Hello Soldiers,
Every once in a while we make a post like this. It is meant to be a highlight of all the community content you guys put out, but there's just way too much of it! I tried to include as much of it as I could, but alas, this was all I could squeeze in. If you would like your artwork to be featured here, post it in the creative-highlights-submissions channel on our Foxhole Official Discord.
Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Monday, Aug 16, 2020. Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible.

By: Samsaturai
This is a drawing done to commemorate a grand heist conducted by GAS and RAID clans in which they stole a booster rocket from the Wardens during War 58. The rocket in his hand there is the goods they stole.

By: Sandrotsk
Really cool use of colours here.

By: Sarcastic
Buncha sneaky ninjas these CRG guys are. They're what James Bond would be if he was 3 guys in a world war 2 game.

By: Sarcastic
Maybar is pulling the strings.

By: Morrighan
This must have taken forever. It is phenomenal. I have a few questions about that purple-haired person though. I'm assuming that means s/he's the main character in this story.

By: Morrighan
Easily the most lore-centric clan in the game.

By: Buk
What Foxhole would look like if it was a 1980s Ghibli film.
By: Rickery
What Foxhole would look like if it was a 1990s Ghibli film.

By: Santrotsk
It's amazing how well that harvester blends in with the farmland. Like if there wasn't a war going on, this great machine would still be in use... farming.

By: Mummy
The determined, uncertain look of a man about to throw his life away to toss a stickybomb.

By: Pasta
Warden man hoards crate of much needed shirts by sitting on them.

By: Himawanabas
I want that scarf.

By: luiichan

By: Rickery
Yeah we know, we know. Uniforms. You want them. And if we had them, these would be great.

By: Souperior
That mustache is fantastic.

By: Dauntless1942
More uniforms! Also want these. Looks like winter clothing for both.
By: Agent Frost
I'd love to know if these pieces are standard or if you had to special order them or make them. In any case the resemblance is perfect.
By: Panzer4
Panzer4 does a great job arranging these assets.

By: Neptune
This would be the result if James from Team Rocket was a Warden revolutionary.

By: JangofettAlex
By: Presscorps, Miken, Trekker, Mothman & more
There are dozens more excerpts than these. This is just a small sample. The boys and girls over at Presscorps have been compiling nearly-daily reports of the events of the war.
Comics & Funny Stuff

By: luiichan
A good man always hears his lady.

By: Souperior
Accurate response by Superior.

By: luiichan
I consider it a full-time job delivering partisans via motorboat to the enemy shore. No return journey. Glory or death.

By: luiichan
This has happened to me more times than I care to admit.

By: Lisek
There's a video that accompanies this which accurately describes Akiira's displeasure.

By: Sir King Quarantine
Thinly-veiled 22ACR recruitment comic.
By: I Saw A Bear
I Saw A Bear once again coming in hot with a video to cover all of the changes to the game. I don't think we can promote this any harder if we tried.
By: Terran Marine & Credits
This must have taken ages to make. Mad props. I especially like the parts where its clipped foxhole footage. There's a lot of credit to spread around on this one. A lot of players collaborated here. But they are nicely credited at the end of the video.
It didn't work. But I'm glad they tried it. A play to see if the speed could outmatch the limited firing arc of the AT halftrack. Perhaps if there were fewer AT Halftracks...
By: Bob Semple Gaming
It is impossible to know when this fight happened. Battles over the Pits in Deadlands have been raging for many real-life days.
By: Akiira
Here's the video to accompany the comic posted above. WARNING: Strong language.
By: Low Tech Gaming
Want to watch a man just mow down enemies for 30 minutes? We got you covered.
Thanks everyone for stopping by. Remember if your work was not featured here that's not because we didn't like it. We may have not seen it. Do not feel shy about sending it over in DMs on discord. Shoot me a message on discord at KrazyFlyinChicken#0001.
By: Noxbby