Our goal is to continue to deliver regular content and features updates on a monthly basis. If you are enjoying these updates, please take the time to write us a review on Steam. Thanks for continuing to support the development of Foxhole.
Due to the big changes in this update, we've also provided an FAQ to help clarify why certain changes have been made. Client Hotfix Released
Fixed rare client crash that occurs under high latency conditions Client Hotfix Released
Assign spawn point button flashes now if you spawn point is not set at the current base Client/Server Hotfix Released
TAB key can be used again to close all inventory screens (not just backpack)
Increased opacity of text chat background so messages are more legible
New tutorial tooltips added to many in-game screens (Factory, Refinery, etc)
Existing help tooltips have been updated
Squad invite dialog button text is no longer cut off
Added some minor improvements to new player experience (directing players where to go when they enter)
Fixed issue that caused player list scroll bar to not disappear
Fixed issue that sometimes caused connection error dialog to not show up after failing to connect
Fixed issue that sometimes caused queue alert to not appear
Fixed another rare in-game client crash
Fixed bug that causes Smoke Grenades to not block visibility Client/Server Hotfix Released
Fixed another rare crash on startup
Fixed issue that caused border travel to break for certain vehicles like CVs
Fixed issue where client would disconnect from Operations after travelling between regions Client Hotfix Released
Fixed crash on start up for some users after updating to 0.17
Fixed issue that causes "Lost Connection to Server. Please try again" under normal network conditions for some users
Fixed issue that causes players to disconnect when they are killed while shooting the Field MG Client Hotfix Released
Rare in-game client crash fixed (not the one that happens on startup/main menu)
Fixed clipping issues with 4:3 resolutions
Map image errors fixed
Travel map queue icon updated
Main menu / options menu background image updated
Other UI style tweaks
0.17 Initial Release
New Content
Storage Facility
A large building used to store crates of weapons and equipment
Acts as a "stockpile" for crates
Upgrade Part
Technology that can be used to build structure Facilities
Refined from Tech Parts
Research Part
Technology that can be used to research new weapons, equipment, and structures
Refined from Tech Parts
Visuals & UI has been redesigned
Now requires Facilities to produce each type of item
Refinery (New):
Visuals & UI has been redesigned
Now requires Facilities to refine each resource type
Fisherman's Row V2:
Map has been expanded and redesigned to be part of Conquest and to support a larger number of players
This is an experimental map used for Foxhole Competition League events
Gameplay Features and Changes
Facilities are upgrade modules that add new functionality to World Structures
Base Facilities:
Small Garrison - Prevents structure decay on surrounding structures when Garrison Supplies exist in the stockpile
Large Garrison - Reduces the cost of Garrison Supplies for preventing structure decay
Factory Facilities:
Small Arms - Enables the production of small arms weapons.
Special - Enables the production of heavy and special weapons.
Utility - Enables the production of tools and equipment.
Medical - Enables the production of medical items.
Supplies - Enables the production of supply items.
Basic Materials - Enables refining Scrap into Basic Materials
Refined Materials - Enables refining Components into Refined Materials
Explosive Materials - Enables refining Sulfur into Explosive Materials
Base mechanics changes
Garrison Size is no longer exists
AI radius is fixed to 80m for Forward Bases and 150m for Town Bases
Small/Large Garrison Facility is now required to upgrade bases to T2/T3
Forward Bases now leave behind a destroyed "husk", which retains built Facilities and can be claimed by the enemy faction
All Town Bases can be upgraded to T3, regardless of whether or not they are at a Victory town
Tech Part changes
Tech Parts can no longer be submitted to the Tech Center directly
Tech Parts are now refined into Research Parts (Tech Tree) and Upgrade Parts (Facilities)
Bad luck protection - Chance for Tech Part drop is now guaranteed over a certain period of time
Pistols & Revolvers have a much shorter time to stability when aim is invoked
Foliage Visibility mechanics changes
Players are now only hidden when they are standing still inside foliage
Previous Medical Lab structures have been converted into Garrisoned buildings
Decay timer resets incrementally with each repair strike, rather than all at once when a structure is fully repaired
Game Balance
Campsite is no longer available
Tunnel Networks are no longer available
Bases now have a fixed large AI radius now, rendering Tunnel Networks obsolete
Outposts are now available in Skirmish mode
AT Rifle damage increased by 50%
Port Bases start with 500 Upgrade Parts in their stockpiles
Upgrade Parts have been added to Supply Drops
Obtaining these during skirmish will be vital in getting a head start in Conquest
Port Base layouts have been redesigned
Forward Bases without Garrison Facilities / Supplies now decay at a very slow rate
Storage Box item capacity reduced from 18 to 15 slots
All Base structure item capacities increased from 12 to 15 slots
Refinery cost is changed from Scrap to Basic Materials
Refinery now requires a CV to build
Tech Parts
Tech Parts now retrieve from stockpiles at a faster rate
Tech Parts are no longer stackable
Tech Part drop rate increased by ~30%
Tech Part drop rate increased by an additional 50% in Skirmish mode
Tech Tree changes
Scrap Mine and Sulfur Mine moved to an earlier location in the Tech Tree
Scrap Mine Research Part requirement decreased from 800 to 400
Sulfur Mine Research Part requirement decreased from 800 to 400
Metal Wall Research Part requirement increased from 250 to 400
Howitzer Research Part requirement increased from 200 to 300
Smoke Grenade Research Part requirement increased from 200 to 300
UI Revamp
The user interface has been revamped across the board for improved efficiency, usability, and immersion
The visuals may take some time to get used to, so please be patient!
Let us know if there is a particular workflow that is slower/more painful than before
Key improvements
Item Categories - Tabs to organize item categories on Production and Stockpile screens
Faster Item Retrieval - The stockpile screen no longer closes when retrieving items
Factory Screen - One screen displays all production information so all orders and queues can be managed in one place.
Items can now be individually removed from an order before submission without the need to cancel the entire order first.
Structure Build Screen - Build menu is now located on the bottom of the screen, leaving more space on screen for placement planning
HUD - HUD elements have been pushed to the corners of the screen, increasing the viewable area for gameplay
Map Changes
Almost every town now has a Factory, Refinery, and Storage Facility
Trench asset has been updated
Port Bases have been redesigned for consistency and game balance
Other Changes
Friends List
Players can now mark players as a friend from any player context menu (ALT-click OR operations list)
Alert is now shown when you spawn into a region where your spawn point was destroyed
Improved robustness of initial server connection code, which reduces the chances of "No Home Regions Found" error
Create operation button is now hidden when the player is already in an operation
Vehicles moving at slow speed can no longer be blocked by enemies
Bug Fixes
Player jittering making it nearly impossible to land a bullet on said player
RPGs being lobbed over long distances using tall environment meshes
When the last friendly town in Mooring County gets destroyed, players spawn in darkness
Water travel to Weathered Expanse causes multiple vehicles to become stuck
Drawbridge build sites don't properly collapse into a Destroyed Drawbridge after a server reboot (resulting in the bridge vanishing completely)
Facing west will cause you to instantly lose accuracy
Player can not edit profile; Sees error 'Could not retrieve profile'
Fixed critical server bug that causes entire regions to be inaccessible during poor network conditions
Stockpile items lost sometimes after a region server reboot
Gate state (open / close) isn't properly restored after a region server reboot
Welcome to Foxhole! message sends after traveling between regions every time
Players able to easily shoot other players that are prone behind sandbags
Gates can be built in places where they intersect with the landscape, prevents them from being closed
If you enter a boat while your character is drowning, you can no longer swim until you die
RPG can't fire over sandbags, hits AT mines on the road instead of flying over
You cause friendly fire if you throw explosives at friendly backpacks on the ground
You are not able to fire an RPG above sandbags while crouching
Travelling from Endless to Umbral sometimes positions vehicles incorrectly (ie; facing east instead of south)
Voice chat is not muted despite Foxhole being put into the background
After border traveling it is possible that your chat channel is set to nothing
Looking through binoculars and closing tank hatch causes crosshair to aim strangely
Players can fire out of Fortress Bunkers without facing proper direction
Metal bridges over trenches cause slow driving speed
Jumping off waterfall in Umbral Wildwood Q8K8 results in you can swimming in the air
Setting spawn at a Regional HQ and rejoining this region (from Home Island) consumes 1 Soldier Supply Works with every regional HQ
Local voice chat is now muted on the death screen
Map bugs
Players spawn in the water or other unplayable areas after a Home Region or Skirmish Lobby rollover
Central road and road just outside of Colonial Portbase Oarbreaker acts as if it's off road
Traveling from Deadlands to Farranac on land can place player in water
Vehicle Factory at Luch's Workshop in Mooring County buried in snow
Townhall in Oarbreakers, the Report, is raised above the ground
The Reaching Trail; Ice Ranch tag far removed from Townhall
Road outside Camp Posterus causes vehicles to slow
Barges are teleporting onto land in Westgate when travelling south from Farranac Coast
Very top right of the Umbral map (around T1) will show player at 0x0 on the map
Floating wall in Umbral Wildwood N7k5
Smoke effect above ground at L11k1 Umbral
Road in Southwest Deadlands / Southeast Farranac don't match up when traveling, goes from road to offroad
Random snow texture at C19 Umbral Wildwood
Snow footprints / vehicle tracks appear in mud/stone landscapes in Deadlands - D10K4
Weathered Expanse P13, most of the beach are cliffs, can't land troopship, drive APC up
If player goes to the northern, or southern border of Great March, the player location icon will be placed at A1k7
Road on map near Morrighan's Grave doesn't exist in world