Release Notes
New Content
■ T20 “Ixion” Tankette
○ Class: Tankette
○ Faction: Colonial
○ A bombastic variant of the T12 Tankette, the “Ixion” provides its crew with more support and a mounted Infantry Support Gun. Added weight from the armour results in reduced overall speed.
■ King Gallant MK-II
○ Class: Scout Tank
○ Faction: Warden
○ A heavily armoured variant of the King Spire, the Gallant MK-II boasts a weighty 30mm cannon at the cost of top speed. ■ 68-45 “Smelter” Heavy Field Gun
○ Class: Field Gun
○ Faction: Colonial
○ Armed with heavy anti-tank rounds, the Smelter is perfect for engaging enemy armour. The frontal blast shielding providers operators with ample cover in heated skirmishes. ■ Balfour Rampart 40mm
○ Class: Field Gun
○ Faction: Warden
○ The Rampart is a high-velocity, anti-armour field cannon capable of dealing devastating damage to all but the heaviest armoured vehicles while providing its crew with comprehensive ballistic shielding.
Gameplay Changes ■ Garrison Houses are no longer unlocked in the tech tree and now require an upgrade at the Town Hall.
■ Warden O’Brien V.101 Freeman armoured car max range increased from 30m to 35m.
■ Colonial Catara mo.II light machine gun now uses 12.7 ammo. Maximum ammo capacity reduced from 30 to 25.
■ Vehicles turn rate is now also compromised to a similar amount as acceleration when tracked.
■ 13.5mm has been renamed to 20mm. ■ Gameplay in a region that has suffered a crash will be briefly paused to allow players to rejoin.
■ Warden Scout Tanks and the T20 "Ixion" commander positions now serve double duty as gunner. ■ All Field Weapons, (except Field Artillery), health has been buffed.
■ Balfour Wolfhound 40mm and both factions Field Anti Tank weapons fire rates have been increased.
■ "The Pitch Gun" mc.V angle of fire reduced when fired from a vehicle.
■ Green ash throw range has been reduced.
Map Changes
■ Taswell Point’s Relic base in Westgate has been moved West and reduced in size to clarify ownership of Longstone’s Seaport. Taswell Point has been renamed Zeus’ Demise.
■ Ogmaran Seaport in The Moors has been relocated and an Observation Tower has been added.
Other Changes
■ Field Hospitals now appear on Map Intel as a unique icon
■ Upgraded networking backend to Steam Sockets for improved average latency and robustness.
■ Added support for Global Profiles, which shares player progress (rank, level) across all shards.
■ Improved the chance of successfully vaulting out of some trenches. ■ Greater ease of player movement in poorly aligned tier 3 trench connectors.
■ No man’s land post processing effect dialed down at night to allow players to see. ■ Improved ease of use when interacting with bridges from a boat, specifically the White Whale. ■ Attempting to submit a large item to a full box will now give the error message “Inventory full” instead of “Item has been submitted.” ■ Warden rifle the No.2 Loughcaster model has been updated.
■ Warden Drummond Spitfire 100D, Colonial R-9 “Speartip” escort, and 00MS “Stinger” weapon mounts have been updated to be faction specific. ■ New player GUI info has been updated to correctly reflect the current control scheme.
■ Regiments in the F1 Regional Players List have been separated from player names column into their own column.
■ 135 Nevile Anti-Tank Rifle renamed to 20 Nevile Anti-Tank Rifle
■ No 2. Loughcaster item icon updated.
Bug Fixes
■ Client can crash when picking up packaged vehicles.
■ Free flying spectator camera.
■ Emplacements can’t be deployed into trench emplacements that are connected to tier 3 trench connectors.
■ AI weapons don’t perform retaliatory fire at field weapons at night time. ■ Unauthorized players unpackaging crated reserve stockpile vehicles into the public stockpile.
■ Reservable assets in Shipping Containers can't be stockpiled into the public stockpile by using the submit driveway equipment button.
■ Vehicles destroying Fire Pits without actually running them over. ■ Warden White Ash anti-tank grenade poor hit registration on scout vehicles.
■ Tracked vehicles rotating into walls causing extreme changes to vehicle pitch.
■ Gates mysteriously appear to open all on their own. ■ Numerous holes under the map around trenches.
■ Vehicles getting stuck driving over destroyed trench connectors. ■ Factory orders that are set to squad output will vanish and lock the player out of the Factory if the squad disbands. ■ Safe House provisional garrison will not activate local defenses when enough players have their spawn set. ■ Cascader 873 and Fuscina pi.I burst fire weapons firing sideways if the player turns while shooting.
■ Infantry rapidly losing stamina while sprinting on road surfaces. ■ Vehicles on Barge decks slipping or rotating on their own.
■ HE grenades dealing less damage when hitting the top of a bunker compared to the front.
■ Bane 45 twitching when aiming from a trench.
■ Trench connectors texture stretching across an entire region.
■ F1 Players List has low FPS for large regiments.
■ Votekicks do not work on players changing region.
■ White Whale front is textured when under construction
■ Mass Production Factory typo. ■ Map Bugs
○ Umbral Wildwood: White Whale deploying directly onto the Seaport of Thunderfoot.
○ Oarbreaker Isles: island bushes flickering different shades of green. ○ Tempest Island: overlapping trees South of The Gale. ○ Heartlands: floating fence at Oleander Homestead. ○ Heartlands: fence tripping players at the front door of a Blemish Safe house. ○ The Linn of Mercy: cliff collision West of Outwich Ranch Safe House is larger than the cliff itself.
○ Traveling between regions near the bulwark puts the player on the wrong side of it.
○ Marban Hollow: Freighters getting stuck near The Curse