Dev Branch is an experimental build that contains bugs and unfinished features. Please read the TESTING NOTES below to get a feel for things in the build that are known to be missing OR broken.
How to get the build
Go to the BETAS tab on the Foxhole Steam Properties window and select "devbranch -".
Select the LOCAL FILES tab and click "Verify Integrity of game files...".
On the "Join War" screen, select "DevBranch" from the drop down at the top right corner of the screen
Please post any bug reports or feedback to the devbranch-bugs and devbranch-feedback channels on the Foxhole Discord. Do not report bugs that are already known issues. Release notes will be updated as new builds are applied to the branch. Thank you!
Known Issues
The in-game description of the Lance-25 "Hasta" is incorrect.
Release Notes
IMPORTANT: The following release notes are preliminary and in draft form. Some features/changes will change or be omitted before final release.
Orange bullet points are new as of the latest dev-branch update.
New Content.
O'Brien v.190 Knave
Class: Armoured Car
Faction: Warden
One of Conor O’Brien’s best traits was his ability to modernize and make use of older technology in his designs. The v.190 Knave is the perfect example of this philosophy. Fitted with a modified, outdated twin-grenade launcher turret, the Knave is a surprising combination of speed and subterfuge that quickly routs the enemy, leaving them befuddled.
Fissura gd.I
Class: Tripod Grenade Launcher
Faction: Colonial
Capable of firing different grenades, quickly and at long range, the Fissura gd.I is mobile enough for easy transport, while increasing the effectiveness of infantry ordinance.
Flood Juggernaught Mk. VII
Class: Battle Tank
Faction: Warden
The Juggernaut is a heavily armoured Flood variant fitted with a heavy flamethrower turret and reinforced treads. While it may be slow moving, this beast is quite capable in extreme weather due to its shovel-like treads.
Lance-25 "Hasta"
Class: Battle Tank
Faction: Colonial
A heavy Lance variation, the 25, or “Hasta”, was employed in the first siege on Brightwall, a city now colloquially referred to as, “The Blemish”. Bombarded by heavy, armoured resistance in northern Veli, Colonial tank regiments requested a heavy vehicle with more effective search and destroy capabilities. Fitted with a front-facing 94.5mm cannon, the “Hasta” is a more than capable tank destroyer.
Dunne Dousing Engine 3r
Class: Fire Engine
Faction: Warden
A simple variant of the Dunne Responder 3e that’s fitted with a high-powered hose designed to extinguish raging flames.
R-12b - “Salva” Flame Truck
Class: Fire Engine
Faction: Colonial
This simple variant of the “Salus” ambulance is fitted with a high-powered hose designed to quell wildfires.
BMS Roadhouse
Class: Caboose Car
Faction: Neutral
A simple caboose that allows rail crews to maintain tracks more efficiently.
Repairs, and resets decay, on damaged tracks under the train by consuming Garrison Supplies from the Caboose.
Tripod Factory
Class: Ammo Factory Modification
A modification of the Ammo Factory that produces Tripods and faction specific Tripod weapons.
Power Switch
A power interface for manually disabling power in a circuit.
Insulated Pipe
An insulating material to keep the pipe from freezing during harsh weather conditions.
New Features.
BMS Foreman Stacker visuals have been updated to be more distinct from Stationary Cranes found at production buildings.
Press 'V' to assemble Large Items from Material Pallets, BMS Linerunner and Bunker Storage Rooms.
Assembly Stations and the Field Modification Center only consume power when they are producing something.
All Facility buildings within a power network can be reserved with one button click, similar to mass-reserving Bunker Islands.
Item tooltips now display where they are produced and by what faction.
Heavy Flamers have a new VFX to distinguish them from regular Flamethrowers.
Added client-side prediction for turret rotation. Turrets now rotate smoothly between server updates.
Improved client-side prediction code for trains and vehicles. Movement is now smoother under adverse network conditions, or extreme server load.
Emplacements now provide communicate their special rules in their descriptions.
Fire Changes.
The effort to extinguish a fire on all structures is more consistent with the size of the fire.
Damage scaling has been tweaked toward larger fires, so that small fires deal less damage, while larger fires deal more.
Fire FX and effects increase more gradually.
Reduced the random chance it takes to start a fire.
More consistent sources of heat such as flamethrowers benefit more greatly.
All Flamethrowers have had their Added Burning increased.
Heavy Flamers have had a more dramatic increase relative to other Flamethrowers.
All rockets have had their Added Burning decreased.
Handheld Flamethrowers can now be used on undeployed Barges.
Flamethrowers when striking players have had its values tuned to prevent players from immediately dying when being struck.
Water buckets can be reloaded and used twice.
Reloading from a physical water source such as a river or well will fully reload the Water Bucket.
Added visual feedback for when water is thrown onto a fire.
Fire now has sound effects.
Smoke and embers from blazing buildings now move with the direction and speed of the wind.
Improved FX for players who are about to catch fire.
Map intel now shows a structure as under attack when lit on fire.
T14 "Vesta" Tankette range increased from 10m to 15m.
O'Brien V.130 Wild Jack range increased from 10m to 15m.
H-19 "Vulcan" range increased from 15m to 18m.
Noble Firebrand MK. XVII:
Range increased from 15m to 18m.
Ammo capacity increased from 100 to 150.
Flamethrower splash size increased by 50%.
Balance Changes.
Ladder Bunker modification cost changed from 1 Metal Beam to 20 Basic Materials.
BMS Overseer Sky-Hauler:
Retracting and extending speeds for the arm, both with and without a shippable, has been increased.
Pulley speed has been increased.
BMS - Class 2 Mobile Auto-Crane, BMS Overseer Sky-Hauler and BMS Foreman Stacker have had their assembly pull bonus unified.
Dunne Leatherback 2a disable percent changed from 65% to 50%.
R-17 "Retiarius" Skirmisher disable percent changed from 81% to 65%.
Dunne Responder 3e and R-12 - "Salus" Ambulance off-road movement speed reduced.
Gallagher Thornfall MK. VI range increased from 20m to 30m.
Flood Mk. I MG turret rotation angle greatly increased.
50-500 "Thunderbolt" Cannon:
Health increased by 33%.
Repair cost decreased from 150 to 100.
Gunner's Breastplate encumbrance percent decreased from 60% to 45%.
Velian Flak Vest:
Encumbrance percent decreased from 45% to 35%.
Backpack slots increased from 3 to 4.
300mm production speed increased from 60 seconds to 120.
86K-c "Ranseur" Assembly Material 3 cost increased from 30 to 45.
Noble Firebrand MK. XVII Assembly Material 1 decreased from 10 to 0, Assembly Material 2 increased from 0 to 10.
Balfour Wolfhound 40mm RMat cost decreased from 30 to 20.
945G "Stygian Bolt" shield lowered to block shots from splashing under the gun.
Gameplay Changes.
The Field Modification Center now communicates the maximum stockpile capacity.
Hovering the cursor over an enemy Base now shows 'Intel unavailable'.
Hovering the cursor over a Resource Field with Stationary Harvesters nearby now shows how many resources can be collected.
Oil Fields now display a custom interact message stating the field has unlimited resources.
Train Bridges are now destructible.
Power Line build ghost now has physics and overall feels smoother.
Power Lines now provide different failure messages depending on what prevented the Line from being constructed.
Modified Facility buildings now show what modification they have in the interaction context menu and in the use hint.
Trains can now ram structures.
Maintenance Tunnels now show how many Garrison Supplies they consume per hour.
Operators of the BMS Railtruck can now left click to submit resources to buildings.
Catwalk structures now have an owning faction, applying the same friendly fire rules as other Facility buildings.
Reserved Facility buildings can no longer be retooled to make a different product by a non-Squad member.
Reserved Facility buildings can no longer be turned on or off by a non-Squad member.
The Disconnect All button can no longer be pressed by a non-Squad member if the Facility building or Power Pole is reserved.
Power Lines cannot be added to a reserved Power Pole by a non-Squad member.
Vehicles must now be correctly rotated on the Large Assembly Station to park.
Large Assembly Station parking area increased.
Trench Connectors can now be build under both World Tracks, player-made tracks, and provisional roads.
Pipe contents are now updated in real time when the Pipe UI is open.
Pipe interaction ranges have been increased to allow for easier interactions.
A damage alert is now shown and corresponding structures turn orange on map intelligence when a structure is taking damage from fire, similar to other damage types.
Facility building UI now shows 'power consumed / power produced'.
World Resource Mines now prevent construction of buildings over the container interaction point.
World Resource Mine vehicle interaction area size increased.
NOTE: These two changes allow Small Gauge Trains to interact with the rear of the Mines and prevents Tracks from being made over the interaction area, guaranteeing containers can always be filled from Cranes.
Facility buildings no longer drop Large Items when destroyed by weapon damage.
BMS - Scrap Hauler can once again be reserved after construction.
Structures have been reordered in all tabs of the Build Menu.
Weapons with multiple ammo types have been unified to show the currently loaded ammo type as the text.
Open-top vehicles now prevent crew members freezing during Snowstorms.
Map Changes.
Acrithia: Resource Field location moved as it was inside the Rapid Decay Zone.
Ash Fields: A cliff has been adjusted to the west of The Calamity to allow trains to more easily access Origin.
Basin Sionnach: Train Bridge going out of Cuttail Station has been adjusted.
Drowned Vale: Ponds of water and bog mud to the west of The Baths have been adjusted to allow Tracks to be easily constructed.
Drowned Vale: Three of the Train Bridges going out of The Baths have been adjusted.
Farranac Coast: Resource Field location moved as it was on sand, which prevented Stationary Harvesters from being constructed.
The Fingers: Train Bridge going out of The Old Captain has been adjusted.
Fisherman's Row: Train Bridge going out of Arcadia has been adjusted.
Godcrofts: Two resource Field locations moved as they were on sand, which prevented Stationary Harvesters from being constructed.
Kalokai: Resource Field location moved as it was on sand, which prevented Stationary Harvesters from being constructed.
Loch Mór: Train Bridge between Tomb of the First and Mercy's Wish have been adjusted.
Marban Hollow: Train Bridge east of Lockheed has been moved out of the Rapid Decay Zone.
Oarbreaker: Resource Field location moved as it was on sand, which prevented Stationary Harvesters from being constructed.
Red River: Trees to the east of Cannonsmoke and along the road following the river south of Fragment Knolls have been removed to allow for easier Track placement.
Shackled Chasm: A Train Bridge has been added to the north of Reflection.
Shackled Chasm: Train Bridge going out of Silk Farms has been adjusted.
Other Changes.
The Scout Tanks have been reduced in size by about 5%.
Warden veterancy camouflage between tier 2 and tier 3 have been adjusted to help show the difference between tiers.
A number of items, vehicles and emplacements had their names and descriptions corrected to meet established precedents.
A number of typos in descriptions have been corrected.
Home Region speakers are now synched with one another.
75mm now leaves an impact decal similar to other shell types.
Numerous buildings, vehicles and items have had their icons updated to be more consistent across the board.
Small Gauge Train Cars, excluding the locomotive, no longer appear on map intelligence to reduce clutter.
Death animations have been added for the BMS - Packmule Flatbed, BMS - Universal Assembly Rig, Storm Tank and the Armoured Fighting Tractor.
Heavy Topcoat now has a snazzy pair of gloves.
Fiddler Submachine Gun Model 868 model has been updated.
Map list is now sorted by alphabetical order in Support menu fields.
Your current map and faction is pre-selected when using the Support menu where applicable.
The profanity filter word list has been updated.
A tooltip for the Fuel Container has been added.
Updated VFX for the DAE 1B-2 "Serra", Power Station and its modifications and the BMS Overseer Sky-Hauler.
Stockpile map tooltip has had its columns increased from 4 to 6 to reduce how long the tooltip becomes as a Stockpile is filled.
Shard Selection UI has been updated to match other menu visuals.
Coal refinery modifications have had some minor visual improvements.
Diesel Power Plant and its modification have had some minor visual improvements.
"Molten Wind" v.II Ammo and Willow's Bane Ammo are now unlocked from the start of the war.
NOTE: This will allow Flamethrower ammo to be produced when Flamethrowers are primary tech in the Tech Tree, similar to Mortars.
Numerous Large Items received optimisations.
Demolish time of Tracks and Small Gauge Tracks increased to 6 hours.
Demolish time of Foundations increased to 144 hours.
O-75B "Ares" changes to the decals on the vehicle.
Map image updated to communicate new bridge locations.
Bug Fixes
Items could be lost if assembling as a server restarts.
A crash sometimes occurs on the main menu.
Recovery mode does not maintain the player's current temperature during the countdown period.
The center wheel of the Lance-36 spun out of sync to the other wheels.
Utility item prototype kit description provided the wrong location to produce the kit.
If a player spawned at a static base just as the base was destroyed they would remain alive in the destroyed building, blocking construction.
DAE 1B-2 "Serra" bullet casings ejected in the wrong location.
DAE 3B-2 "Hades' Net" unaligns rockets from their guide rail when firing.
Tankettes have a hollow interior.
'Submit Loading Area Equipment' button now works at the Resource Transfer Station.
Snow does not accumulate on some of the surrounding crates and boxes.
Fire VFX sometimes remain after the fire has been extinguished.
Warden Halftrack drive wheels and road wheels rotate too fast.
Niska-Rycker MK. IX Skycaller headlight does not turn on and rear exhaust does not produce fumes.
Metalworks Factory could be built clipping into other structures.
Refining Coal into Gravel took longer than the UI stated.
If an entity with an inventory is packaged whilst containing two incomplete stacks of items of the same type, one of the stacks is destroyed.
Flamethrower projectiles aren't displayed properly to an observer if the Flamethrower operator is concealed.
Flamethrower projectile is immediately culled if the operator dies whilst firing.
Aegis Steelbreaker K5A hitbox was too small and allowed players to visually clip inside the vehicle.
Some vehicles still display the reserve icon in their UI despite not being reservable.
Coastal Guns don't allow construction if connect to a Relic Base.
Submitting items from a Small Gauge Train Car cannot be done whilst the vehicle is frozen.
Small Gauge Train Car snow visuals are based on weather intensity and not the Car's temperature.
Small and Large Tracks can be demolished whilst a Train is on them.
Tempest Cannon RA-2 does not return to the correct visual elevation when undeploying and dismounting in quick succession.
Shippables in the Mass Production Factory display the cost for one shippable instead of the cost of three.
Water Buckets can be filled inside of trenches in some locations.
Picking up a Large Item and getting into a vehicle before the animation completes allows you to hold the Large Item inside of a vehicle.
BMS Black Bolt horn is exceedingly quiet.
Border Base construction could be obstructed by Tracks at the border.
Silverhand - Mk. IV, Flood Mk. I and the Lance-36 use some incorrect textures.
The driver of the H-10 "Pelekys" could be shot in a very specific spot.
Players could get stuck in the 'Travel in progress' state in specific circumstances.
King Gallant MK-II barrel does not recoil when firing.
Safe Houses have deadzones where they could not be extinguished.
Cullen Predator MK. III and 945G "Stygian Bolt" use an incorrect firing SFX.
4C-Fire Rocket and 3C-High Explosive Rockets have some texture issues.
Switching between the Fireman and Driver seat allowed players to bypass 'one active engine' restrictions.
Some lights on Facility buildings remained on despite not having power.
Destruction SFX plays several times when a large bunker is destroyed.
Animation issues on the Battle Tanks' main gun.
Driving onto a barge with FPS over 60 causes the vehicle look like it is violently teleporting around on the driver's client.
Silverhand - Mk. IV 68mm cannon doesn't recoil.
Water Pumps appear to be floating in the water.
The Forge modification for the Materials Factory collision inaccuracies.
DAE 3B-2 "Hades' Net" vertical rotation animation does not play past 240m.
Error message is missing when trying to submit the contents of a Fuel Container to a stockpile that cannot hold said contents.
Tempest Cannon RA-2 and Storm Cannon are missing a reload SFX.
Pipes can not be built at a reflex angle from the start point.
Flood Juggernaut MK. VII and Lance-36 have smaller interaction ranges than expected.
O-75B "Ares" tracked animation is too subtle.
Proximity check for structures can be circumvented with simultaneous placement.
Gunboat firing effects are playing at the wrong location.
Map Bug Fixes.
Basin Sionnach: Cuttail Station Seaport Tracks are too far from the cranes to interact with.
Basin Sionnach: A Garrison House spawns inside of a Factory in Cuttail Station on some layers.
Clanshead Valley: The King Seaport Tracks are too far from the cranes to interact with.
Deadlands: A cart prop obstructs train movement inside Abandoned Ward.
Great March: Terrain hole south of Dendró Field.
Heartlands: when The Blemish is a logistics town, the southern-most Factory does not have all items available.
Home Region petrol contained 100 litres out of 50.
Howl County: Cobblestone walls obstruct train movement in the Great Warden Dam.
Kalokai: Roads south of Sweethearth are misaligned.
Morgens Crossing: Quietus Seaport Tracks are too far from the cranes to interact with.
Morgens Crossing: Tracks heading west out of Quietus cannot be connected to.
Weathered Expanse: Foxcatcher Storage Depot is obstructed by a cobblestone wall and tree.
Weathered Expanse: Foxcatcher World Resource Mines are incorrectly rotated, preventing cranes from placing containers in the interaction area.