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0.22 Release Notes

Updated: Feb 24, 2019

If you prefer watching a video instead of reading a boring page full of notes, check out I Saw A Bear's update walkthrough video for Update 22.

Server Hotfix

■ Fixed an issue that caused the Armoured Car turret to not rotate

Client Hotfix

■ Fixed issue that caused location names on map to be buried under icons

■ Map tooltips are now explicitly disabled when viewed from the Home Region since this functionality currently does not work

Initial Release

Key Quality of Life Features

■ Logistics Map Tools

○ Hover over map objects to view critical contextual information that's useful for logistics

○ Mines / Factory

• Shows size/capacity of order queue

• Shows Facility progression

○ Refinery

• Shows Facility progression

○ Base / Safe House

• Shows quantities of top 27 stockpiled items

• Shows critical base item quantities: S. Supplies, G. Supplies, Tech Parts

• Shows Facility progression

○ Storage Facility

• Shows quantities of top 27 stockpiled items

○ Vehicle Factory

• Shows what Blueprints are available

■ Stockpile Log

○ Bases now have a log that shows all critical stockpile retrievals/submissions

○ Clicking on a log entry will open up a contextual menu that can allow you to perform various actions on the player associated with each transaction, including commending and/or reporting the player

■ Interaction Context Menu

○ Press 'Shift-E' brings up a menu that lets players select exactly which item/structure they want to interact with (the days of having to pick up multiple items just to keep one are over)

○ Hovering over objects in the context menu will display useful information like ammo count

Gameplay Changes and Features

■ "Capital City" experimental victory condition (World Conquest only)

○ Every region now has exactly 1 victory town that MUST be claimed to win the war

○ Civic Center facility is required to upgrade to Town Halls at victory towns

■ Motorboats can now be built on any region

■ When vehicles are destroyed, a trunk containing the items is dropped (instead of the items themselves being scattered on the ground)

■ Soldier Supplies are now produced in crates and are consumed from a base's stockpile instead of it's inventory

■ Vehicles can now only be wrenched by friendly players 5 minutes after the owner has exited it, reducing the chances of vehicles being stolen by griefing players

■ Farranac Coast, Deadlands, and Endless Shore have been updated with additional beaches and shallows to better support Motorboats

■ Barracks have been removed from the game

■ When cancelling a resource refinement order, the already refined materials are no longer reverted to raw resources and a partial amount is refunded if the player's inventory is full

Game Balance

■ Factory inventory size increased from 25 to 40

■ Ammo Factory inventory size increased from 15 to 25

■ Mine (all) inventory size increased from 15 to 25

■ Garrison Supplies now require a Tech Tree unlock (early)

■ Motorboat cost increased from 40 to 60 Basic Materials

■ Safe Houses no longer take friendly fire

■ Dropped Backpacks are now invincible

■ Upgrade Part encumbrance amount is significantly increased

■ Misc. map changes

Other Changes

■ Map screen images have been updated to show exactly where the border of the region is

■ Global operations - Players can now create world wide operations (example a global operation to help organize supply lines for logistics players)

■ Stockpile sorting - Items that have a quantity of 1 ore more appear at the top of the stockpile

■ Status icon is now shown on the HUD when you are in the bleeding state

■ When hovering over an item in your inventory, the loaded ammo count is displayed

■ All chat channel can now be muted from the chat options window

■ The Vote Kick button has been changed to a Report button

■ All accounts that are under a family share account will now be locked to the same faction

■ Map information widget (that appears on bottom left of screen) has been visually updated

■ Dropped Backpacks are now randomly rotated so they don't visually look repetitive

■ More server optimizations that will help improve stability and increase player count incrementally

■ Home regions designs have been slightly tweaked

■ Weapon restrictions will apply to a player that has past the threshold of allowed friendly fire damage, even if they do not actually destroy a vehicle or structure


■ Statistics like Casualty count are no longer cleared when game servers restart

Bug Fixes

■ FMG and field artillery can easily de-sync between players

■ Aiming with the howitzer is choppy instead of being smooth, making it difficult to target

■ Fast decay areas make it difficult to defend certain critical map

■ Hitting cancel on the refinery when there is more materials than can fit into the slots causes it to disappear

■ Cannot cancel an order of 75mm shells from the advanced ammo factory

■ Standing on items makes players visible within bushes

■ When dismounting a vehicle that is at an angle, the character is stuck leaning back in that angle

■ Unable to select 'Public' in the dropdown while creating orders at a Factory, if player previously unselected all the items

■ Players on motorcycle are sometimes invisible

■ Gunboat explosion animation is way smaller than the actual splash damage

■ Overly dark shadows are rendered in Ultra graphics settings

■ AT Mines are available in Skirmish mode Tech Tree even though they aren't part of the game

■ When spotting for a Rocket the siren at the townhall does not stop after the player dies

■ There is no tooltip shown for interacting with safehouse once inside it

■ "This structure does not take friendly fire" is displayed when firing at invulnerable enemy structures

■ Bunker icon in Tech Tree shows Fortress Wall icon instead

■ Motorboat is able to drive onto the Wooden Planks

■ Scorched structures map icons should appear red from all map interfaces

■ Opening map of a region you're not in allows you to use left mouse button in world

Map Bug Fixes (Rough Form)

■ Garrisoned buildings north of Plaza can't be built

■ Vehicles are not properly leaving offroad tracks on parts of Fisherman's Row

■ Ladder on Gallows Pier doesn't work

■ Safehouse in Iris is in range of the Sclera townhall

■ Climbing a mountain in Endless Shore at f4k7

■ Can get under the water in deadlands f7k8

■ Beaches on Westgate are not marked on map

■ Garrison houses in endless shore are outside the range of any townhall or safehouse

■ You can swim under the destroyed bridge in jade cove, making it impassible when destroyed

■ Safehouse in Iris is in range of the Sclera townhall

■ Active Colonial Pillbox at Warden Portbase in Oarbreaker

■ Traveling from the road at E16 Callahan's often places you off the road when arriving in Deadlands

■ Warden Home Island has caustics rendering on land

■ Traveling from B15k5 in Callahan's Passage to Deadlands, while in a vehicle, causes vehicle to disappear

■ Travel from Endless Shore to Deadlands at K11K9 puts you on a slope that will slide vehicles into the water

■ Section of road near Ogmaran in Mooring County (P2K1) is on the map but has been removed

■ Brackish bridge in endless shore cannot be navigated under with an APC when the bridge is either raised or lowered

■ Trees in the water on Oarbreaker I11k4

■ Odd piece of land poking out of the sea on Oarbreaker M9k5

■ Several border travel issues with Tempest Island

2 則留言


I think these bug fixes were great and logi will lovethe ops and tooltips. great update. it will make future conquests more stable.



RIP barracks, you will be missed... I suppose. anyway, great work, I love these smaller quality of life updates.

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