Gameplay Changes
Bridges are destructible (and rebuildable)
Soldier Supplies stacks in an Outpost can no longer be split
Players are now visible through build sites
Players are now visible through fences in the world
Small ballistics (Rifles, Pistol, etc) can now be fired through fences
Game Balance
Soldier Supplies cost increased from 6 to 8 Building Materials
Soldier Supplies encumbrance value increased by 400%
Land Mine encumbrance value decreased by 20%
Major Bug Fixes
Fixed bug in the vote kick system (that makes it unintentionally easy to be kicked)
Fixed bug that sometimes causes build sites to be indestructible
Fixed bug that made damage inconsistent on Concrete Wall and Heavy Gate structures
Fixed bug that allows Hammer to be unequipped while a build ghost is active
Fixed bug that causes Truck to end up nose down when going over some bridges
Fixed bug that causes server performance degredation after players use vehicles
Fixed FPS drops that occur when near a Heavy Gate
Other Changes
Left click to honk horn when driving a Truck
Players can no longer switch factions during weekly wars (after playing with one for a short amount of time)
Players can no longer log into the server in quick succession
Team kills and truck transfers are pubically reported to the chat log
Improved SFX attenuation so it's much easier to tell what direction a SFX is coming from
War Correpondent
Discord bot that reports information about weekly wars in real-time
Known Issues
Trees visuals are broken on Low Detail settings