Our goal is to continue to deliver regular content and features updates on a monthly basis. If you are enjoying these updates, please take the time to write us a review on Steam. Thanks for continuing to support the development of Foxhole.
If you are having problems with any input, please reset your keyboard bindings to default in the options menu. Release Notes
Fixed client crash that sometimes occurs when dying in the middle of another action
'O' key can now be bound to an action again
Voice chat connection state is now indicated in the chat window
0.16 Release Notes
New Content
Scrap Mine:
Produces Scrap using Fuel as a resource
Sulfur Mine:
Produces Sulfur using Fuel as a resource
New Communication Tools
A new tool that allows players to form groups around objectives
Operations have a dedicated voice and text chat channel
Operations have a dedicated player list on the HUD
Right click on a name in the player list to bring up a context menu to mute players
Operations are cross region
New Voice Engine
Vivox is now the main engine used for voice chat (see their website for details)
Push 'G' to talk to your Operation group
Text chat improvements
A new tab system has been introduced (Though it's currently only available for operations. We hope to expose it further in the future)
Scroll location stays in place even when a message comes in
Better use of colour to differentiate text chat channels
Text chat window visuals have been updated so it's clearer to tell when it has focus
Map Changes
Reaching Trail has been heavily redesigned
Mooring Country has been heavily redesigned
Umbral Wildwood layout has been redesigned
East coast regions have been redesigned to include amphibious landing zones
Water travel between Deadlands and Farranac Coast / Endless Shore is now available
Mines have been added to mainland World Conquest regions
Terra, Vulpine Watch, and the road between Iron's End and Spine have been moved so that they are further away from the region borders
Refinery has been moved from Thunderfoot to Stray in Umbral Wildwood
Ceo Highlands has been modified so that it doesn't provide an unfair vantage point
More natural barriers added to region borders to prevent free access to partisans
Scrap and Sulfur field locations have changed through out the conquest mainland
Gameplay Features and Changes
Weapon Mechanics Revamp:
New Stability system: All weapons are more accurate when you wait for them to stabilize first (stability level indicated by how far apart the reticule lines are)
"Running and gunning" is much less effective now
Certain weapons take longer to stabilize after moving than others
Certain weapons take longer to stabilize after firing than others
Accuracy has been tweaked across all weapons
Weapon stability can be visualized when entering the shooting range in the home regions
Camera now dynamically moves ahead for the driver of a vehicle, making it easier to avoid obstacles in front
Game Balance
Tunnel Networks no longer decay
Scrap fields now spawn 20% more nodes
Tank Trap cost reduced from 20 to 15 Refined Materials
Storm Rifles no longer require Blueprints to produce
Barracks inventory capacity increased from 12 to 15 slots
The time it takes a completed Factory order to move to the public inventory has been increased from 30 to 45 mins
Skirmish Tech Tree now includes the HMG
Forward Bases no longer provide map intel
Other Changes
Network logic for player activities has been reworked for increased robustness
Reload bug has finally been fixed as a result of this change
"Mission Objectives" have been renamed to "Squad Markers"
Moderators will now have a unique name tag colour in-game
Bug Fixes
Wind visual effect on foliage is stronger on medium/low settings and causes FPS drop
Foxhole is invisible from any angle when intersecting with grass
In Umbral Wildwood, northern border travel zone queues player for Heartlands instead of Endless Shore
Vehicle drivers can see players outside of vision zone during night time
Distorted sound effect plays loudly when travelling between regions
Commander can continue to fire Pistol after closing hatch on tank
Sometimes hits from Hammer / Sledgehammer won't register, skipping every other hit
Another player firing a shotgun launches your character backwards
Barged travelled onto land at the Gallows/Victa crossing
Players that load on your screen are given outlines through walls for a second
Stuck spot on the river in Deadlands F6K1
Players are able to repair defensive structures from inside Bunkers, Pillboxes, and Gunnests
Can keep stockpile UI open even after getting out of vehicle
Can get stuck in geometry behind the Victa hospital in Farranac Coast
AT Mines visually explode in the wrong location after running them over
Footprint trails appear on what should be hard / solid surfaces
Player can run while firing SMG
Oarbreaker road not properly reflected on map near The Report (G17k1)
Fixed floating tree on Warden Home Island
Leaving Skirmish doesn't reserve your spot when you reconnect immediately
No animation exists for equiping Bayonet while crouched
Barracks placed on slopes with the front facing into the cliff will spawn you under the ground
Cliffs and shore in Deadlands F7k8 have elements (trees, grass) floating above player
Players can launch themselves into the air using a gate and high latency
Player can move around with map open, after opening and closing chat with the map open
If Player mashes Q (enter) while repairing a vehicle, or structure which can be entered (ie; Pillbox), they will continue to repair while in the vehicle
Entering vehicles while prone does not unequip your current weapon
Ammo doesn't refill after reload animation plays back under high network latency conditions