Release Notes
Bug Fixes
■ Civic Center was showing as 50 Upgrade Parts required when it should be 10
■ Shipping Containers would sometimes show the incorrect number of Squad Storable Crates
Initial Release
IMPORTANT: The following release notes are preliminary and in draft form. Some features/changes will change or be omitted before final release.
New Content
■ New Modular Structure: Bunker Base
○ A Forward Operating Base that's built directly into a Bunker network
○ Provides Infrastructure for nearby connected Bunker and Trench segments
■ New Modular Structure: Bunker Ramp
○ A ramp that enables access to underground Bunkers
■ New Bunker Modifications: Infrastructure Modifications (See Infrastructure System for details)
○ Infrastructure Mods are used to decorate and "tech up" your Bunker Bases
○ Infrastructure Mods can be removed only by the builder of the attached Bunker
○ Garrison Infrastructure Mods
• Bunks
• Lockers
• Dish Wash Station
• Latrine
• Kitchen
• Pantry
○ Command Infrastructure Mods
• Workstation
• Computer Module
• Radio Station
• Chalk Board
• Strategic Map
■ New Structure: Buildable Sign Post
○ Allows players to leave messages behind in the world
○ Sign Posts can be up/down voted, which will increase/decrease their lifespans
○ The distance at which sign post messages appear is configurable in the Options menu
New Features
■ Infrastructure System
○ Bunker Bases have their own mini "tech" progression called Infrastructure that determines what Mods are available for nearby connected Bunker segments
○ There are two types of Infrastructure progressions, Garrison and Command
• Infrastructure progresses at a rate that scales up with the number of nearby, connected Infrastructure Mods (at a diminishing rate)
• E.g. Building Bunks and Lockers will speed up Garrison Infrastructure progression
○ Bunker Upgrades that are unlocked by Infrastructure are shown on Base map tooltips
○ Bunker Upgrades that require Infrastructure no longer depend on the Tech Tree
■ Region Zone Tooltips
○ Hovering over a region in the world map now shows information about that region
○ Facility Efficiency details are shown
■ Revamped Lore System
○ New user interface for displaying Lore that supports better formatting
○ Lore can now include sound and/or additional visuals
○ Lore content has been refreshed in many cases
Experimental Features
■ Squad Storage
○ Enables Squads to securely store Crates/Vehicles at Storage Depots
○ Capacity limited to 50 Crates / 3 Vehicles per Squad Member per Storage Depot
○ Squad Storage contents are transferred back to the public stockpile after ~50h
○ Submitting additional contents to Squad Storage at any time will extend storage time
○ Only Crates/Vehicles marked as Squad Storable can be submitted to Squad Storage
• Newly produced Crates from Personal/Squad Factory orders are Squad Storable
• Newly built Vehicle are Squad Storable
• Crates/Vehicles submitted to a public stockpile are no longer Squad Storable
○ Squad stockpiles are shown in the map tooltip separate from the public stockpile
○ Squad stockpiles can be released to the public stockpile with an action button
Gameplay Changes
■ Bunker Garrisons (AI) no longer require power from Engine Rooms to activate
■ Facility Efficiency Changes
○ Facility Efficiency replenishment points occur 33% more frequently than before
○ Facility Efficiency replenishment points now occur at random instead of fixed times
■ Changes to support Squad Storage feature
○ Refinery orders can now be right clicked to access a context menu with the following:
• Retrieve as Crates - Retrieves all the resources as Crates
• Retrieve as Stacks - Performs the old RMB functionality of retrieving all
○ Material Crates can now be unpacked into item stacks at the Storage Depot
■ Refinery output is limited to a maximum of 10k Basic Materials or 5k for other Materials
■ Bunker Firing Ports can now be built facing an attached Trench
Map Updates
■ Heartlands
○ Bulwark (wall across Heartlands) has been completely redesigned
• Complete visual overhaul
• Players can now take up defensive positions along the wall
Game Balance
■ Storage Depots Crate limit increased from 100 to 1000 per Item type
■ Storage Depot Vehicle limit increased from 10 to 100 per Vehicle type
■ Civic Centers Upgrade Part requirement reduced from 50 to 10
Other Changes
■ Character Animations
○ Characters will now play idle animations on rare occasion
○ Various character animations have been updated/fixed
■ Visual and Sound FX
○ Updated structure destruction FX
○ Updated Howitzer firing SFX
○ Updated Pistol and Rifle SFX
○ Updated Storm Rifle SFX
■ Tier 2 Bunker visuals updated
■ New SFX/VFX are played when building a modification
■ Garrison Supply information on the Base screen has been moved to a new widget at the top
■ When attempting to transfer items from a Squad claimed vehicle, the Squad's name is now shown
■ Structure Build menu is now taller, no longer requiring vertical scrolling to see every structure
Bug Fixes
■ Driving over a Trench with a Landing APC can sometimes kill the passengers
■ Equipping certain items take longer than they should
■ Landscape holes are sometimes not removed during a rollover to Resistance/ Conquest
■ Mines on roads do not always appear to vehicles
■ Engine Rooms/Bunker Garrisons can't be placed too close to one another, even if separated by a Trench Connector
■ Trench Connector husks consume Garrison Supplies when they shouldn't
■ Foxholes firing at players can cause suppression through obstacles like walls
■ Visual damage states are not showing when a structure first enters visual range
■ When aiming inside a Bunker with your back against a wall and shooting out through a door, the aim line can get stuck on the wall
■ Tutorial 'Build' sign directs the player to build on an unbuildable surface
■ Relic Bases and Garrison houses no longer fire at Moderators with Moderator tags on
■ Containers on a Bridge float in the air after the bridge is destroyed
■ Map Bugs:
○ Great March: Structures can't be built in certain areas near the river on the west side
○ Deadlands: Bridge to abandoned ward is slightly raised so Motorcycles cannot cross
○ Farranac Coast, Jade Cove: AT turrets can be built floating over water in some areas
○ Oarbreaker: Forward Bases can't be built south of Skelter Course
○ Marban Hollow: There is a small landscape hole near the river in the north
○ Drowned Vale: wooden bridge causing vehicles to get stuck
○ Tempest Island: Rock inside the shipyard at The Iris