Hello fellow Soldiers!
Update 0.6 is out now and it was a blast to work on!
But that meant that this Community Highlights was a tad late. Apologies for the tardiness.
Although, it seems to me the wait was worth it. The quality of the content produced this past 2 weeks has been incredible! I had to spend much more time deciding what to include. Fantastic job by all the artists in the community!
Just remember that there was so much content this time around, there's a good chance I missed some amazing things out there. If you would like to submit something for the next Community Highlights post, please just PM me (HB) on Discord and it will be considered for the next post. Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Tuesday, November 01, 2017. Anything submitted after this date will be considered for the next post.
Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible. Thanks!

82nd DK poster by Sathoryn

Colonial Cosplay by Prip26 [on Reddit]

Warden Female Soldier by Arkan
Comics by Padfoot

garrisoned apartment concept by Konrod

garrisoned apartment 3D by Twildion (based on Konrod's design above)

Warden banner by Cmdr.Friendly_Engi
Warhammer Warden Colours by Cmdr.Friendly_Engi
Colonial design on Warhammer tank by Cmdr.Friendly_Engi

Callahan Straussden by Cmdr.Friendly_Engi
Funny Videos
The Great Tank Battle | Short Film by Mr. SunChips
Highlights from War Games #3 by Sethfire
The Great Escape by Smokeage
Foxhole D-Day Event - Random Moments by Timberwolf
How2CH by Léo Freitas - UBGE
Foxhole Up In Here by Phantom | Russian RolePlay Community | Elenarium
War Stories

letters from the war by Padfoot

Imperatorial Codex by M.Kubiak
War Footage
Foxhole Minigames | (NNF's Community Event) by ATGolden
The Great Tank Battle!!! - {FOX} clan by SunChips
Another one by FFL Clan- Foxhole
War Games #3 - Town Fortress - Beach Landings by KrazyFlyinChicken
Evacuating Boot by I Saw a Bear
Interesting things
Glorious Colonial Propaganda by catman1776K

uniform concepts by Konrod
Fancy logos by True The Summoner
Several insignia by True The Summoner

Squad - 4th Amphibious Corp Insignia by Milk
Several Flags by Foolz [Le Art]
Insignia & Logo by [an anonymus artist] to Ra'Sello

Warden bomber by LCmdrM.DrunkRussianBear more at: https://imgur.com/gallery/1C5P7?

Work In Progress of his secret project by TurtleAndRabbit
Update & Tutorial Videos
West Gate & Gunboats - Foxhole (Update 0.6) by I Saw a Bear
Funny Stuff
HB praise by Lord_of_insanity

representing your clan by DonnerFox
combat medic memes by SupaSneak
HB, waving goodbye!
The competition for a spot in these posts is getting fierce! I'm completely humbled by the amount of time, effort and love you guys pour into your creations. Foxhole would be nothing without you. I can't wait to see what else you all have in store for us.
We didn't have any HB meme in particular these weeks, so here its my derpy face.
by.... my parents, I guess?