Gameplay Changes
Foxholes and Pillboxes will no longer fire at recently spawned players
Map changes
Eastern bridge types changed
Salvage locations moved slightly
Removing items from the Outpost is more restrictive
Only 2 packed items can be removed at a time
Game Balance
HeavyMG cost decreased by 30%
Smoke Grenade cost decreased by 7%
Smoke Grenand production time reduced by 16%
Green Ash cost reduced by 13%
Green Ash production time reduced by 14%
Other Changes
Local chat text now appears above the heads of characters that are visible to the player, allowing you to communicate with nearby players more effectively
Typing /a /t /l and pressing space in the chat box will now switch channels
Player screen now sorts players by faction
Major Bug Fixes
Fixed bug that causes visuals to be blurry when graphics detail level is set to low
Fixed Field Artillery so it no longer has issues colliding with certain objects
Fixed bug that caused aim accuracy to increase when sprinting
Fixed bug that prevented movement keys from being bound to arrow keys
Fixed bug preventing lock dismantling
Fixed HeavyMG so it no longer targets the wrong location when aiming at a Field Artillery
Fixed bug that causes incorrect location name to be shown on the HUD when exiting a vehicle
Fixed bug that prevents access to the inventory when rotating the camera
Fixed exploit that allows players to cross the Wooden Bridge build site
Fixed bug that causes the names of players inside vehicles to not be visible
Fixed crash that occus when sometimes opening the Keyboard settings screen
War Correspondent will now mention the correct faction when reporting Outpost information
SFX from other players reloading will now play properly
Player arrow on the minimap now rotates correctly when players are passengers in a vehicle