Hello Soldiers,
If you didn't see already, we have a lot of our PAX stuff posted up on the devblog so if you're looking for that, look no further than here.
Now scroll down. Go on then.
Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Monday, Sept 09, 2019. Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible.
Foxhole Competitive League - Season 4
Here are your current list of active streamers:
Present Standings:
Credit Goes To: Akiira, Lord Metal Man, Marenova
To find out more information join the FCL discord.
By: Allester
By: Mummy
The look of a woman who just murdered a bunch of people. Think about it.
By: Terrento
The look of three women about to murder a bunch of people. Think about that.
By: Big Mac Gaming
Ok so apparently this bomber is such an ace that it downed 3 enemy aircraft with that tiny little machine gun on the back. Legend.
By: Mummy
Look deep into its eyes, then say it to yourself, softly, "Don't worry. Mummy's Here."
By: Mulon
Great suggestion, and great visuals to accompany. This is greatly appreciated.
By: Big Mac Gaming
And you thought the bomber was impressive. Gotta ask how this guy shot down four planes without any guns. But really, both of these are really great.
By: Hardnailz
Look at that photo-realistic drawing of a man's crotch. Really amazing.
By: firehole89
What am I looking at.
Funny Stuff
By: Mummy
Next panel is gonna be a training montage I hope.
By: Hadrian
Hahahahahahahaha.... fakenews because no petrol.
By: DarkLeftovers
Darkleftover animated what he perceives is the organizational difference between factions. Hard to argue recently...
By: Shawn
Battletonk footage. I figure as we move into patch 29, you'll start to see a few more of these bad boys pop up. So while they're still super scarce, let's appreciate exactly how much effort went into this little stint and video in simply preparing it.
By: Pie2
I'm super impressed with how those howitzer shells lit up under the canopy of smoke. Especially at night. Looks really.... lit. Get it? Lit.
By: Teto
Many a soldier were slain at this bridge, from these bushes. These bushes are killer.
By: Tin Can
Solid play.
By: Pie2
Less solid of a play. On that man's tombstone shall be written: "An attempt was made."
By: Teto
Kirby Dreamland music is amazing. Except that I had to listen to this for 4 days at PAX since our booth was right beside the Super Soul Bros. My throat still hurts from trying to speak over top of them.
By: Teto
Loxen and Teto go on a merry adventure. An epic to rival Frodo and Sam.
By: Morocco
Pickin on poor PAX Players... what a jerk
By: Teto
Notice how fast the spawn timers are? Eh Wardens? Did you notice??? No reason, just sayin'.
That's it. Go home.
By: Asagirii