Hello Soldiers!
Lots of new stuff coming at you this week, including some tremendous propaganda, a full battle report, HB memes and more! Our team has had a great time looking through many of these.It really fuels us up to see you guys so inspired by the game, and the kind of art that comes of it. We always dreamed that Foxhole would be one of those games that players would build stories in... and you're doing just that, which is why this week I really wanted to shine a spotlight on the battle report by Andrew. It's been a long time since we've seen work of this caliber. Not only does it give us feedback on our game, but its an exciting read too!
Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Tuesday, December 12, 2017. Anything submitted after this date will be considered for the next post.
Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible. Thanks!
Interesting Stuff
The Battle for the Ivory Sea, by: Andrew
It's been a long time since we've seen battle reports like this. Download the whole document here.

Foxhole Tech Guide, by: Patchouli
I know it looks complicated, but give it a read. It's a fantastic analysis for the current meta!

Developer Party Hat, by 500XaTka
If you come wearing this to anyone's birthday party... you're dead.

Warden Smoke Break, by Patchouli
Smoking isn't cool, but this pixel art certainly is!

Warden Soldiers, by: TuMaN
That's one conspicuous bullseye

Female Warden Scout, by: Rudolf
Love the style... and perfectly themed for our communication update!

Artillery Crew, by: Kixx
Rain fiery hell-death on those warden scum!
Insignias, by: Cmdr.Friendly_Engi
Good start! Now bigger, and with more colour. Then stitch it to some cloth and wave that flag through the streets with pride!
Designs for Warden Winter Caps, by: filth smell
Those look snuggly warm... but those dudes look cold as ice

Warden Space Marine, by: Cmdr.Friendly_Engi
In the immortal words of humanity's Emperor, "Purge the Colonial!" or something like that.
Tales from the Trenches, by: Padfoot
Nooooooooooo!!!!! You were so young!
The Great Bayonet Stampede, by: Sunchips
I played in this one. It was hilariously good fun. Note: Snake Strat is Best Strat
What is L.U.V, by: I_Saw_A_Bear
Baby don't Logi, Logi, No More.
Desperate Foes, by: I_Saw_A_Bear
I really like the use of tactics here. "Follow the tracks!"
Edge Mobile Recruitment, by: Sethfire
In soviet Wardenia, recruitment center go to you!
Colonials rule, by: catman1776K
This was found while wandering the dark side of youtube... pure gold.
Ambient Sound Testing, by: Cmdr.Friendly_Engi
You've been producing things across all mediums these past two weeks. Good on you!
101st War Reel, by: Sammoh
Well that was something... totally different. Really like the song.
Fun with PoW's, by: MartinMysteryMen
Everybody's gotta have a hobby
Random War Party Clip, by: TheLastRedDragon
I love the battle line formation... if only I could get my own team to coordinate like that.
Russia vs. World Day 1, by: Fiqrie
Check out this footage. This was a great war. A great.... patriotic war.
No Retreat Bush Charge, by: DaRoach
I've never seen such discipline in the face of certain annihilation...
Operation Rush, by: Kopono
Ludicrous Speed, GO!
Infiltration at Cragsroad, by: Kopono
Special Forces Bully, by: Kopono
Propaganda Posters

Water, by: filth smell
Sun Tzu wrote about this. Sound advice.

Right and Wrong, by: Padfoot
... Well? Who???

Warden Victory, by: Maybar
Jokes on them, the barge was out of fuel
82DK propaganda, by: Der Kommissar
Another great set from the Kommisar

RCL Recruitment Poster, by: TurtleAndRabbit
Really like the style on this one. Very unique.

Burn them down, by: TurtleAndRabbit
Sounds fair...

Iron Guard Clan Poster, by: Cmdr.Friendly_Engi
That looks fantastic. Has a real 41st century feel to it, too.

RCL High Sea Fleet, by: TurtleAndRabbit
In the navy, we can sail the seven seas!

Divisions, by: Kixx
I'd like to sign up for the His Majesty's 1st Tea Drinking Batalion please.

Join the RCL, by: Kixx
Nothing subtle here. Better do as he asks!

Drive them out, by: Tycoh
Sir, Yes Sir!

Join up for Cookies, by: Kixx
What he's not telling you is they're raisin cookies...

Great Leader, by: BaptistBarry
True story, Callahan is blue from head to toe.

Scrap, By: Whalesworth
A poster to make the Colonials feel like scrap.

82DK Noel Poster, by: DrunkRussianBear
Looks like 82DK is getting in the spirit of the holidays!
Funny Stuff

2018 Holiday Poster, by: 500XaTka
Oh my Callahan, I haven't even done my shopping yet...

Edge vs. 82DK, by: Padfoot
A rivalry to endall rivalries

Mail sorter, by: Battlwrath
The pinnacle of warden engineering.

Glowing XaTka, by: 500XaTka
It's XaTka, but lit up like my Christmas tree

Sinterklaas en zijn Knecht, by: TurtleAndRabbit
Some days feel enriched by the internet. This was not one of those days.

Sleigh Ride, by: Lt. Loser
Fashing through the snow, one a halftrack open-sleigh...

Seizing Production, by: Vocken
I wonder if this was made in the time it took to get through the queue...

Cowboy LUV, by: PhantomRU

Foxhole Commandments, by: Kastow
Shoot I need to write these down. Anyone got a chisel and stone tablet?

Tanks, by: AhegaoFace
Tanks are the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

Sulfur on Callahan's Passage, by: C Bell
On the front line they call it powder gold.

Comparison, by: AhegaoFace
He's not wrong folks.
Foxhole Ball Comics, by: Lord_of_Insanity
A few single cell comics to warm your soul
Foxhole Ball Comics, by: Foolz
And a few more, because I can't get enough of these guys.

Jealousy, by: Patchouli
Some great meme ammunition here, locked and loaded.
Cool Stuff

Edge Recruitment Center, by: Edge Clan
An inventive new way to recruit!
Flags, by: Foolz
Another great set. They're definitely getting more detailed.

Russian Community Coin, by: 500XaTka
Heads I win, tails you lose.

T-Shirt Designs, by: 500XaTka
Nice! Better be sending me one in the mail.

Russian Challenge Poster, by: 500XaTka
This event was super cool. Really glad to see posters like this to advertise it.

Maintenance Manual, by: Padfoot
Step One: Hammer the armoured skirts until fixed.

RCL Defends, by: Lord_of_Insanity
But for how long...
There is no move love;
There is no more hope;
only an unquenchable vendetta.
A want for revenge,
Animosity fueld by fury and unloved sadness.
We are already demons born in heartless tragedy.
We will not win but they will not live.
This was written by a Warden officer ME
I got inspired after losing a billion times as a warden with no actual hope of winning anymore
Untitled, by: Ahega
Don't give up! Just don't be the chump who loses a billion and one times.
Holy cow there was a lot of content these last two weeks, I almost didn't get through it all. I've been especially loving the surge of colonial propaganda... For once the Wardens seem to have been matched on the media front. I can only hope that you'll keep it up!
Until next time!