New Content
New Item: Green Ash Grenade
Fills an area with a deadly gas that damages all players
New Item: Gas Mask
A head slot wearable item that prevents damage from deadly gases
New Buildable Structure: Watchtower
Reports nearby enemy movements to players with Radios equipped
New Item: Radio
Receives enemy movement reports from Watch Towers (visible on map)
Gameplay Changes
New Feature: Salvaging
Item can be salvaged for Building Materials at the Manufacturing Plant
Press 'E' near Manufacturing Plant to activate salvage UI
Dismantling Land Mines grants XP
Parts of the map have been reworked
Range of Mortar is now properly enforced, regardless of where the mouse cursor is
Major Bug Fixes
Aim distance can no longer be extended by moving the mouse cursor outside of the game window
Other Changes
Playable map area is reduced in Practice Mode
Text Chat notification sound can now be turned off in the options menu