New Content
New Structure: Heavy Gate
A gate that prevents the enemy from accessing an area
New Item: Salvage
Can be salvaged into Building Materials at the Manufacturing Plant
Gameplay Changes
Material Production
Building Materials can only be obtained by salvaging at the Manufacturing Plant
Salvage can be extracted from Salvage nodes (using the Hammer) that exist in the world
Game Balance
Campsite starts with 1 instead of 3 Soldier Supplies
Increased damage of Land Mines (it's no longer possible to Sprint over them unharmed)
Major Bug Fixes
Fixed bug that allows Soldier Supplies to be removed from the Outpost via dropping
Fixed bug that allows players to keep a Truck's inventory UI open after it drives away
Fixed bug that causes passive defense structures to fire at destroyed Vehicles
Other Changes
Added key for hiding the HUD
Known Issues
Truck snaps to a different direction upon entry sometimes