Bug Fixes
Pipeline (Underground) Build Ghosts are obstructed by objects on the surface between the two ends of the Pipeline.
Bug Fixes
Stationary Harvester (Coal) costs Processed Construction Materials inappropriately.
R-1 Hauler and R-5 "Atlas" Hauler cannot be wrenched from the cabin side doors.
Initial Release
New Content
Excavator Modifications have been added to all Stationary Harvesters.
This Modification allows the Stationary Harvesters to continue production of resources at a reduced rate when a Resource Field has run out of Resource Nodes.
New Features
Reservable crates can be used in Mass Production Factory orders when being used from a Shipping Container.
Placing a Shippable at a structure with a Crane and reopening the UI of said structure will continue to display the Crane's associated Shippable.
All Train Car passengers can now see the Train HUD.
Refuelling a vehicle or structure now checks all nearby liquid sources for valid liquids, not just the closest source.
Multiple liquid types can now be refuelled simultaneously in structures that can hold multiple liquids.
Added Reset Passcode button to Reserve Stockpiles.
This button allows the Reserve Stockpile's creator to reset the passcode, revokes access to all other members of the Reserve Stockpile, and hides the Reserve Stockpile if it is publicly visible.
Foundations can now be Squad Reserved.
Alert Logs can now be accessed to see a history of recent Alerts messages.
Balance Changes
Stationary Harvester (Salvage):
Input limit to basic recipe decreased from 300 to 200
Stationary Harvester (Components):
Added tech requirement of Facilities (Tier 2).
All recipe cost changed from Petrol to Heavy Oil.
Stationary Harvester (Coal):
Input limit to basic recipe reduced from 300 to 50
Stationary Harvester (Sulfur):
Moved tech from Facilities (Tier 3) to Facilities (Tier 2).
Cost changed from 20 Steel Construction Materials to 45 Processed Construction Materials.
Fuel Silo:
Armour reduced from T2 to T1 on the structure and its husk.
Health reduced from 1800 to 1200.
Cost changed from 15 Construction Materials to 5 Pipes.
The rate mud encumbrance is gained has been increased slightly.
Gameplay Changes
Players can no longer start production at an Assembly Station if there is no power connected.
Dev Note: This prevents players from accidentally locking themselves out of their own vehicle when using someone else's Facility which may not be supplying power to the Assembly Station.
The Diesel Power Plant and Power Station now stop using resources when the consumption on the network is 0.
Stationary Harvesters now show a failure message when there are no Resource Nodes to be mined at a Resource Field.
Added a note to Stationary Harvester recipe tooltips when the recipe requires Resource Nodes to work.
Production Orders that are paused due to a lack of resources now resume instantly when sufficient resources are provided.
Swapping between recipes now maintains the selected Personal or Public option instead of defaulting to Personal.
Dry Dock Demolish time reduced to 3 hours.
Rare Metals drops are increased when Tech resources are no longer required.
Added an icon for the Emplacement House.
Many projectiles, such as RPGs, now impact water instead of travelling through it.
Border Bases on the attacker's side of the Border no longer protects structures from the Rapid Decay Zone.
Dev Note: Construction around the Border Base that goes into the enemy-controlled Region still allows construction at the Border.
Gates, Fire Pits, Tank Traps, and Barbed Wire can now be built over Provisional Roads.
Bunker Base Tier 1 and Tier 2 can now be flagged for obstructive placement.
Increased the no build area in front of Salvage and Sulfur Resource Mines to prevent Railway Tracks from blocking Resource Containers.
Map Changes
Removed some obstructive props and foliage and replaced a Garrisoned House by the Patridia Seaport.
Moved the Coastal Gun at Ashtown.
Adjusted the Pre-Placed Tracks at Ashtown to move into the town.
Basin Sionnach:
Added an additional path to Cuttail Station Seaport.
Extended Pre-Placed Tracks at Cuttail Station Seaport.
Callum's Cape:
Extended Pre-Placed Tracks at Callum's Keep Seaport.
The Clahstra:
Adjusted some SFX in the west.
Added fences to the Region.
Moved the Pre-Placed Tracks at Baccae Ridge to run along the north side of the road.
Added Pre-Placed Tracks to Light's End Seaport.
Speaking Woods:
Tine Seaport has been adjusted to allow for easier access to the north side of the Seaport with ships.
One Shipyard at Tine has been removed to accomodate the above change.
Removed broken-up ice meshes.
Moved and extended the Pre-Placed Tracks at Therizó Seaport.
Added a ramp to the Shipyard directly east of the Therizó Seaport.
Other Changes
Options Screen:
Categorised binds for easier navigation.
Binds can now be cleared with Delete
Updated text on the binding prompt.
Changed the text displayed in signs when a relevant keybind is unbound from "None" to "Unbound".
Aligned the failure messages for Trench Connectors with other structures, and improved some Trench Connector specific failure messages.
Changed the punctuation of the Large Item pickup message to be grammatically correct for all Large Items.
Removed the Regiment Tag from the player's name section along the top of the F1 menu.
Improved the logic for "hammering", resolving some bugs and edge cases.
Expanded checks for Squad Reservations. Performing an action on a vehicle or structure, such as interacting with the inventory, that was claimed by a now-disbanded Squad will Unreserve said vehicle or structure.
Various asset optimisations.
Added water explosion VFX for Howitzer Garrisons and 300mm weapons.
All Stockpiles will only show categories relevant to said Stockpile, hiding unused categories.
Improved the sizes of the icons of the Squad and Chat UI and reorganised some of the buttons.
Removed or replaced some legacy map assets.
Added a failure message when attempting to move loose items to a full inventory.
Added a failure message when attempting to submit crates to a Stockpile that has reached its total crate limit.
Improved performance on the Map screen.
Adjusted the fuelling point on the BMS - Ironship to have interactions consistent with Large Ships.
Increased the grace period before Ships take damage being underneath a bridge from 30 to 120 seconds.
Added a failure message when attempting to use the wrong Large Material at a Build Site, now showing what Large Material is required for construction.
Updated the Concrete Materials icon, painting in the bag's stripe.
The Transfer Item prompt dropdown now auto-fills Public rather than starting blank.
Added a text chat cooldown when too many messages are sent in quick succession.
Added a note to the tooltips of Armour Uniforms describing their resistances.
Rephrased light kinetic ammunition stacking message in Uniform tooltips.
Improved the visuals for damaged ice.
Bug Fixes
Opacity is not supported on all parts of the player models, causing floating uniforms to appear briefly when players as hidden from sight.
Trench Connectors can produce holes along its walls that players can fall through.
Reduced the chances of other holes being created by Trench Connectors.
Trench Connector Build Ghosts display as valid despite being too long in some cases, producing no failure message.
Camera rotation is stopped when entering or switching between vehicle seats.
The coupling option for Train Cars is not available when there are Train Cars in close parallel proximity.
Dying with a primed grenade causes the aim line to be left floating in the world.
Players can throw grenades out of the rear of the Machine Gun Pillbox.
Placing some spline structures, such as Wall (Tier 1), fails when attempting to be placed from the top of a slope.
Placing a spline structure along the inside curve of another spline structure causes the Build Site placement to fail despite displaying as a valid placement to the builder.
Spline structures can be overlapped to egregious levels.
Small Leaks fail to repair from outside of Large Ships despite the repair progress message appearing.
Some ammo icons obstruct the ammo count displayed to gunners.
When using the Stationary Crane, Items inside of the loose inventory of the Offshore Platform are transferred to the player's inventory when clicked.
Tertiary utility equipment, such as the First Aid Kit, that is being used by the player can be seen through the night shroud.
Bunker Corners can create holes in the terrain when placed on slopes.
Bunker Base Build Sites are not destroyed and turned into a Bunker husk when the Bunker Base's Bunker Island is destroyed.
When a player has Music Volume set to 0%, the Foxhole theme can be heard briefly when the game launches.
Shard descriptions don't have text wrapping, causing some localised Shard descriptions to cut off.
Retrieving items into the inventory of a vehicle after placing it inside of a BMS-Bluefin with a Crane causes the items to go into the player's inventory.
Water from the front room of the Conqueror clips into the middle room.
The order of Train Cars becomes flipped, but Train Cars maintain their orientation, when travelling across a Border with a specific Railway Track setup.
Clicking LMB during the countdown of the Introduction Screen locks LMB inputs until the screen is progressed with Spacebar.
Gallagher Outlaw Mk. II, Gallagher Highwayman Mk. III, and Gallagher Thornfall MK. VI have missing textures behind the treads that can be seen when the vehicles are killed.
The Sulfur icon is not aligned to the center in the Refinery.
The hands of the driver of Motorcycles do not follow the handlebars.
Walking above a Puddle but not on said Puddle applies mud.
A bathtub is clipping through the walls of one of the Garrisoned House models.
The roof tiles change from blue to red on one of the Garrisoned House models.
The A0E-9 Rocket Platform shows an incorrect name in the structure's inventory.
The Crane Railway Track Build Site cannot be interacted with a Hammer in Upgrade Mode.
Artillery Shelter appears before Radio Station inappropriately in the Safe House map tooltip.
Critically Wounded Soldiers do not output Soldier Supplies if all slots of a Hospital are full.
UV-24 "Icarus" RPG model has corrupted textures.
Type C - "Charon" spotter handle moves when the turret moves.
The Inventory column text is missing from the Shipping Container UI.
The Blacksteele is using the wrong engine.
Northern Safe Houses are missing the "X" mount point visuals.
Demolishing a Build Site produces an incomplete Region Event Log entry.
Large Materials are briefly placed at the player's feet when performing some actions.
Aiming around Train Bridges does not put the cursor in the correct place in some cases.
The aim lines for several mounts on several Large Ships are misaligned.
Bunker Hearth (Tier 3) is missing concrete around the Bunker's edge.
Dry Docks do not repair nearly full-health Large Ships.
Dry Dock water visuals do not update correctly during auto-repair.
Petrol Power Plant smoke VFX reaches the peak of the billowing animation instantly.
BMS - Longhook fuelling point is visible below deck when refuelling.
Collisions on the top of one rock type are inaccurate.
The spectator camera spectates friendly players indefinitely under some circumstances.
Trench Connectors remain underground when both its connections are destroyed simultaneously.
The intel gathering area from the Observation Tower disappears at specific zoom levels and positioning of the map.
Encampments can be placed leniently hanging over water.
Conqueror side railings are too low to provide the cover bonus.
Water Pumps and Pipelines can be built under or embedded into the landscape.
Blacksteele does not break ice when sitting low in the water.
The Engineering Center tooltip is out-of-date.
The upgrade interaction point for the Emplacement House is in the corner of the structure.
An additional, long equipping animation occurs when equipping and item in quick succession of transferring the item from the player's backpack to an equipment slot.
Pipe can not have materials submitted to its Build Site.
BMS - Bluefin users are unable to observe the engine status.
Incapacitated players who are revived after being carried by another player become unable to move.
Map Bug Fixes
Home Regions:
Cranes are able to place vehicles into pedestrian only areas.
Vehicle Combat sign instructs the player to place ammo in their inventory, not the vehicle's.
The Bunker Island at the Artillery Range is not invulnerable.
Fisherman's Row:
Some debris is floating on the beaches of Eidolo.
Great March:
Tree stumps do not prevent structure placement.
Town gravel inappropriately allows motorboats to be constructed.
Shackled Chasm:
Fixed stuck spot east of Firstmarch.
Fixed stuck spot east of Long Fast.
Umbral Wildwood:
A ramp at Thunderfoot Shipyard is misaligned.
Longstone Garage clips into the ground.
Town gravel inappropriately allows motorboats to be constructed.