Hello Soldiers,
Okay so lots of reminds here. Firstly, we need your vote (again) for the indieDB game of the year contest. No signups necessary. We're already in the top 100, so we need you to vote *again* to land us as first-place. So vote!
Second up, HelpingHans is doing a stream at the start of the live conquest beginning on Thursday @11AM ET. Don't miss it. You can join his discord here, and catch his stream here.
Thirdly, if you haven't seen the youtube video of our latest rocket announcement, maybe you should.
That's it. Now on to the highlights!
Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Tuesday, Nov 27, 2018. Anything submitted after this date will be considered for the next post.
Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible. Thanks!

By: Freerk
When your industry needs every little bit, you put every little bit to work.
By: Cerberus
Dude, we better be seeing you at PAX West next year. This is incredible.

By: Wysel
For you portuguese-speakers out there, this is an incredible Foxhole guide for beginners! Click here for the guide itself
By: CaptainInArms
This is a repost, but for good reason. The infamous PressCorps is starting up again, this time taking a broader approach and including a few others. Join his discord here to see how you can participate.

By: Terrento
Well it is! Kinda... We're getting there.
By: TurtleAndRabbit
This kind of belongs in Propaganda, but given that it's original art as well... Here's some PCL banners!
By: Starwarss
I need to introduce you to our mutual friends, the [WN] Warden Navy. They might have something to say about this.

By: Hardnailz
The Warden army, better than a sack of potatoes... but not by much.
By: Passionate
Some profile pictures for his compatriots
By: TurtleAndRabbit
Requisition forms. Necessary. The next time you need medical attention in the field, you better have the proper paperwork filed or it'll be a cold day on the floor for you.

By: Neptune
The blue hair tells you this is the main character.
By: Malaran
That's a nice lookin' tank you got there. But you should think about drawing a train.
By: Iriduim
It must be nice having a resident artist to make all your profile pictures for you. Join FTL and get your portrait painted today! Compliments of Iriduim. Just message him. Go ahead. Don't wait to find out if everyone in FTL gets one, or just his closest friends. I'm sure he'll do it for you. Just DM him.
By: Belkan Lord
This is cool. Now I want to see a complete equipment loadout for each class, with percentages of encumbrance.
By: Starwarss
I wanna stand in the back of that truck while its driving down a road in a high-speed chase shooting out the back at some coppers all while listening to the theme song to Dukes of Hazard.

By: Whalesworth
"Everything". Lol. As a casual logi driver, I hate you so much.
By: Kacpo
That awkward moment when you realize this might be the first submission of Foxhole stickmen, ever...

By: Chobonatec
This is, I think, the wax sculpt for the mold that will eventually be cast into a tin mini. Really great work. Interested to see how it turns out. I'll be shocked if you manage to get the detailing to come through.

By: Big Mac Gaming
Not sure what that smoke is supposed to be coming out between his legs, but I'll assume its a plume of super-hot Warden tank exhaust.

By: Adam
Yes, that Adam. Not exactly "Community" material, but we'll let it pass because I want this.
Funny Stuff

By: Hardnailz
Thanks Hardnailz for putting together these memes. I'm going to slap one of these up on announcements later in the week.

By: Insanity
Foxball strikes back!

By: Marin
Nice Paintover! I almost put this in the art section but nope. No cigar. You get relegated to the funny section.

By: MrKebabTiltorFlight
This was an excellently timed piece, given the devstream that we just used to reveal the rocket. Now you really can go to space!

By: Padfoot
This was... well... there was a discussion where this came up. I don't remember it... but I'm glad it happened.

By: Insanity
I... cannot, for the life of me, remember what movie this quote is from. Darnit. Someone's going to remind me on discord the moment they read this and im going to feel really stupid.

By: Liberty Prime
Another rocket! It's like he knew!

By: Cogust
Hey. They're useful alright?! You just... gotta know when to use them.

By: Cobble
This is so dumb it just might work.
War Stories

By: Marenova
Marenova made a mockup wiki article of the battle of Saltygrad... It's too small to read here. So click here to go to the actual post.
By: Colonial Press (rgbman195)
I like the attention to the lore too. This isn't just a retelling, its a godamn masterpiece. Nice job.
>realize other clans hunt your stockpiles
>decide to make fake stockpiles and fill them 100% with hammers
>sit back and wait

By: Smokeage
Do not blame me for poor text image quality. Blame Smokeage.
November 28, 2018
Endless Shore
Organized by the 101st + SOM
Yesterday a large invasion force was sent against the wardens from Umbral Wildwood at an attempt to remove the warden menace from Endless Shore. Armed with about 7 tanks, 2 halftracks, 3 gunboats, and other such support craft members of the 101st, SOM, 27thFRC, 22 ACR, and other random clans and colonial soldiers mounted up for a daring attack. Upon landing on the shore these men pushed up and took the nearby fort. Then through a bloody and unforgiving battle fought the wardens for every inch until reaching the town of Vulpine.
May these men be remembered for their bravery
By: Cedric
I had to add this for this game of thrones-themed video attached to it. So good.
By: I Saw A Bear
Damnit. That visual tree bug was really bugging me. Otherwise an excellent video of the glorious Warden tank legions rolling into Colonial-occupied Heartlands.
By: I Saw A Bear
Damn that's a really tough landing zone. A lot of ways that could have gone bad. Nice arty calls though.
By: Seed
I am annoyed by the severe lack of AT this halftrack column had with it. Annoyed and angry.
By: Seed
Some people collect coins. Other people collect Magic Cards. This guy collects musical medleys in an online war game.
By: Rubber duck
Well?! Are they ready to push?! Why does this video not answer this question!
By: Razzoorr
Come listen in to this podcast, covering all the most recent announcements and adding to it a little warden flavour.
By: MT Gaming
Pretty decent editing. Good choice of music. Terrible choice of faction. Otherwise great!
By: Marenova
Wasn't this the decoy outpost? I believe this was a joke left behind by FFL. They'd filled those boxes with crates of hammers and pistols... unless I'm thinking of another time.
By: Mulon
I LOVE these. And a nice choice of music too. I loved seeing that slow-creep into Macha's. That was fantastic. And when Huskhollow fell, and then you immediately see those defences pop up on the bridge. So good.
By: Smokeage
LOL yes... yes this landing went horribly wrong. No cargoship with landing = bad news bears.
That wraps up another Community Highlight Post. Remember all the things I told you at the start of this thing. There's a lot to keep in your head over the next week. Go back and read them again. I know you've already forgotten. Don't try to hide it.
By: Nekron