Release Notes
Initial Release
New Content
■ Resource Container
○ A large dumpster used to ship a large quantity of raw resources
○ Can be directly submitted to a Refinery's stockpile
○ Contained resources are visible without accessing the UI
■ Operation Stockpile
○ Securely stores crates and vehicles that are to be used for an operation
○ Once an operation start time is defined, equipment can only be added and not retrieved from the Stockpile
○ Players must have 3 other Squad members in the region to schedule an Operation
○ NOTE: This feature is currently unrelated to the Map Operations feature
New Features
■ Map Posts
○ Players can post information on the world map that other players can reply to
○ Posts can be upvoted and downvoted, affecting it's lifespan
○ Map Posts replaces Squad Markers and Map Callouts, which have been removed
Gameplay Changes
■ Resource changes
○ Before a Conquest begins, resource placement can now be re-rolled dynamically if the distribution is deemed too unstable
○ Resource distribution algorithm has been tweaked such that Components and Sulfur are more available in the backline regions, providing more stability to the war
■ Structure Build Sites with no materials in them are now destroyed when rammed by a vehicle ■ Construction Vehicle and Cranes can now be submitted to Storage Depots / Operation Stockpiles
■ Materials can now be converted to a Crate at any Crate Stockpile
○ This change was made purely to still allow Materials to be stored in Shipping Containers after we removed the messy Shipping Container hacks from Update 26
■ The player that locks a Flatbed Truck can now lift Shippables off of it
■ Players are no longer allowed to enter enemy claimed Construction Vehicles
○ This is a short term change to address the low barrier for claiming backline enemy towns
■ Refinery Stockpile is now preserved through destruction
Game Balance
■ Armoured Cars now consume Diesel instead of Petrol
■ Howitzer Shell HE Material cost reduced from 40 to 20
■ Motorcycles inventory capacity increased from 1 to 2
■ Motorcycle fuel consumption rate reduced by 33%
■ Light Tanks
○ Production Part RMat cost from 1000 to 700
○ Reduce 40mm Round - HE Material cost from 100 to 60
○ Reduce 40mm AP Round - HE Material/Refined Material cost from 100 to 60
○ Reduce 40mm HE Round - HE Material cost reduced from 200 to 140
○ Reduce 40mm SH Round - HE Material/Refined Material cost from 20 to 10
○ Petrol consumption has been decreased by 20%
■ Light Tanks and Field Artillery have swapped positions in the Tech Tree
■ RPG base damage reduced by 15%
■ Diesel assembly times have been reduced by 50%
■ Flatbed Trucks offroad and turning speeds have been reduced
■ Shipping Container decay speed reduced by 50% ■ HE Grenades are no longer stackable
■ HE Grenade damage increased by 15%
■ Gun Nest health reduced by 15%
■ Chance to yield Tech Parts from Components reduced by 35%
○ This is roughly equivalent to the rate of yielding tech from Salvage over time ■ Civic Center Upgrade Part requirement increased from 25 to 50
○ NOTE: Due to a server deployment bug, this change will not be in effect in the first war of Update 27
Other Changes
■ Press Spacebar to center the map on the World Map screen
■ World Map is automatically centered when you open it
■ Ladder code has been refactored for increased robustness and less bugs
■ A few extra Observation Towers have been added to the world
Bug Fixes
■ Players can sometimes get stuck on the loading screen in the Home Region when it resets
■ Landing Ship is still referred to as the Cargo Ship in several places
■ Crane Arm material is incorrect after it clips through an obstacle
■ After dying, some players are put into free fly camera mode before returning to Home Region
■ Cannot climb Lughbone Dam Ladders while drawbridge is raised
■ Players are allowed to wildspawn in some maps even if they don't have any viable spawn points in them
■ Players sometimes drown or get stuck when dismounting from a Ladder
■ Cannot border travel with Landing APCs on land because the ramp spawns down
■ Vehicle can desync from a Barge, causing it to float in midair after the Barge pulls away
■ Sometimes enemy Watchtowers within range of friendly ones will provide intel
■ Safehouses with an Artillery Shelter can still be damaged by Satchel Charges placed outside
■ Barges sometimes get stuck when trying to deploy at odd angles at docks
■ Materials can be lost if working on a build site that's collapsed
■ Some vehicles drive slowly over bridges
■ Map Bugs
○ Bridge exists in Umbral Wildwood where trucks get stuck and fall into the river
○ Bridge overlaps a drawbridge ladder in Drowned Vale
○ Map streaming between Heartlands and Westgate not smooth in parts
○ Bridge in Viper Pit causes trucks to get stuck
○ Players can climb through some rocks in Deadlands
○ Traveling from Oarbreaker Isles to Fisherman's Row via water can put you on land
○ Player can fall through the world in a spot in Heartlands
○ A ramp to a Mine in Westgate is too narrow and steep for big vehicle like Flatbed Truck
○ Players will fall through the ground in Weathered Expanse, near the south border
○ Bridge in The Moors is too steep and impassable for slow vehicles
○ It's too easy to get ships stuck on rocks in Godcrofts
○ Small portion of road in Farranac Coast is treated as offroad
○ There are incorrect collisions on a mountain in Endless Shore, creating an 'invisible wall'
○ Bridge in Marban Hollow is too steep to be used by Trucks
○ Area labeled 'Oarbreaker Shipping Lane' leads to Fisherman Row
○ Player can become stuck in some rocks at Shackled Chasm
○ Mine in Tarsal Pathway (Deadlands) can't be used, built, or destroyed