Hello Soldiers!
This community highlights will encompass 3 weeks of content beginning on March 20th through to April 10th, due to my being in Toronto/Boston for PAX. Many of the videos we brought into PAX itself, which was a really great way for us to talk to people because we would watch and laugh at your content together, but I must confess, I didn't manage to get through all the videos in their entirety. There were waaay too many! How do you guys keep pumping these out at this rate?? I'll be watching them slowly as the weeks carry on, but slow it down would ya so I can catch up. Much appreciated.
Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Tuesday, April 10, 2018. Anything submitted after this date will be considered for the next post.
Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible. Thanks!

By: Vividly
Vividl'y working on a website with this as the splash page... I don't want to link it though because it's not done. Ask him though! It looks great

By: Smitty
He says this is the first drawing he's completed in a while, but it really shouldn't be. Poke Smitty to make more.

By: Overdose
Mmmm, that sexy warden blue background.

By: Vividly
This is a full 3D render by Vividly. I believe he used one of our in-game assets to make this... but I'm not sure. Super impressive if not. Still really damn good if so.

By: Jack
I need a Colonial one of these please & thanks.
By: Freerk
My god you're a machine!
By: Pizza Colony
This is super cool! A painting! And he's so darned cute.
By: Big Mac Gaming
These are stories from the front for War #3. This was a really cool way to learn up on what has been going on while we were away.
By: SirGraveson
UBGE-chan is disappointed with the Colonial defeat last week.

By: Arkan
82DK-chan to accompany UBGE-chan. Soon we'll have enough to start our own magic girl TV series.

By: Padfoot
Im seeing a pattern developing...

By: Passionate
We strung this one up at the PAX booth. Another gem by Passionate.

By: Passionate
This would go perfectly with our writing contest winner: "Pickers"
By: Freerk
Now for something totally different! Stunning.

By: Acquilius
Some warden-specific background foxhole art!

By: Commander_Engineer
I think if the Colonials had lasguns we'd be having no trouble at this World Conquest.

By: PFCBannon
I would love to see one of these that's like a 5v5

By: Kilowner
I imagine this is what the bullets look like in that movie "Wanted"
Propaganda Posters
By: Freerk
You're a beast. This might as well be the Freerk Highlights this week...

By: Der Kommisar
Glory indeed! The department of Colonial Morale approves.

By: Big Mac Gaming
Join the SCE today. They have the most enormous flags!

By: Vlad the Inhaler
You'll need tanks to do that, good sirs!

By: The Amarikano

By: Akiira
I think this one may have been posted before but forget it. Its cool enough to post it twice.

By: Leo
The updated international UBGE/IBGE emblem!
Funny Stuff
By: Lord of Insanity
Hehehe... I like their little heads popping out of the trench like rabbits in a grassy field. So cute.

By: Leo
This is how I always imagined our PAX booth to look.
By: Psirojohn
Finish the deck, send me the rules, and let's get on Tabletop Simulator.
By: Sunchips
Meme Machine Sunchips is back with some high quality... stuff. Half this stuff is only vicious rumour

By: Minister
The FCL finals should be coming up soon. We. Shall. See.

By: Sethfire
One of these days we're going to organize the dev team into the leanest fighting force this game has ever seen.

By: Commander_Engineer
Disrupting enemy intel is the most important aspect of any strategy game!

By: TurtleAndRabbit
The colonial answer to the warden mech. Silly low tech colonials.

Depiction of War #4 portayed in the classic 18th centure artball style.
By: Morocco
By: Morocco
By: Morocco
By: Morocco
By: I_Saw_A_Bear
By: I_Saw_A_Bear
By: I_Saw_A_Bear
By: I_Saw_A_Bear
By: I_Saw_A_Bear
By: Leo
By: Leo
By: Leo
By: Leo
By: Lightning
By: Lightning
By: Lightning & Sethfire
By: 500 XaTka
By: Walerion
By: Mechnik
By: Kim Jong-Un
By: ATGolden
By: Lag
By: Metal Man
By: Sencala
By: Shift
By: Rosa
By: Sir
By: Sunchips
Alright. Many-a-soul were laid bare here today, but I hope this Community Highlights will serve as a valuable chronicle in the years to come that you were here, not just a part, but a keystone of this magnificent community. You guys are such a treasure. If I could reach through the screen and give you all a hug, there'd be no stopping me. Keep being awesome.
By: 500XaTka