Hello Soldiers!
It's a pretty short Community Highlight this week, but where it lacks quantity it makes up for in substance. A lot of really great written stuff made it in this week from the War #11 War Stories. And since I had the space, I filled it up with a bunch of screenshots showing off some of the upcoming stuff from devbranch so I figured it was worth including. Plus a lot of it was really well framed. That kind of counts as art, right?
Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Tuesday, Aug 7, 2018. Anything submitted after this date will be considered for the next post.
Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible. Thanks!
By: Lercas
It's been a while since we've seen something from Lercas, but this is a huge step up. Incredible improvement!
By: Turtle and Rabbit
Fantastic manstache. Truly a noble Callaman.
By: Jabba The Trump
All these wardens, it's no wonder the Colonials are losing the War#12. You're being overwhelemed even in the Community Highlights!
By: Bogdan
One more plug for Bogdan's Artstation.
By: MegaMikey
Give them the D. 90 Halberd.
By: BigMasterLance
I think this was done in Roblox(?). Virtual Lego, with friends!
By: Cmdr. Engi
Officer McRandom, reporting! This guy is coming along nicely! I like the basing. Looks like Upper Heartlands.
By: Insanity
Excuse me, I'll need you to turn down the gore on this one. That high fidelity bloody wound doe...
Funny Stuff & Propoganda
By: Fiddler
The Colours are spot on too... 10/10 meme.
By: Neptune
This looks like it could be the front cover for a steamy fan fic.
By: Communists.jpg
If you flip through them really fast it looks like he's moving...
By: Insanity
But why does the Colonial Engineeris Corp have two guys manning a gun? Darnit Insanity. Get it together!
By: Zaether
News coverage of the final moments of War #11.
By: Cpt Parker
Donate to the Green Cross today and get yourself a free frogurt!
By: Pikachu
Hehe, looks like Kirby from Smash Bros when he does that swift down attack...
War #11 Stories & Screenshots
Created by: Lt Hingle McCringleberry Date/Time (Eastern Time): WC 11 Day who knows anymore Location (in-game): Endless shore
There I was alone in the darkness scouting the Southern flank of the Enemies defenses to Brackish Point. As I approach with my shotgun primed I notice a Warden Armoured Car approaching with 2 infantry in support. I take refuge in the shelter of the near by cliff hoping not be spotted, but its not use. I charge madly at the enemy Armoured Car. I reach the relative safety of the the side of the Armoured car as the drive frantically tries to run me down like an frightened squirrel crossing the road. I manage to circle the vehicle and staying just ahead of the pivoting guns. I manage to land a blast from my shotgun on one of the supporting infantry, a Cpl I believe. I release the Warden LCpl's in the Armoured Car failed to lock the gas cap to their vehicle. I frantically work to remove the cap to spill the fuel and stop the Armoured Car. SUCESS!!! i remove the fuel! my Joy turned to dread as the second support soldier fires an RPG past my head. It misses however the Armoured Cars gunner makes no mistake this time. Ending my Triumph. I quickly Reincarnate my self and run as if possessed by a Gazelle to reach where my life was ended, hoping that my efforts where not in Vein! "Oh S%$t, its a warden!" i gasp with only my pistol in hand. I quickly dispatch the young foolish warden trooper who to my surprise was over laden with 3 SATCHEL CHARGES!!!! it was a gift from some higher power. I grab a charge and continue on my quest. There it is I see it, the Armoured car is still there. Did they not search my body for the Fuel??? I equip the Satchel Charge, and frantically try to flank as the Guns try to train on me. I make it to the front and start to deploy the charge..... the second feel like hours as i see a warden soldier coming to end my life a second time! BUT HA EXCESIOR its to late the charge has been planted. as i dash away i see the explosion and armoured car turned in to a molten heap of trash. The explosion kills the soldier coming to end my life. At then of this exchange..... I look my self over, i am unharmed. I return to base triumphant, but so sad I did not catch this on video!!!
By: Hingle McCringleberry
I call bullshit on this story. Nobody makes satchel charges.
>Be me
>New guy, just bought game
>Decide to join Wardens
>Log into Memebreaker
>Wander around a bit
>Outside there is a Sulfur mine
>I learn you can hit stuff to collect resources
>Help the guy collect sulfur
>Had 2 nearly full chests of raw sulfur
>Guy leaves, gives me sledgehammer, doesn't take Sulfur
>Mfw I spent my first hour of the game just collecting sulfur.
By: A Talking Cucumber
I was put in a truck, heading to Loftmire, on the road we were told of high command's desire. My squad leader's name was vaguely Flemish, he said to us -'We are attacking the Blemish!'
The artillery officer wanted protection for his guns, the Dutch man and his squad advanced with short runs. The Collies had mortars and shelled us, it hurts! We were lacking in medkits and were soon out of shirts.
The Warden infantry fought their way up to the wall, the artillery failed to kill the Blemish town hall. Dead bodies in piles were getting stacked, the Collies suddenly counterattacked.
Our infantry were hit by mortars and ACs, a lot of Warden blood began watering the daisies. Shouting out targets and ranges on our Discord, the artillerymen began to engage the advancing horde.
With a huge pile of shells, one thousand and one, our artillery came to life and then the Collies were gone. After the barrage, the Collies were bleating, how can they hit us so hard? Surely they are cheating?
By: Cogust
Actual poetry.
Went to help platoon of newbs with taking Lord's mouth in Westgate. I held the frontline to keep the enemy at bay while the newb SSgt organized his "combat engineers" as he called them. Wasn't going to start a semantics war over something so petty but unless you're under fire, "combat engineer" is pushing it. But whatever. Wardens fall back and die down. Not regroup. Just die down. I was able to tell the difference right away. SSgt Newbert couldn't. Rushed his men in a flurry to get defenses up. I let them have their way. I went out to scout the town. SSgt Newbert barked at me like he were my superior, "Officer Cadet! Where are you going!?" I calmly explained (should have chewed his ass out) that I was going to scout the town, and made a point from my explanation that I'd be alright going alone. He argued that they just scouted it not ten minutes ago. And they know everything they need to know. My IRL peeled his headphones off with one hand and sunk his face into the other. Then settled in once more. "I'll be alright, you just keep building." Then SSgt Newbert replied to his superior, "Well don't go out too far alright?" Upon reaching the outskirts of Lord's Mouth I had finally "chilled" enough to remember my experience and STFU inside my own head about this or that. I took a nice easy lap around the town, backtracking many times to avoid defenses. Suddenly I came across the token "I DID GUD!" slap-happy makings of a poor defense point in a critical area on the South-western side of the town. The defenses were inactive. I knew that this was where we should push in. And fast. I hastily, but carefully returned to my inferior with what I had discovered. SSgt Newbert paid his superior little attention and started mounting his attack to drive his men straight down the road into the heavily defended Warden South side. I went AWOL. I never heard from them again. My IRL had muted them all.
by: CabooseKiller
Well we appreciate you trying to help the newbies out, but you can't win all the time!
War #11 Closing Screenshots
By: Akiira
When a screenshot tells the whole story.
The Mountain Brigade
Julius was tired. Tired, cold, and hungry. Those were the only three things that really mattered to him at the moment. Surrounded by a few dozen men, he was one of the lucky ones to have made it this far. First Deadlands, now Callahan’s Passage. He could still hear the faint sounds of fighting down below, Colonial battalions engaging the defending Wardens. As one of only a handful of soldiers considered qualified, Julius had the good fortune of being assigned to the mountaineering brigade, although others had quickly come to call it by other names, mostly due to the high casualty rate. This was not the first mountain they had climbed, and this was not the first time they had lost men during the ascent. Worst of all were the Warden marksmen that had been picking them off as they climbed the steep mountainsides. He grumbled. They’d only get a momentary rest before the assault would begin in earnest. The Wardens had been shelling Colonial positions for days, while almost impervious to counter fire. Wiping the snow off his submachinegun, he checked the bolt again. The blasted things weren’t made for this climate and had a tendency to jam at these temperatures. He had lost count how many recruits had been killed when their weapons seized up in close quarters. That was all these mountains were, close quarters. The Wardens had built trenches and blown tunnels wherever they could. They had the upper hand, and everyone knew it. Even still, they had been tasked with clearing them out and silencing those guns. Oh what he wouldn’t give for a flamethrower up here.
The howling winds and biting cold had to be their worst enemies. They were used to warmer climates, and despite the winter clothes they’d been given, they were still ill-prepared. His superior barked, barely audible over the winds. It was all Julius needed to hear to know the time had come. He was almost glad. Any longer, and his ass would have frozen to the rock he had cleared of snow and had been sitting on. Others weren’t so lucky, and had simply opted to lie down in the snow. A decision that, while seemingly great, had a chance of becoming permanent. They still had a way to go, and hypothermia was only the second greatest threat. The greatest threat was as always, incoming fire. Be it bullets from the Wardens, or shells from their own artillery, failing to hit their mark and raining down on them instead. Julius had learned early on that friendly fire, wasn’t. This time, however, they would have to clear them out without the support of heavy guns. The guns they had, had been knocked out in an artillery duel just the day before. These Warden guns now posed a serious threat to the armored columns that were said to come from the south soon. Reinforcements that the men down below sorely needed. They once again started ascending, though now it was less of a climb and more of a hike. Even with the snow, he knew there would be parts where they’d be exposed. Julius knew the Wardens knew, he also knew they’d milk that opportunity for all it was worth. But this time, this time he had a plan. Through a few clever barters, Julius had secured himself a few smoke grenades, ones that not even his superior knew of. Being the most experienced soldier, he’d get put on point every single time. A position he intended to use to full extent. Coming up on the first open stretch, he halted and peeked. Barely a hundred meters away was a protected trench, almost invisible in the snow and bristling with Warden rifles. Throwing the first of his smoke grenades between the rocks, he waited for a few seconds before running forward and yelling for everyone to make for the second rock formation. The Wardens were not about to let such a thing slide and opened fire through the smoke. Caught between a mountainside and a wall of rifle fire, Julius did the only thing he could. He dodged both slippery rocks and bullets to the best of his abilities, landing him on the other side, waiting for the rest. Even though the smoke had been extremely effective, by the time all had made it across, it was clear they had lost several men. Men who had been unfortunate and were now lying face down in the snow, slowly coloring it red. Up here, no one really had the opportunity to recover their dead. Even men with incapacitating wounds were sometimes left behind. Julius cursed. Soon, the snow would cover the bodies and no one would even remember they died here. Still, they had to move on. The only way off the mountain was through the Wardens. For the next open stretch, he repeated the same maneuver, watching more men fall victim to blind rifle fire. When Julius was certain everyone who was still alive had made it into cover, he looked for his superior. Unfortunately, he quickly found him, lying in the snow between the rocks, among the others. Another curse. Julius might be the most experienced soldier of the entire brigade, he was by no means a leader or tactician. Yet, now that his superior was dead, these new soldiers, shivering from the cold, looked towards him. He peeked again. The nearest trench was only a short sprint away. From there, it would be a bloodbath up to the guns. The guns which had already started firing again. Another curse. They couldn’t really delay anymore. If the guns were roaring, that meant their reinforcements were slowly coming into range. Wiping the snow off his helmet, Julius asked the men to check their weapons. He was not about to lose men due to faulty weapons. When all weapons were reported to be in working order, he ordered bayonets. The soldiers that had them put them on. Those that didn’t, looked rather sour that they didn’t get any. It was now or never. Even if they had the time, their clothes were not as winter proof as those of the Wardens. They’d have to move or risk freezing to death eventually. Throwing the last two smoke grenades he had, Julius ordered a charge. Men younger than him let out a war cry and disappeared into the smoke. He was right there with them. The sloping mountaintop meant a few slipped, but most kept running until they reached the trench. Julius didn’t turn to look to the men, instead going for a magazine dump into the Wardens in the protected trench. Where there first had been several, there were now none. His submachinegun swiftly cooled in the freezing temperatures. The sounds of battle seemed to echo over the mountain and into the valley as he quickly retrieved a fresh magazine and joined the rest in clearing out the trenches one by one until they would reach the guns. Just as he had feared, it turned into a bloodbath. Men were shooting at each other from near point blank range, while others did their best to get mileage out of their bayonets. In one trench, a Colonial emptied her shotgun into several Wardens who seemed to be fumbling with their rifles, while in another, a handful of Colonials quickly discovered that the Wardens were more than prepared for them. For every two Wardens that fell, almost three Colonials would fall. These mountains were harsh, but for now, they held the advantage, as well as the element of surprise. The Wardens didn’t expect them to break through so quickly, much less with weapons that could clear a trench in seconds. The bark of shotgun and yapping of submachinegun filled the air, mixing with cries of agony to form a symphony of battle. In minutes, the trenches that had been carefully kept clear of snow were filled with bodies and flowing with blood. The few pillboxes the Wardens had, were quickly disposed of with grenades. The soldiers inside only producing a few terrified shouts before being silenced. The very guns they had come to destroy now sounded closer and closer, until Julius could even hear the officers yelling orders over the roar of gunpowder. The men that survived the assault were now gathering around him, ready for one last push. One last push for their country, one last push to silence the guns. The group was pitiful in number, but Julius knew it would have to do. Through the downpour of fresh snow, they attacked. The defenders that were still near the guns had heard the fighting and were prepared, but within a minute of intense fighting, a handful of Colonials were the only ones still standing. The guns, now lacking their crew, still had to be destroyed. A few of the men had been carrying satchels, but only one such man had survived. With only one satchel to their name, Julius decided to use the enemy’s weapons against them. Not far from the guns, there was an ammo storage pit dug into the rock. Ordering the remaining men, Julius piled the stored shells around the guns, making sure they would each in turn ignite the shells near the adjacent guns. His men made great haste while he primed the satchel. Once he was done, he set off running until he was confident he was clear of the blast. Julius stopped and looked at the Warden guns. Shortly after turning to look, the entire rock formation the guns had been on, disappeared into a cloud of rock and dust that seemed to shake the very mountain. The men cheered. They had won the day, but Julius knew better. Soon after, he was proven right, as the Warden guns on top of a mountain on the other side of the valley started shelling their position in the hopes to take out the Colonial survivors and take revenge for their fallen comrades. He knew. For every mountain conquered, the Wardens had another one. The work was far from over.
By: Timberwolf
This story reminds me a lot of a similar experience I had on the cliffs of Vulpine. And every great story is one that includes the fixing of bayonets. 10/10
By: I Saw A Bear
Really digging that beard man. God I wish I could grow hair like that. Not that my fiance would let me, but still.
By: HelpingHans
These videos are great. I really appreciate the editing.
By: HelpingHans
HelpingHans has been hosting this bootcamp every friday for the last 3 weeks. Check it out. It's a pretty great way for new players to get into the game.
By: America
These are some sweet shots of the new trench area on Mooring County.
By: Camper21
Boats in Deadlands! That's so ridiculously cool. I can't wait to see what players do with this.
By: Camper21
These epic pictures of Reaching Trail. Those vehicle poses.... so perfect.
Thanks everyone for all the fine work you've put into this. There have been some incredible leaps in talent from so many people. These past few years we've seen a maturity in both styles and attitudes. I can't wait to see what you do next. As always, if you want to get your work featured, make sure you put it into the #creative-streamplug channel on our discord.
By: Sethfire