Release Notes
Dead Harvest Event
■ The annual Foxhole Halloween event returns!
■ New features include:
○ 3 Undead classes ○ Cursed Forts (Undead Bases)
○ Centurion Relic Vehicle (aka a Mech) for the living ○ World Conquest metagame
■ For a detailed breakdown on Dead Harvest 2019, check out What is Dead Harvest
■ Watch our Dead Harvest Spotlight video
New Features
■ Shipping Container colour customization
○ Choose from one of seven colours
Gameplay Changes
■ Cranes can now be built near any Town Hall or Fort (like Construction Vehicles) ■ If a player dies and their Home Base is out of Soldier Supplies, they now have an option to spawn at the nearest available Home Base
■ Crude Oil can now be stockpiled at the Refinery
■ Freighter now has a passenger seat
■ XP is now granted when using the Harvester
■ Flatbed Trucks can now be stockpiled at Storage Depots
■ Operation Stockpile no longer restricts access after it becomes active (it only restricts when another Operation is scheduled) ■ Construction Vehicles can now be claimed by the opposite faction again ■ Soldier Supplies can't be retrieved from a Stockpile if there's less than 100 available
■ AT Mines can no longer be placed in the border no build area
■ All existing saved personal spawn points are now cleared when travelling from the Home Region to the World
■ Item Stashes / Item Dropping
○ Items are now placed into a nearby stash when they are dropped, instead of individually being placed on the ground
○ NOTE: This has been done for performance and future content scalability reasons, not for gameplay purposes
■ Any Mortar ammo type can now be fired from an Emplacement House
■ The world will now reset into a minimal layout when Resistance Phase begins
○ NOTE: This is done to temporarily make Foxhole more accessible for new players in between wars and is not intended as a long term solution
Game Balance ■ Landing Ship health is increased by 25%
■ Frontier Base is now buildable with Hammers
Other Changes
■ Structure icons are now rendered on the HUD minimap for vehicle drivers
■ Stockpiles now show all stocked items on the minimap tooltip instead of a limited list
■ Vehicle count for Storage Depots is now shown on the minimap tooltip
■ Tech Parts at Salvage/Component Mines are now shown on the minimap tooltip
■ Players are now notified when their backpack is full while gathering resources
Bug Fixes
■ Unable to click on Deployment points on the Deployment screen after a war rolls over
■ Landing APC ramp can be lowered on water in some cases
■ Resource count in the map tooltip sometimes reads as a negative values after a server restart
■ Strong Materials still appear in Stockpiles even though they have been removed
■ Colonial Home Region Storage Facility tutorial text has a typo
■ Rocket Site, Vehicle Factory, Resource Mines, and Shipyards item drop locations aren't easily accessible
■ Warden Gunboat movement speed is slower than the Colonial Gunboat
■ Warden Gunboat always has damage effects on
■ XP isn't rewarded for performing actions with the Harvester
■ Vehicle icon no longer shows up in the top left corner when driving
■ Border travel is allowed certain places where it shouldn't be between Deadlands and Callahan's Passage
■ Players can get stuck on invisible collisions on the Watch Tower
■ Invincibility timers now work at Forward Bases
■ Vehicle Factory and some Garrison Houses don't have visual effects when they are destroyed
■ Map bugs
○ Players are able to build structures including underwater around Lost Parition in Westgate
○ Cobble road in Shackled Chasm doesn't provide movement speed buffs
○ Landscape flickers on some parts of the border between Drowned Value and Shackled Chasm
○ Aim interface is broken in a specific area in Allod's Bight
○ Players can build in some areas of the shallows in Drowned Vale