Hello Soldiers,
For those of you who are still not aware (what rock are you living under?) the FCL season 4 is starting up soon and you can find out more information about it from the event coordinators.
Alot of this stuff was discussed in extensive detail on the last dev stream so if you haven't seen that yet, you should check it out first, here.
Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Monday, August 5, 2019. Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible.
Mathias Gaming - Newsletter
By: MathiasGaming
This amazing newsletter is printed monthly by Mathias Gaming. It's absolutely fantastic and keeps a complete record of all the happenings in Foxhole. From updates to community updates, you can find it all right here.
By: Janeza
Guaranteed she made that scepter out of a toilet plunger and a broken shard of glass.
By: Mummy
Warden soldier is unimpressed.
By: Asagirii
A goliath is a kind of crawling, remote controlled bomb. That's the joke. He's using a small person as a crawling bomb. You know. In case you missed it.
By: Lingrimm
This is just fantastic work. Loxen's new avatar.
By: Rickery
That one dude has a little pink bonnet hidden behind his back. But you can't see it.
By: Janeza
This is one of your most detailed pieces yet. Reaally solid.
By: Big Mac Gaming
This is Big Mac's depiction of the first battle tank of the war. Not. Ideal.
By: Rickery
First Caovia, THEN THE WORLD!!!
By: Shawn
I can't tell which side I like more. They're both really good. I'm totally split.
.... I dunno leave me alone.
By: Wren
Dead Harvest when?
By: Mummy
Sad Panda
By: AnPanzer
Why stop at two guns?
By: Red Donut
More avatars from Red Donut
By: Bacchus
These are great little drawings depicting new regions that Bacchus wants to add. Believe it or not most of our map designs begin similarly. Just a rough-throw-down of ideas. So this is really cool!
By: Bacchus
He added a buuunch of different roads and regions to this map for the designs he made in the post above. Really nifty.
Propaganda and Funny Stuff
By: Alec the Northumbrian
He didn't make all these icons, he just brought them all together on one page.
By: Eat_pantsu
By: Meth Man
Also yuuup.
By: Commander Rod
The production value of this is insane! There are no words to describe how amazing this is. Excellently written, acted, edited, and executed. Listen to this. It's amazing.
By: I Saw A Bear
Channel the bushwookie. Become the Bushwookie.
By: I Saw A Bear
I see some people are reliving the glory days of Armoured Cars without petrol. I do miss seeing those FMGs though :(
By: HelpingHans
I love that he's being followed by these staff sergeants. Like a bunch of new players just casually playing with one of the best known streamers in Foxhole to kill an armoured car like a pro. No big deal.
By: Red Donut
"This is the best tank I've ever seen" - Random Warden Comrade
By: Skaj
I love the radio backpack idea. Like you can leave your receiver on the ground and broadcast to it. That'd be cool.
By: Skaj
Matt already talked about these on the devstream so I wont get into it here. These are really cool though.
By: Skaj
Need another one of these except instead of battlefield sounds it has a guy goin, "Pew! Pew! pachoo! Gchchchchchc-krakow!
By: Duri89
The most impressive thing about this video is how Duri managed to find enough epic music scores to span the entire video. Like. He must have gone in there and blanketed the whole thing with music. Watch it now before it gets copyright stricken!
By: Mummy
The same Mummy as the one who does the drawings, made this video. Something's wrong with your cursor though, breh. Don't know if you noticed.
By: Morrocan General
LOL. Not really foxhole doe but... fine.
By: Wr3n
Man... bayonet OP. plz nerf.
And last but not least, a cat! IN A HAT.
By: Janeza