New Content
New Item: Land Mine
Visible to friendly players
Visible to enemy players from crouched position
Triggered by stepping over
New Item: Wrench
Used to dismantle mines
Must be crouched and close enough to mine to dismantle (be careful!)
Gameplay Changes
Revamped damage mitigation system (See Damage Mitigation section below for details)
Added Armory and Workshop structures to the map (near The Plaza and Cemetary Lane)
Pillbox cost changed from 80 to 150 materials
Pillbox accuracy and rate of fire now ramps up over time
Pillbox and Outpost are now damageable by all weapons to some degree
Pillbox and Foxhole detection range is reduced at night
Pillbox and Foxholes now fire target enemies blocked by enemy build sites
Smoke grenade cost reduced to 15
Major Bug Fixes
Collision boxes around Outposts and Pillboxes are no longer too big
Other Changes
Weekly Wars
One scheduled war happens per week now (Sat)
Countdown to the weekly war is shown in the HUD
Practice mode is enabled when a weekly war isn't active
Practice mode is identical to weekly war mode for now gameplay wise
Server side world backup/restore system (experimental)
Improved SFX attenuation
Damage Mitigation Notes
Pillbox, Outpost
Very high resistance to small ballistics
High resistance to small explosives
Sandbag Wall
Very high resistance to small ballistics
Moderate resistance to small explosives
Storage Box, Reinforced Wall
High resistance to small ballistics
Light resistance to small explosives
Manned Foxhole, Wood Fence, Campsite
Moderate resistance to small ballistics
Known Issues
"Push To Talk" won't work if you previously rebound the key. Reset to default and rebind again to work around this issue.