Passage:
Border travelling from Linn of Mercy on land along the west side of the river puts you in the river when reaching Callahan's Passage.
Callum's Cape:
A wall along the north-west side of Callum's Keep is facing the wrong direction.
The Clahstra:
Ground textures flicker along the north-east border with Stlican Shelf.
The Treasury displays to the player in unexpected areas.
Clanshead Valley:
There is a stuck spot along some rocks on the north-west border with Howl County.
Low-detail rock is visible above the waterline.
Colonial Home Region:
120-68 "Koronides" Field Gun is the non Large Field Weapon version.
Drowned Vale:
A ghost character exists west of Esterfal in some rare circumstances.
Endless Shore:
Rocks clip into a road north of Tuatha Watchpost.
Farranac Coast:
The bridge west of Mara is too low causing unreliable passage for boats sailing through it.
A road west of Mara is too high.
Jade Cove canal vines cannot be climbed.
The Fingers
Ground textures flicker along the border with Reaver's Pass
A ladder along a pier at Axehead cannot be fully climbed.
Isawa Engineering Center clips into a nearby Factory on some layers.
Stairs are clipping into the Bulwark west of The Breach.
Howl County:
Dam pillars have no collisions.
A road between Teller Farm and Little Lamb is not displayed on the map correctly.
A ghost character exists by Hallow Town Hall in some rare circumstances.
Loch Mór:
There is a world-hole east of Westmarch.
Grass along the border with Deadlands is visually higher than expected.
Marban Hollow:
Dam pillars have no collisions.
Two segments of the east side of the dam have textures flickering.
There are some floating trees and tree stumps in various locations.
Some objects are floating or don't have collisions along the north-east border with Weathered Expanse.
There are stuck spots around the dam.
The Moors:
Headstone map marker is completely obstructed by the Region name at some zoom levels.
Nevish Line:
Princefal map marker is completely obstructed by the Region name at some zoom levels.
The Shipyards at The Conclave are too close together.
There is a small valid building spot within the walls of Noventus Passage.
There are several stuck spots in rocks.
Reaver's Pass:
There are stuck spots along rocks on the north-most finger.
There is a hard edge along the south-east border.
The Robin's Nest roads are too high for some vehicles to pass under the Bulwark gates.
Speaking Woods:
A ghost character exists by The Filament in some rare circumstances.
Tine Seaport has a ladder obstructed by a nearby Shipyard.
Border travelling from Callum's Cape to west of The Filament causes larger vehicles to be placed under the map in some rare circumstances.
The road between World's End and The Heir's Knife is too high in some spots.
Tempest Island
Canal stairs south of The Iris don't extend into the water.
Umbral Wildwood:
There are some floating trees in various locations.
Goldenroot Ranch map marker has a capital R for 'root'.
Viper Pit:
Several objects have issues along the south-east border with Weathered Expanse.
Ground textures flicker along the south-east border with Weathered Expanse.
The ladders on the bridge east of Fort Viper cannot be climbed.
Some roads can be built over.
Weathered Expanse:
Water VFX appear when artillery explodes in Trenches along the east of the map.
Plants are in the road south of The Weathering Halls.
Two garrisons in the west of The Weathering Halls are too far from a base to be constructed.
The road can be crawled under south of Foxcatcher.
Bannerwatch map marker removed.
There is a stuck spot south of The Gallows along the rocks.
There is terrain zippering near Lord's Mouth Safe House.
A Garrisoned House east of Kingstone is too far from the town to be constructed.