Gameplay Changes
Map significantly expanded with new towns and areas
Player limit raised to 120
Truck impact no longer kills players as easily
Players can no longer enter trucks when encumbered
Soldier Supplies can no longer be removed from Outposts
Manufacturing materials and building now grants XP
Players are prompted with a warning before taking over a truck that was recently used by another player
Game Balance
Outpost limit increased from 5 to 10 per faction
Campsite starts with 3 instead of 5 Soldier Supplies
Soldier Supply cost raised from 3 to 6
Sandbag Wall cost raised from 6 to 10
Land Mine cost decreased from 10 to 8
Watch Tower cost increased from 25 to 35
Health of Sandbag Wall reduced by 30%
Major Bug Fixes
Fixed exploit that allowed players to manufacture materials at a faster than normal rate
Fixed text chat UI so that wrapped lines are now instantly visible
Fixed crashes related to truck usage
Fixed bug that allows users to enter Foxhole when they aren't connected to Steam (Resolves issue of users not seeing any servers)
Fixed bug that causes Rifle sound and visual effects to fire off at random in the world
Other Changes
Added keys for camera rotation
Tweaked vote kicking system
Screen no longer flashes red when player is damaged
Known Issues
Truck snaps to a different direction upon entry sometimes
River crossing north of Waterfoot Gap is not passable (you will be killed if you attemp to walk through)