Hello Soldiers,
What's different? Well, on the Foxhole-related weeb discord, they spent several days collecting, making, and posting this burst of terrible anime material in what i'm now dubbing, 'The stupidest revolt in Foxhole history'.
I need a vacation.
Which is exactly what i'm going to do. I'm going away for 2 weeks, which is why this post is coming a little early. I don't want to hear, or see from any of you until I get back. Don't burn the place down. Make sure the dog's been fed. And if anyone needs anything: F*** YOU I'M GOIN TO MEXXIIICCOOOO.
Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Monday, May 27, 2019.
Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible. Thanks!
By: Janeza
I hate this.
By: Niyochara
This is a commission from an artist on deviant art. Here's a link. She's phenomenal. But I still hate this.
By: Niyochara
By: Morrighan
Look at this! Hate it.
By: Yanafian
This might awaken something in me. Like hatred. Pure unadulterated hatred.
By: Joan Risu
Hate it.
By: Janeza
Really hate this one.
By: Asagari
Hate it.
By: HB (the Dev)
I hate you most of all for encouraigng this.
By: Asagari
And this is how they repay you, HB. Depicted as a hated neutral. If that doesn't build animosity toward this unruly weeb mob you've created, I don't know what will.
By: Bubbadeej
It's like you want me to hate this.
By: Janeza
Hate it.
By: Bubbadeej & Big Mac Gaming
The tank is great. Good job Big Mac Gaming! The people in it are not. You're a terrible person, Bubbadeej.
By: Bubbadeej
Hate it.
By: Sheita
She's got a wrench. Obvious griefer tool. Hate her. Hate it.
By: Bubbadeej
What happened to her shirt?! Hate it.
By: Firehole89
No. Not nice. Hate it.
By: Janeza
1/10 hate it.
By: Janeza
By: Janeza
By: Colt Bolt
And please, everyone, direct your hatred to this gentleman. Find him.
(Real) Artwork
By: Anthony (Dev)
This is from Anthony, one of the more respectable devs on the team.
By: Souperior
This tank I believe was designed by Starwarss and Big Mac Gaming! So that's really damn cool.
By: Starwarss
See! That's wicked cool. Nice job both of you!
By: Big Mac Gaming
I can't tell which one of these came first, but I want to say it was here. The original tank by Big Mac Gaming (correct me if i'm wrong)
By: Souperior
Welp. Shrek's canon now. Thanks Adam.
By: Big Mac Gaming
Good 'ol normal devitt light tank.
By: Souperior
That feeling when you're just minding your own business making community highlights when a bunch of jerks drop a proverbial tonne of anime on your desk on the Saturday before you go on vacation.
By: Big Mac Gaming
I.... I really don't.... know what you're doing here. Are you ok?
By: TurtleAndRabbit
Hehehehehe. More cute little 8-bit characters. I love these guys.
By: Souperior
By: Asagiri
"Warden Guerilla Engineering Clan Mascot ( Not Waifu )" - Asagiri
By: Rickery
Go go Canadian Battle Moose.
By: Morrighan
Sexy tank hunter
By: Mathias Gaming
Another edition of Mathias Gaming's monthly newsletter! Click the image to go to the site, or click here.
By: Rickery
Why that man is holding up the head of his comrade, I'll never know. Typical Warden treachery.
By: Stefan
This is pretty nifty. Just a fictional war report. It'd be cool if this was reflective of an actual war.
By: Psychofr
This is the start of something great! Need more please. Full body. Thanks!
By: I Saw A Bear
I Saw A Bear defends westgate keep against its rightful Colonial owners
By: HelpingHans
Been a while since I've seen one of these videos pop up on our discord! Everyone meet Turbo181.
By: Deluxe Duck
That motorcycle caught fire because you touch yourself at night.
By: Commisar_Jimbo
Its tough to say how much of this you actually edited from the original, but it's pretty damn good!
By: Razzoorr
I love how when the howitzers start firing there's just 10 wardens sitting on sandbags watching it
By: Skaj
Yup. I hate this too. I can't explain why, but I do.
By: Ph'shivau'dt
Omg just kill him. FFS.
By: Red Donut
Funny moments. A lot of them.
By: TheHeadhunter444
This video is entitled 'the siege of abandoned ward' but really its just a handful of guys trying to take out a safehouse for an hour.
By: Spots_05
Watch as this guy slowly loses his mind sitting on a rock waiting for bad guys to come who never come. Why.
By: Deluxe Duck
Deluxe Duck tries to make friends. Spoiler: Deluce Duck fails.
By: I Saw A Bear
Rooftop camping like a biiiiiiiiiiitccchhh!
By: Wren
Yup! Me as well.
By: TheHeadhunter444
And he's Still struggling with that safehouse
By: Beans
I don't know who Alice is. I presume some kind of deity.
By: Beans
Someone should really fix that hole.
This is actually just the worst community highlights ever.
Like in several months we're going to have a bad run of meme-art and people are gonna be like, 'Is this the worst community highlights ever?' and I'm going to reference this post like, 'no man, you remember when the weebs revolted?' And then we're gonna have a laugh like its just nostalgia but really we're dying inside.
By: Asagiri