Hello Soldiers,
Okay here's a survey from one of our players. Fill it out at your leisure. Every once in a while we get a grass-roots survey pop up and it's just kind of nice to see their results. Because of the nature of anonymous surveys we obviously can't get any actionable information from it, but it's still fun to see the results. So fill it out.
Oh yeah! And community highlights. Apologies for it taking so long to get out. I've been insanely busy. And seemingly, so have you guys. Loads of stuff here. Take a gander.
Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Monday, July 22, 2019. Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible.
Nakazaki's Foxhole Website Redesign
By: Nakazaki
Nakazaki designed a whole new webpage for us. This is already way better than ours. Wix is... well... it's frustrating. But it's quick and easy. One day we're going to need something exactly like this. There'll be bells, whistles, and all kinds of amazing nonsense! ... until then though, keep it up. This is really great.
By: (colouring by) Timberwolf & (image by) Souperior
I really like this image for a few reasons, but mostly related to that guy on the right. I love it. Without words, he tells a story all on his own. The bandaged hands, the funny shirt, undisciplined demeanor. And the guy's arm around his shoulder. I feel like you could write a whole story about these guys. Really well done.

By: Mummy
This is why you wear a helmet.

By: Janeza
Crab Attack!

By: Rustic Sushi
Gas attack! Lots of attacks going on.

By: Terrento
Im imagining this guy posing for the cameraman, who is laying down at this guy's feet looking up. Like, "Give me more sass. MORE! Nice."
By: Mummy

By: Janeza
This is a weird anime universe. I would like to know more.
By: KaboomDoom
Some cool Train concepts. I feel like before we do trains we're going to need to look at references like this to really understand exactly how they built them. I imagine it was quite dangerous... heh.
By: Starwarss
Foxhole dudes in the minecraft universe?

By: Mummy
You have... a dwarf.... and sticky............ Ok. WHY?!

By: Mummy
Like THIS is a more compelling reason to join wardens, no??

By: Mummy
But no. More small wardens. And adorable landmine. Like our war is some kind of after-noon cartoon special to you.

By: Mummy
Oh man I thought that the tin lid was her finger. I get it now.
War Stories
By: Robotspark
More amazing war stories!

By: Geronam
The picture to go with the story is amazing. Even more amazing than that is how incredibly picturesque this picture is. Like, there's no way you captured this exact moment. With the guitar perfectly framed. The man mid-step with his HE grenade. No way.
Propaganda & Funny Stuff

By: Timberwolf
Ok you go from amazing compositional art to this. I don't know how. I don't know why. But I like them both.

By: Skaj

By: Padfoot
Bloody Pirates.
By: I Saw A Bear
I Saw A Bear knew about this update one day before. One day. He had one day to throw this video together. Fuckin' trooper man.
By: I Saw A Bear
Lmao. That moment when he has you trapped, then you ask him to move... and he does.
By: RamZ
By: Deluxe Duck
Hmmm... man those ladders really made bridges prime targets for partisan activity now, huh? That's pretty neato.
By: Sosiska
Some pretty epic moments from Sosiska. I was thrilled to see the fighting on the dam. I haven't seen a proper dam fight yet, so that was pretty cool.
By: Morocco
This won me over because of the throwback to James Bond N64 with the death screen. Holy hell nostalgia.
By: Headhunter444
Hey look! Armoured fighting Tractors.... wow this must have taken a long time for you to upload.
Thanks you all for reading and enjoying this latest installment of the Community Highlights. Remember to fill out a feedback form and leave it with your hostess. Tip your waiters. Take your hats, and get out.
By: Masochistic (Teto)