Bug Fixes
Barbed Wire Build Sites do not take damage despite having materials contributed to it.
Map icons for some pre-placed structures disappear when the structure husk is converted to a Build Site.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that would result in worse frame rates over a longer period of time.
Bug Fixes.
Pipeline Build Sites can be used as ramps.
Tracks are not observed on the map immediately after a server restart.
Fixed client crashes.
Updated localised languages with localisations from update 51 and 52.
Bug Fixes.
Field Bridges make players on top of them invulnerable.
Projectiles detonate on Build Sites with no Materials contributed to them.
Context menus do not scale with resolution.
Ash Fields map image does not have the roads properly drawn.
Weathered Expanse map image has square patches on it.
Fixed server crash.
Fixed client crash.
Bug Fixes.
Some context menu actions are missing.
Context menu does not close when pressing tab.
Context menu closes when commending another player.
Initial Release
New Content.
Diesel Power Plant Coal Power Plant Modification
A generator that burns coal.
BMS - Fabricator
Class: Advanced Construction Vehicle
Faction: Neutral
An advanced variant of the Universal Assembly Rig, the BMS - Fabricator is fitted with a unique kit designed to handle advanced or specialized construction and excavation jobs.
The BMS - Fabricator will have all the functions of the Advanced Construction tech along with filling in a number of structures including Tier 2 Trenches and Tier 2 Bunker Husks, and building any Trench or Bunker that requires Basic Materials or Concrete Materials.
BMS - Tinder Box
Class: Small Liquid Container Car
Faction: Neutral
The Tinderbox is a simple car used for transporting liquids between facilities.
Silverhand Lordscar - Mk. X
Class: Assault Tank
Faction: Wardens
A cut down variation of the Silverhand Assault Tank that sacrifices armour and protection in favour of a high-powered 94.5mm cannon. This open-top weapon platform is uniquely designed to intercept enemy armour before they’re given time to retaliate. Its moniker is a tribute to the maiming of the great king the Silverhand is named for; while his title was stripped, and his pride damage, his rage was never quelled.
Dragon's Teeth
An anti-tank obstacle that prevents vehicle access to an area, and is resistant to most types of damage.
Storage Room (Tier 2)
A Tier 2 version of the existing Tier 3 Storage Room.
Havoc Charge and Havoc Charge Detonator
Faction: Neutral
A high-powered explosive charge that requires an accompanying detonator. The Havoc Charge is highly effective at demolishing large structures. The charge must be detonated via gunshot. The Havoc Charge's true potential is unleashed when executing strategic demolitions at a safe distance.
New Features.
Retrieve Custom (Experimental)
When retrieving items from a stockpile into a stockpile Retrieve Custom is available. With one click you can retrieve a variable amount of items.
Spline structure build ghosts have had their maximum length clamped for ease of use.
Reserve Multiple function for Bunkers now allows for reserving and refreshing reservations to all Trenches and Bunkers in the Trench network to be consistent with Facility Reserve Multiple functionality.
The Reserve Multiple function has also been added to Trenches.
Reserve Multiple now impacts all connected structures, meaning connected Pipelines are also affected now.
Map Legend Changes
Bases, Resources Structures, and Intelligence subcategories now allow you to toggle on and off individual structure types.
These settings are stored between play sessions
Large Tracks, Resource Transfer Stations, Assembly Stations, and Field Modification Centers now appear on the map for allies.
Dev Note: Moderators may remove any structures that violate the code of conduct without warning.
Intelligence icons have had their sizes tweaked.
Entering the driver's seat of a Train displays the current direction of travel. This can be used to visualise where Switches are currently directed.
This setting can be turned off in the Options Menu.
Vehicles that are dumped into the water and the contents of their inventory are restored to nearby Stockpiles under certain conditions.
Dev Note: This is an experimental feature that will be tuned over time to cover the griefing cases while minimizing exploitation
When excessive Vehicle Self Damage is dealt to a friendly vehicle variant players are restricted from driving for 20 minutes.
Vehicle Self Damage has been split into three classes; Neutral vehicles, Colonial vehicles and Warden vehicles.
When a friendly vehicle variant is captured by the enemy a message will appear in chat for your team.
Reserve Stockpiles now have Activity Logs.
Significant structures being destroyed are now logged in the Region Event Log for the faction that lost the structure.
Logged structure categories include:
World Bases.
Super Structures.
Logistics Town Structures.
Significant Facility Structures.
The last driver of a vehicle is displayed in the vehicle storage UI.
Pre-Placed Tracks have new visuals.
A link to the code of conduct has been added to the Support Menu.
Balance Changes.
Alligator Charge
The Alligator Charge is now only produced by Wardens.
Damage is reduced from 1500 to 300.
Explosion radius reduced by 70%.
Deployment time reduced from 5 to 1.5.
Crate quantity increased from 5 to 10.
Basic Materials cost increased from 100 to 150.
High Explosive Materials cost reduced to 80 Explosive Materials.
This weapon has been made the Warden equivalent of the Hydra's Whisper. The old Alligator Charge has been replaced by the Havoc Charge.
All Tank MGs are now standardised to three styles. This follows a standardisation of 7.92mm MGs in Update 48. The three styles are:
Warden light 12.7mm.
Colonial light 12.7mm.
"FMG" style 12.7mm
These three styles can easily be identified by their ammo count and SFX. Overall these changes are minute but MGs should now feel consistent across all vehicles.
Handheld Flamethrowers have had their 'added burning' reduced from 0.2 to 0.075. This means Handheld flamethrowers will take longer to catch structures on fire.
Storm Cannon repair cost reduced from 1600 to 500.
Intelligence Center repair cost reduced from 1200 to 500.
Wall (Tier 3) repair cost reduced from 666 to 75.
Gate (Tier 3) repair cost increased from 30 to 75.
Tier 3 Storage Room repair cost reduced from 200 to 160 to be in line with other Tier 3 Bunker pieces.
Tier 1 Trench Connector excavation and repair cost reduced from 115 to 90. Filling in excavation cost reduced from 112 to 90.
Tier 2 Trench Connector Basic Material and repair cost reduced from 75 to 60.
Fabri Rucksack and Sapper Gear now reduce the weight of Materials produced at Facilities.
Power Station
Coal cost reduced from 60 to 30. Water cost reduced from 25L to 1L.
Power Station Sulfuric Reactor Modification
Coke cost reduced from 60 to 30. Water cost reduced from 25L to 1L.
Coal Refinery and Coke Furnace Modification
Production time increased from 2:00 to 4:30.
Coal Refinery Liquefier Modification
Production time increased from 2:00 to 4:30.
Power cost increased from 4MW to 6MW.
Coal Refinery Advanced Liquefier Modification
Production time increased from 3:00 to 6:45.
Power cost increased from 4MW to 6MW.
Stationary Harvester (Coal)
Petrol cost reduced from 4L to 1L.
Tremola Grenade GPb-1
Crate quantity increased from 15 to 20.
Basic Material cost decreased from 150 to 75.
Explosive Material cost increased from 10 to 50.
Damage increased from 200 to 400.
KLG901-2 Lunaire F Refined Materials cost increased from 5 to 30.
The Ospreay can no longer load the Tremola Grenade GPb-1
O'Brien v.190 Knave
Inventory slots increased from 1 to 25.
Inventory slots can no longer stack.
O-75B "Ares" range increased from 35m to 40m.
Light vehicles are no longer resistant to Demolition damage.
Light vehicles are vehicles such as Trucks, Motorbikes, and Scout Vehicles.
Gameplay Changes.
Changes to Decay Mechanics and Garrison Supplies.
Garrison Supplies have been repurposed into Maintenance Supplies.
Maintenance Supplies are producible at the Factory, Mass Production Factory, and Materials Factory.
Maintenance Supplies are assembled faster from a Materials Factory stockpile.
When decay is prevented by Maintenance Supplies, the structure will also be repaired by 1% at the same time.
The Supply Station has been converted into a Maintenance Tunnel.
This will enable base builders to fine-tune which structures have decay prevented based on:
Structure category (defenses, entrenchments, containers, etc).
The Maintenance Tunnel can be built anywhere without Foundations.
Sub-Region zones will have a reduced cost of Maintenance Supplies when server performance is optimal.
This modifier will go negative and require more Maintenance Supplies as server performance degrades.
This modifier can be seen from the Sub-Region tooltip.
Players will be able to tell which structures are supplied by accessing the upgrade menu on a structure. An arrow will be drawn to the structure that is preventing its decay.
Systems and content like the Supply Station, Bunker Supplies, Base Garrison Upgrades, and Supply Surplus mechanics have been removed or altered to suit new decay mechanics.
Changes to Concrete.
Concrete Materials are now a large item and can be placed on pallets.
Concrete Materials assemble time reduced from 10 to 1.5.
Concrete Mixer UI has been changed to accommodate Concrete Materials as a large item.
Concrete Costs
Concrete Mixer recipe cost increased from 10 components to 20.
Coal Refinery Coal Liquefier Modification Power cost increased from 4MW to 6MW.
Cost on all Trenches and Bunkers, excluding the Storage Room, has been halved.
Cost of Wall (Tier 3) has been reduced from 25 to 15.
Cost of Gate (Tier 3) has been changed from 30 Refined Materials to 15 Concrete Materials.
Cost of Foundations
Concrete Foundation (1x1) cost reduced from 15 to 5.
Concrete Foundation Corner (1x1) cost reduced from 15 to 5.
Concrete Foundation (1x2) cost reduced from 20 to 10.
Concrete Foundation (2x2) cost reduced from 30 to 15.
Players can no longer enter a vehicle that is occupied by an enemy.
Dev Note: There are a lot of trade-offs with this change, but it is ultimately being made to resolve a class of griefing cases. This solution was chosen as other alternatives, such as making AI shoot at vehicles with both factions occupying them, would be less friendly to inexperienced players and would further discourage collaboration.
Emplaced Weapons, Shippables, Tracks, and Train Bridges now have damage models.
The following Trench and Bunker modifications now cost 20 Basic Materials to remove:
Barbed Wire.
Trench Bridge.
Snowstorms will only freeze vehicles at high intensity.
Snowstorms cause players and vehicles to freeze much slower.
Structures resetting (also known as "Tapping") will happen once a structure has completed construction.
Dev Note: This change was made to reduce the frustration around days of upgrade progress being lost to a single "cheap" action.
Fire no longer spreads to faction controlled Bunkers by attaching an on-fire neutral Bunker to a Bunker Island.
Gates automatically close after 10 seconds.
BMS - Scrap Hauler can no longer Dismantle structures.
Construction Vehicles can now be packaged.
Construction Vehicles are destroyed if the transporting vehicle dies with the Construction Vehicle as cargo.
Map Changes.
The Wooden Drawbridge has been retired from all maps.
Allod's Bight
Breath of Cetus, Witch's Last Flight, and Harpy's Perch Drawbridges have been removed.
Callahan's Boot Drawbridge has been replaced by the Train Bridge that was adjacent to the town's Road Bridge.
Coracoid Footpath Drawbridge has been removed and replaced with props.
Drawbridge between Hope's Causeway and Brine Glen has been replaced with a new Train Bridge.
Iron's End Drawbridge has been removed.
Linn of Mercy
Ulster Falls Drawbridge has been removed.
Great March
Jackboot Creek Drawbridge has been removed.
Pollux to Castor Drawbridge has been removed.
Shackled Chasm
The Grave of Erastos Drawbridge has been removed.
Ash Fields: A mountain has been added south of Mount Brimstone.
Basin Sionnach
A mountain has been added north of Sess.
A mountain has been added north of Stoic.
Callum's Cape
Pre-placed Tracks in The Dreg, Callum's Keep have been reworked to be less obstructive to the industrial area.
The valley between the border-Mountains east of Camp Hollow has been widened.
Clanshead: Valley Pre-placed Tracks in The King were adjusted and some props on the south side of the town's Train Bridge were removed for easier connections to be made.
Pre-placed Tracks in Abandoned Ward have been extended for easier access to the Storage Depot.
Road Bridge south-east of The Salt Farms has been relocated out of the Rapid Decay Zone.
Endless Shore
The North Star has been reworked. Mountains and cliffs have been removed and replaced with buildable hills.
East of Liegehearth has had additional Garrison Houses added.
The area around The Old Jack Tar and Battered Landing have had many undulating hills flattened.
Many mountains and cliffs have been revisited to make them less climbable.
Several low-lying areas have been levelled out to reduce false-positive errors regarding water.
Farranac Coast
A mountain on the east side of the Sickle Hill road has been slightly shrunk.
A mountain north of The Winged Walk Bridge has been widened.
Mountains east of the Jade Cove Town Hall have had changes and been widened.
Several low-lying areas have been levelled out to reduce false-positive errors regarding water.
Heartlands: Relocated pre-placed Tracks in Loftmire and added a new Garrison House next to the Tracks.
Howl County
Some props were removed from The Great Warden Dam so Trains passing through don't block all traffic.
The mountain east of Fort Red has been expanded.
Morgen's Crossing: A mountain has been added south-east of Ultimus.
Reaching Trail: A collapsed pillar in Brodytown has been rotated as to not obstruct logistics buildings on some layers.
Red River: A mountain has been added west of Perish.
Shackled Chasm: Train Bridge north west of Reflection has been replaced with a small Train Bridge to better fit the area.
Speaking Woods
A mountain has been added north-west of Mute.
The valley between the border-mountains west of Rell Foothills has been widened.
Stonecradle: The Dais Train Bridge has been better aligned to the partnered Road Bridge and the north side of the bridge has been widened for easier Track placement.
Terminus: Added pre-placed Tracks south of Therizó and south of Cerberus Wake.
Westgate: Pre-placed Tracks in The Gallows have been extended to allow better access to the Storage Depot.
Umbral Wildwood: Pre-placed Tracks were removed west of Thunderfoot and north of Weaver's Trail. These tracks were excessive and blocked defence construction.
Other Changes.
The Rocket Launch Site has been disabled temporarily.
All vehicles produced at a Garage or Assembly Station can now be reserved if they have a Stockpile entry.
Significantly optimised bandwidth of the Regiment and Squad systems. In most cases, bandwidth use has been reduced by over 90%. Logging into the game and travelling between regions now uses much less bandwidth for players.
Structure Event Logs have been added
Structure built.
Upgrade started.
Modification added.
Modification removed.
Power Line connected.
Power Line disconnected.
Fuel transfer initiated.
Flagged structure as disruptive.
Power Switch - on/off status changed.
Assembly Station - build structure/vehicle.
Assembly Station - upgrade vehicle.
Assembly Station - structure/vehicle construction/upgrade complete.
Facility Refineries - selected recipe changed.
Pipeline Valve - adjust flow-rate.
The tool required for construction is now displayed in a structure's tooltip.
All build sites can be placed even if you don't have the appropriate tool equipped.
A tool is still required. You cannot place build sites without a tool equipped.
Excavation cost is now displayed in a structure's tooltip.
Build tool feedback has now been unified when attempting to build something.
Pipeline (Overhead) no longer obstructs construction of some structures beneath it.
A number of Train Cars now have death animations.
Track build sites can now be demolished.
Reloading Tripod and Vehicle weapons can now be heard by players other than the one performing the reload action.
Small flame particles have been added to increase clarity of when a structure is at its lowest on fire state for low settings.
Tripod Factory modification UI has been reorganised to be consistent across factions.
Coal can now be stockpiled in Refineries.
Power Line minimum placement distance has been greatly decreased meaning short Power Lines are more easily placed.
Material Pallet use volume has been increased.
Signposts can now be demolished.
Excavator modification for the Stationary Harvester (Components) has had its tooltip updated.
Utility vehicles, Motorcycles and Field Weapons can now more consistently have multiple vehicles loaded onto a Barge.
Industry base tech is no longer required to construct Shipyards.
Destroyed Train Bridges can no longer be climbed in one direction.
Players will now bounce off of all Pipe build sites, all Catwalk build sites, and Watch Tower build sites.
The Fuel Container has been renamed to the Liquid Container.
Light Vehicle Assembly Station has been renamed to Small Assembly Station.
Large Vehicle Factory has been renamed to Large Assembly Station.
Structures that require Foundations to be constructed now display this requirement in their tooltip.
"Too soon to build" cooldown reduced from 10 to 5.
Provisional Roads now have an interaction menu to allow them to be demolished.
BMS - Aquatipper and BMS - White Whale horn volume has been increased.
Sulfur Mine active SFX volume has been increased.
Crane Railway Tracks have had their Build Site hitboxes improved to easily allow Tracks to be built between them, or for the Crane Railway Tracks to be built over existing Tracks.
Vehicles with multiple damage types have had their damage types removed from their tooltip to reduce clutter.
Border travel Connection Lost message wording has been updated.
Player context menu widget behaviour improvements.
The context menu will always appear to the right of the cursor, unless there is a screen border blocking it.
Players will now have to click off of the context menu to close it instead of it automatically closing when focus on the menu is lost.
Coal Refinery has had some minor visual improvements.
Alligator Charge SFX and VFX have been changed to meet the new explosion size.
When submitting a Player Report, feedback is provided more often with additional details regarding the process and resulting action.
Bug Fixes.
Drummond Loscann 55c skips straight to idle state.
UV-05a "Argonaut" plays a door closing nose on entry despite having no doors.
BMS - Aquatipper plays an idle SFX when there is no driver.
BMS - White Whale plays an idle SFX when there is no driver.
BMS - Ironship never plays an idle SFX.
Huber Exalt 150mm occupants are invulnerable.
Staff Car never plays an idle SFX.
Submitting a BMS - Aquatipper to a reserve stockpile of a Seaport places you in the water.
Storm Cannon collisions are inappropriate when using Bunker Corners.
03MM "Castor" and 00MS "Stinger" headlights do not pitch with the vehicle.
Dunne Leatherback 2a rear armour plate is not correctly affixed to the chassis.
Some tree stump assets have their draw distance set too low.
Observation Bunkers and Engine Rooms have no VFX when destroyed.
Dunne Caravaner 2f and R-15 - "Chariot" headlights do not pitch with the vehicle.
Repurposed Truck engine SFX only has one pitch.
Client log spam reduced.
HH-d "Peltast" has a hollow interior that can be viewed from the commander's hatch.
Catwalks have some issues when attempting to place the blueprint.
Catwalks have some inappropriate collisions.
The death camera briefly shows a map's landscape as it swaps to the spectate camera.
Additional error messages have been added for different ways movement might be blocked for Trains.
Pipes can not be built on foundations overhanging water in some cases.
Battle Tanks cannot climb some expected structures, namely Foundations.
A number of Facility structures and their modifications had damage materials missing in some spots.
Coal Refinery Advanced Coal Liquefier upgrade has a pipe segment missing.
Several tooltips were missing references to Coastal Guns and what the requirements were for building them.
Several structure tooltips inappropriately claimed they could be rotated with the mouse wheel.
Ammo would sometimes be deleted when reloading a different ammo type to the currently loaded ammo type despite there being an space for the ammo to enter the inventory. This mainly impacted grenade launchers.
Dunne Responder 3e headlights and tail lights do not pitch with the vehicle.
Ambulances and buses cannot be be upgraded with veterancy.
Warden trucks have excessive rear collisions when packaged.
A Train car coupling error has a grammatical error.
Ammo Factory tooltip has a typo.
Power Line tooltip has a typo.
BMS - Ironship driver and passenger player names overlap.
Dunne Fuelrunner 2d headlight visual does not appear when there's a driver.
Train Bridges have some z-fighting between textures on the underside.
DAE 3B-2 "Hades' Net" is using the wrong smoke VFX.
T20 “Ixion” Tankette and T14 "Vesta" Tankette commander does not pitch with the vehicle.
T12 "Actaeon" Tankette vehicle collisions extend out excessively from the front and back of the vehicle.
Keep model has no roof allowing artillery to fire out of the building.
Niska-Rycker MK. IX Skycaller is using the wrong engine start-up SFX.
Wheels are floating in the death animation of both Scout Tanks.
King Spire MK-I upper wheels clip through the treads.
Coal Refinery has spots on the roof where snow does not appear during a snowstorm.
Bunker Bases block construction inappropriately in some cases.
Some grenades on The Ospreay can be seen beyond the night time vision radius.
Vehicle reservations sometimes do not expire after a server restart.
Storm Cannons have no reload SFX.
Players can't stand on the back of the Rycker 4/3-F Wasp Nest.
Engine Subsystem oil leak decal is obstructed by some other decals.
Tracks aren't required to be level when crossing one another.
Artillery Craters sometimes spawn lower than the ground. The chances of this bug occurring should be greatly reduced.
Fuel Silos are buildable in a number of inappropriate locations.
Track textures have Z-fighting at some junctions.
Some Track models are missing snow during snowstorms.
Balfour Stockade 75mm can't be transported by a BMS - Aquatipper.
O'Brien Warsmith V.215 does not take damage from several expected sources.
Map Bug Fixes.
All maps have been reviewed for water volume issues. Building around low-lying coastal areas and beaches should be more consistent.
Digging a Trench near a Region Border sometimes resulted in terrain visually filling the Trench.
Allod's Bight: A small hole is present in an otherwise flat landscape at the south west border.
Allod's Bight: Some bridges had gaps around them that players could get stuck in.
Deadlands: Two Garrison Houses north of The Plaza are outside of range of nearby Safe Houses.
Deadlands: Pre-Placed Tracks in The Plaza are too close to a stone wall for some Train Cars to pass.
Endless Shore: Several bridges have spots players can get stuck next to.
Endless Shore: Some roads are not vertically aligned.
Endless Shore: A small terrain hole exists near Saltbrook Channel.
Farranac Coast: Several bridges have spots players can get stuck next to.
Oarbreaker: Several roads are not vertically aligned.
Stonecradle: Buckler Sound has two Garrisons that overlap on some layers.
Tempest Island: A typewriter is floating along the north west coast.
Tempest Island: Some bridges had gaps around them that players could get stuck in.
Weathered Expanse: A Garrison House overlaps the Storage Depot in Wightwalk.
Westgate: There is shallow water along the coast bordering Ash Fields that causes large ships to get stuck.