Hello Soldiers!
For those of you new people who haven't seen this before, this is the community Highlight. Everything you see here was generated by the community in the last two weeks. Take a gander. This week has a bunch of stuff from the FCL, including some map submissions and logos! One of the maps we picked to be the baseline for the current map, see if you can spot it!
Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Tuesday, Oct 2, 2018. Anything submitted after this date will be considered for the next post.
Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible. Thanks!

By: Pikachu
This looks like it could be a post-apocalyptic modern world. Hey, what if.....

By: Freerk
Those early-game water logistics though...

By: Psirojohn
That looks so good it could be a background for an in-game menu...

By: Insanity
That poor ball in the background bit it while having a nap. Poor little guy. If its any consolation, I too hope to go in my sleep while having a nap.

By: Insanity
I imagine Insanity does, in fact, say 'sneak sneak' as he sneaks around his house at night.

By: Jabba the Trump
Was the plan to get stuck on a mountain? Because it was executed flawlessly.

By: Chips
Here we see an artist's rendition of the wardens wrecking colonial face.

By: Sir
Sir's mockup of a profile with clan integration

By: Cmdr Engineer
Dude this looks so sick! FINISH IT.

By: Phobio
The plan here was to develop this to cover his screen during a screen. I gotta say I appreciate all streamers who do this. It helps the rest of the team keep their operations covert.

By: Freerk
But he's only a PFC! You don't want a PFC to be moderator, do you? /slandercampaign.

By: Texas
I like the detail put into the fire. That looks like at least two different colours.

By: bbluurrr
I imagine there's quite a story that goes with this. I better find it in the War Stories...

By: Zoopa Grail
This was a map submitted for consideration in the FCL.

By: Sethfire
This was a map submitted for consideration in the FCL.

By: Zoopa Grail
This was a map submitted for consideration in the FCL.

By: TurtleAndRabbit
This was a map submitted for consideration in the FCL.

By: Sethfire
This was a map submitted for consideration in the FCL.

By: Sethfire
This was a map submitted for consideration in the FCL.

By: Sethfire
This was a map submitted for consideration in the FCL.

By: Kim Jong-un
This was a map submitted for consideration in the FCL.

By: Icanari
This was a map submitted for consideration in the FCL.

By: Icanari
This was a map submitted for consideration in the FCL.

By: Vince
Don't you just love how it seems everyone in stories can learn to use a sword in like a week? nevermind--FOR NARNIAAAAA!!

By: Padfoot
I appreciate this so much...

By: Lizardscript
Can we make Green Beans stick? Darned Colonial green beans...

By: Nekron
When i first saw this I thought those guys were dead and this was very nsfw... but nope. We good.

By: Lercas
That way! They're that way!

By: Rgbman195
Nah. But really.. Naah.

By: Danny
Dude brought a sword to a gun fight.

By: Cedric
What if all I got is my good looks?

By: Kanex
The CAW emblem (Not FCL)

By: TurtleAndRabbit
Official "LEGION" logo for the FCL

By: ZoopaGrail
Official "Residents of Valhalla" logo for the FCL

By: Valentain
Official "Russian Unity" logo for the FCL

By: Arkan
Official "Syosetsuka" logo for the FCL

By: Bitter Vets
Official "Bitter Vets" logo for the FCL

By: Akiira
Official "Frenchies United" logo for the FCL.

By: AhergaoFace
Official "Faster Than Lag" logo for the FCL

By: Chip Saunders
Official "2nd Rangers Battalion logo for the FCL.
Funny Stuff

By: Insanity
Well that's bleak... and not at all what a sickle is used for!

By: Insanity
If you squint real hard, you can almost tell there's writing there.

By: A.Soldier
Yes. Yes they're coming. Keep your pants on.... one day.

By: Cedric
I hate that because you know they're just trying to get close enough to press Q and get in, but they don't realize your truck is locked....
War Stories
By: Rgbman195
World Conquest #14
This is incredible! Not incredible that you won. That sucks. Colonials suck. Incredible quality though. Top shelf.
The Final Defence of Callahan's and the Warden Empire... AKA Not One Step Back 2 Electric Boogaloo
So first it began like a normal operation with 82DK Defending Overlook hill... so the officers there asked me to grab rifle ammo and I did do a few ammo runs until the officers had a meeting... I joined the battle there to realize that the situation wasn't good, I wondered aimlessly until I found a flanking route, I died and came back with a guy called MeisterSid, We went on to destroy a enemy CV and almost got away with ALL of its bmats but we were gunned down. We tried a few more times but failed, Then he left and it was just @[82DK-A] Blackymeowmeow , @[82DK-CP] Cogust and me... we tried to fight on but we couldn't when they brought in a half-track, so evacuated as much as we could to Seath Passing but the enemy got there before us... we went back to Solas Gateway but the colonials sent a small group of elite men first and we almost lost Solas Gorge, eventually they went north to stop supply from entering Solas but me, Blacky and Cogust got there and called for help... non came. We found 2 howis in the city and used em to destroy an incoming enemy convoy which included a tank and a..... jeep, I used that jeep to do supply runs to Solas and more men started to come.
First 82DK then others and even a tank!. we set up a defensive wall around the city and fought off countless attacks with ALOT of help... later @[82DK] RIP/ID. Arendan, @[82DK-CP] Erelas, @[82DK-✠] Stranger Days and @[82DK-CP] Numerion helped. Then we ran out of howi shells and lost a good asset but by this time we had 2 tanks and more then 30 Infantry and we attacked... Me, Terento and Mictwisted in one and with another with 2 members. We pushed back until the enemy attacked us with 10 tanks. We pulled back, my tank being disabled then destroyed and the other tank retreating... Our men got as many RPGs as we could and fought with the hearts of heroes, the collies lost 6-7 tanks but we lost the TH due to lack of shirts. We retreated and kept fighting. The war was over and we would always remember the battle of Solas Gorge, where we fought off the colonial hordes.
By: MrDrake
World Conquest #14
Here's some perspective so that we know we're not just reading colonial propaganda. Always check the sources!

By: Rgbman195
World Conquest #15
I wonder what will happen if we really do send a message with a story to Rgbman195....
Come out ye Green and Tans Lyrics: Aiedan Croves Music: Unknown Time: After Boreal War
I was born on a Deadlands fields where the Collie foots did beat, And those loving Greenie feet they tramped all over us, And each and every night when me father came home tight He'd invite the neighbors outside with this chorus:
Come out ye Green and Tans, come out and fight me like a man, Show your wife how you won medals down in Farranac, Tell them how the WNA made you run like hell away From the green and lovely lanes of Caovia.
Come tell us how you slew them poor Hohentores two by two, Like the Demiourgians they had spears and muskets and powder, How you bravely faced each one with your 16-pounder gun, And you frightened them poor peasants to their marrow.
Come out ye Green and Tans, come out and fight me like a man, Show your wife how you won medals down in Farranac, Tell them how the WNA made you run like hell away From the green and lovely lanes of Caovia.
Come let us hear you tell how you slandered great Sibnell, When you thought him well and truly persecuted, Where are the sneers and jeers that you bravely let us hear When our heroes of Revolt were executed?
Come out ye Green and Tans, come out and fight me like a man, Show your wife how you won medals down in Farranac, Tell them how the WNA made you run like hell away From the green and lovely lanes of Caovia.
Well the day is coming fast and the time is here at last, When each yeoman will be cut aside before us, And if there be a need, sure me kids would sing, "Godspeed, " With a verse or two of this fine chorus:
Come out ye Green and Tans, come out and fight me like a man, Show your wife how you won medals down in Farranac, Tell them how the WNA made you run like hell away From the green and lovely lanes of Caovia.
By: AnPanzer
I wish I knew what song I was singing...
By: I Saw A Bear
As always! Another update video form I Saw A Bear
By: I Saw A Bear
Watch as Bear and a hearty crew o troops makes a landing on the rocky shores of Weathered Expanse
By: I Saw A Bear
Watch out for Sand People on the turnpike!
By: Quiet Rage
I see shadow dancing is alive and well... darnit.
By: Xarub
I love me some gas attacks... There's something super scenic about it. I mean sure he fired some howitzer shots but the gas grenades.... so good.
By: AhegaoFace
I laughed way harder at this than I should have
By: Dimmmka
The music choice for this is perfect...
By: Squid gloves
Some really great combat footage. No frills or gimmicks. Just straight combat footage. If a new player was going to look at a youtube video to see what Foxhole looks like, this wouldn't be far off.
By: Spscarface
Mission Failed. We'll get em next time.
Really love all the stuff this week. The theme of logistics and UI feedback was constant, but stay with it. We're going to keep testing it for a little while longer and when we're ready to start making changes to it, we'll gather your feedback (again on the discord, so if you aren't there you should be). Until next time!
By: Hazacoatl