We will be rolling out the update to servers in stages in the next 24 hours. Servers that have not been updated yet will appear greyed out in the server browser. During the rollout period, you can still access the 0.0.30 client by switching to the "0.0.30" branch on Steam via the "Betas" properties tab.
There are quite a few known issues in this update. Please see "Known Issues" section below for details.
New Content
New Structure: Sunken Pillbox
An automatically retracting turret, resistant to damage when not engaging an enemy
New Structure: Tunnel Network
Tunnel node used to supply passive defense structures.
New Resource/Item: Sulfur
Sulfur that can be refined into Explosive Material at a Manufacturing Plant
New Item: Explosive Material
Resource used for producing heavy explosive weapons.
Gameplay Features & Changes
Foxhole, Pillbox, Gun Turret, Bunker, Sunken Pillbox, and Town Garrisons must be built within the vicinity of a Tunnel Network structure to have an active AI
Tunnel Networks must be connected to a Town Hall or Outpost to be active
If passive defense structure gets disconnected from an active Tunnel Network, the AI will become inactive after 10 minutes (See Known Issues below for a bug with Town Garrisons)
Maximum of 3 players can work on a build site without diminishing returns
Foxhole, Pillbox, Gun Turret, and Sunken Pillbox are now hidden by line of sight for enemies
Joining a faction that has 15 or more players than the other will not be allowed (in all cases now)
Manufacturing Plant, Medical Lab, Weapon Factory, Workshop, and Supply Station in non-starter towns start destroyed (in all cases now)
Endless Shore design changes
Game Balance
Satchel Charge cost changed to 20 Basic Materials and 30 Explosive Materials
Sticky Bomb cost changed to 5 Basic Materials and 10 Explosive Materials
Rpg Ammo cost changed to 4 Basic Materials and 8 Explosive Materials
Mortar Ammo cost changed to 4 Basic Materials and 8 Explosive Materials
Field Artillery Ammo cost changed to 10 Basic Materials and 20 Explosive Materials
Howitzer Ammo cost changed to 6 Basic Materials and 6 Explosive Materials
Pillbox cost changed from 125 to 115 Basic Materials
Outpost cost increased from 350 to 450 Basic Materials
Frag Grenade damage radius increased by 22%
Mortar mininum ranged increased by 200% and maximum range increased by 30%
Mortar now requires Technology Level 3
Armory can now be upgraded to Technology Level 3
Hammer and Pistol can now be stockpiled
50% reduction in chance to yield Technology Parts (previously only for event wars and conquest mode) is now in effect for all wars
Other Changes
Full visual refresh of character models
Full visual refresh of faction logos
Forward direction of Chainlink Fence build ghost is visually clearer
Players that are dealing an excessive amount of friendly damage are identified in the chat log
Major Bug Fixes
Truck passengers no longer die when going over certain terrain or bridges
Offline character model no longer picks up decals like dirt paths
Night reflections now render properly
Fixed potential server crash when exiting vehicles
Keyboard bindings will no longer be broken for new key actions
Known Issues
Certain materials/textures may appear darker than normal due to a bug in our lighting pipeline
Garrison Houses AI remains active even after being disconnected from a Tunnel Network
Sunken Pillbox will not acquire visible targets upon being connected to a Tunnel Network (target must leave visible area and return)
Faction icons are not updated on the player screen