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Community Highlights 96

Hello Soldiers,

Welcome to another edition of Community Highlights! This issue features works of various mediums which we're really excited to share with you. I hope you enjoy this edition of Community Highlights as much as I enjoyed putting it together!

Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted from June 25, 2024 to July 29, 2024. Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible.




By: 7.5cmpak40

We like this piece so much, we used it as the title card image of this blog post. Thanks for sharing!


By: Goki65

We really liked how gamer tags were integrated into this piece!


By: Mindofdevon

The PressCorps is a creative collective committed to sharing stories and updates from the war. If you're interested in receiving notifications, you can join their Discord.


By: Lunamoth171

If we weren't fans of tank art already, this would've definitely converted us.


By: Accessories

We love to see process pictures! Also a big fan of the halftone effect in the final image.


By: Pandacyb

The minimal style of this is really refreshing! Thanks for sharing it with us, Pandacyb!


By: Tehawesomestkitteh

The contrast between the cute art style and the brutality of war is really neat. Keep `em coming, Tehawesomestkitteh!


By: Bambamtheeggman

Today I learned about Countryballs. Thanks for making Colonial and Warden versions!


By: Dblund

Another great submission by Dblund!


Eamon O'Rourke found himself stationed in the Deadlands, a desolate region in the far south. Once the proud capital of the Caoivish Empire, the city now lay in ruins, a grim testament to the ferocity of the Colonial invasion. The city, abandoned and devastated, was one of the first regions to fall in the initial assault. Now, it served as a constant reminder of what the Wardens were fighting to reclaim.

Eamon was positioned in a trench just outside the city, nestled in the hills overlooking the shattered skyline. The trench was a crude, hastily dug affair, muddy and cold, but it provided some measure of protection from the enemy’s artillery. The air was thick with the acrid smell of gunpowder and the metallic tang of blood, mingling with the ever-present odor of decay that permeated the Deadlands.

Eamon peered over the edge of the trench, his eyes scanning the ruined city below. The once-grand buildings were now skeletons of their former selves, gutted by fire and artillery. The streets were littered with debris, the occasional flicker of movement revealing Colonial patrols as they moved through the ruins.

The past week had been a harsh introduction to the realities of war. Basic training had been tough, but it hadn't fully prepared Eamon for the relentless strain of life on the front lines. The nights were filled with the constant threat of artillery bombardments and the nerve-wracking silence between skirmishes. Sleep was a rare luxury, and every day brought new challenges and dangers.

Eamon's squad, now seasoned by a week of combat, huddled in the trench with him. They had faced their share of close calls and narrow escapes, forging a bond of camaraderie born of shared hardship. Sergeant Murphy, their grizzled leader, moved along the line, checking on each of his men, offering words of encouragement and advice.

"Keep your head down, O'Rourke," his squad leader said, crouching beside Eamon. "The Collies are always watching. They'll pick you off the moment you show yourself."

Eamon nodded, gripping his rifle tighter. The constant vigilance was exhausting, but necessary. He knew that a moment's lapse in attention could mean death for him or one of his comrades.

As he settled back into the trench, Eamon's thoughts drifted to the stories he had heard about the Deadlands. The city had been a symbol of Caoivish pride, a beacon of their culture and heritage. Now, it was a battlefield, a no man's land caught in the crossfire of a brutal war.

Suddenly, the sharp crack of a rifle shot rang out, followed by the dull thud of bullets hitting the dirt. Eamon instinctively ducked lower, his heart pounding in his chest. The Colonials had spotted them and were taking potshots from the city.

"Return fire!" the squad leader shouted, and the squad sprang into action, their rifles barking in response.

Eamon took a deep breath, steeling himself. He raised his rifle, aimed at a shadowy figure moving among the ruins, and squeezed the trigger. The recoil jolted his shoulder, but he didn't have time to think about it. He quickly chambered another round and took aim again.

The firefight was brief but intense, a chaotic exchange of gunfire that left Eamon's ears ringing and his nerves on edge. When it was over, the Colonials had retreated back into the city, leaving the Wardens to regroup and catch their breath.

The SL clapped Eamon on the shoulder. "Good shooting, O'Rourke. Keep that up, and we'll push these bastards back yet."

Eamon nodded, though he knew the road ahead would be long and difficult. The Deadlands were a harsh and unforgiving place, but he was determined to do his part in reclaiming their lost capital. For his homeland, for Caoiva, he would endure whatever the war demanded of him.

As the sun set over the ruined city, casting long shadows across the battlefield, Eamon settled back into his position in the trench. The night would bring new challenges, but he was ready. He had to be.

By: Valen0101

Foxhole short stories are rare so this was a treat to read!


By NoVanityBran

Rounding out this section of Community Highlights is a painting from NoVanityBran. He claims this is only the sixth painting he's ever done but we call shenanigans - it looks great!



By: 33AD

Never thought we'd see an intersection between the Foxhole and ASMR communities but glad to see (and hear) it!


By: Seed0882

For those uninitiated; Seed0882 builds really good bunker bases.


By: Robertluvsgames

Another informative video from Robertluvsgames, especially for new players or anyone interested in learning which side actually eats babies.

Spoiler: it's neither.


By: Poisonwhitet_shirt

Lots of great battle footage in this video, keep up the great work Poisonwhitet_shirt!


By: 33AD

This is our second video entry from 33AD for this edition of Community Highlights, thanks for all your active contributions to the foxhole-creative channel. This is a great tanking compilation!


We're in awe of the diverse mediums community members use to create Foxhole art. This variety truly enriches the experience for all players, and we're grateful to everyone who has contributed. We look forward to seeing what you come up with next!


Steamed Hams

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