Hello Soldiers!
So this Community Highlights is loaded with content, including a whack of videos. I'm not sure what happened, but it feels like the video mill went on overdrive. There's like 20 of them. A lot of them have some really good information and feedback for us for balancing so keep it up. We saw a lot of... interesting strategies in this batch, which made us really think. Thank you!
Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Tuesday, May 15, 2018. Anything submitted after this date will be considered for the next post.
Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible. Thanks!
By: Freerk
This is not real concept art. If any of you run to the presses with this we're going to have a hunt of the you variety.
By: Big Mac Gaming
Took me a while to order these properly. Date them better, darnit! I will not be held accountable for out-of-order news stories in the future... probably.
By: Богди
You should check this guy out on Artstation. He has some really amazing stuff.
By: Lercas
I had to ask him. He actually drew these. He used the standard meme as a template, but these are original. Fantastic.
By: Freerk
Hehe... the Fire Station says, 'REE'. But no seriously, what I love about the fire station in particular is how there is a stairwell in the destroyed version, but not the built version. Gives us some stuff to think about when we consider the town revamp.
By: Hanz Scheiße
This is amazing! I see something like this and all I want to do is colour it in. I can only imagine how long this must have taken.
By: Jebi Bones
Fuel and Ammunition, a tank crew's bread and butter.
By: Freerk
A painting, and cup for scale. I think it would have been better to use a banana but who amirite reddit?
By: CannonMaster
CannonMaster was working on this before the armored car was released. Its a pretty close comparison.

By: Twildion
We get it! Uniforms. They're coming, we promise... eventually.

By: Freerk
Even the goats are warden. That will pose a serious problem.

By: Freerk
And here's some writing to go with the goat. Because what goat doesn't need a write up.

Pretty much exactly how I imagine it goes down inside that big metal box.
By: Overdose
I really hope you didn't draw these in school. It might earn you a one-way trip to the counselor's office
By: Big Mac Gaming
It must have really sucked to live back then. A world without colour, could you imagine?

By: Пикачу
So little room in there, they had to leave the toilet paper outside.

By: Freerk
From tree to Mushroom. The circle of life continues.
By: Cpt. Parker
Damnit we need a skybox...

By: Freerk
My god man, you are a man of many, many talents. Here's a concept piece, translated into a 3D model by Twildion (below)
By: Twildion
This is a 3D rendering of Freerk's concept. Another great Collboration from these two.
By: Freerk
And he writes. What the heck, man.

By: Freerk
To hang above your mantle. If you have a mantle. You hipster.

By: Big Mac Gaming
And I would hang this on the backside of the mantle painting in case someone took it off the wall they'd think I was crazy.

By: Big Mac Gaming
It's so perfectly camouflaged in all that black and white stock photo!
Propaganda & Funny Stuff

By: Chemical Infantry
It wouldn't be a Community Highlight without some WH40k crossover fan art!

By: Lercas
I played with these guys. They're a good group. Check them out.

By: Jabba the Trump
It's called a tank!

By: Vocken
I'm probably the most guilty of this. Ain't nobody got time for that!

By: Timberwolf
I had a bunch of people ask very pointed questions hoping we would break the AT rifle for this specific purpose. Nope. Better luck next time!

By: Big Mac Gaming
Whenever someone says good morning, I think of Robin Williams, may he RIP.

By: PhantomRU
The commisar again, but more black and white!

By: Big Mac Gaming
By: Psirojohn
It looks like there is already a set of rules to go with this... Need it
By: Kamikadze
So apparently the Russians are doing some FCL-style matches. This one is FG vs. PGL... and really well edited.
By: nev
nev's second 'Real' dev livestream edit. These are great...
By: I Saw A Bear
This video is better late than never! It shows the Foxhole Community Festival that took place a few weeks ago.
By: HelpingHans
I really love how he takes the high ground in his tank on these. I'm not sure he lost his tank even once.
By: Lightning
This shows the semi-finals of the FCL, with Erotic vs. SCE. A riveting game, and the first time armored cars made an appearance in this tournament.
By: Sethfire
Not a meme video for once, but a gem all the same. This is the finals of the FCL: SCE vs. 10CCE.
By: Jaywoosh
This is a great instructional video that shows the initial balancing for the AT-Gun. NOTE: All of this is subject to change!
By: Jaywoosh
And here's the rest of the patch notes, all broken down for you by Jaywoosh!
By: I Saw A Bear
And going back in time a little bit, here's the patch notes for 0.12 from I Saw A Bear.
By: Kamikadze
FG vs. BB+3rd - It's good to see the Russian clans alive and well. Here's hoping for Russian Challenge, take 2!
By: Kamikadze
To keep it a little different, this one takes place in the world conquest and highlights their skills in the grand arena.
By: Potato
The last desperate struggle of the Colonials to prolong War #6 for one more day; these wardens hold fast.
By: I Saw A Bear
I Saw A Bear and HelpingHans team up in their halftracks to push the colonials out of Weathered Expanse.
By Hans Scheibe
A lot of driving around in circles, aiming the turret in circles, and more!
By: Kopono
The Special Forces are back! And with their favorite vehicle, the APC! We'll see how they handle next week with the new AT guns....
By: Kopono
Hahahaha.... so what you're saying is, we (the devs) win.
By: Marin
And let that be a lesson not to let an armoured car get into your back-line...
By: Potato
I really love that guy in the middle who says ----TAXI HERE---- in local chat as a way to get people to pay attention and hop into his truck.
By: A Team
Hahahahaha...... But I love how you hid in that corner to avoid getting run over. That was some A-level play right there.
By: Stryker Ben
Not exactly foxhole, but not exactly not not foxhole. I'll allow it.
By: Rosa
It's like a clown car, but a boat! Complete with clowns. Ba-Da-Tshhh
By: Holland
Don't let the thumbnail deceive you. it's definitely Foxhole.
By: Marin
I went into this hoping for good information. Learned to drown myself.
By: Zacharoy
A Tutorial! Hooray! Could use a bit of editing.... but a tutorial is a tutorial!
By: ATGolden
I actually thought this scene from Rogue One couldn't get any better. Well played, sir. Well played.
Ok time to wrap this up. It's weird we only had three sections this time around, but I couldn't think of a better way to break them up. Mostly all of these submissions were very serious, and very few memes. What gives. I got a whole bunch for the AT gun though, so that's a plus. At least we know you guys are excited for it. Catch you next time!
By: Jabba The Trump