Greetings Soldiers,
Belated happy new year! We hope everyone's year has been off to a great start. Rather than resting up over the holidays, it looks like the creators over in the foxhole-creative and (the new) foxhole-videos channels were hard at work. We're excited to share a selection works from over the holidays and the beginning of the year. If these pieces are any indication, I think we're in for another amazing year!
Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted from December 23, 2024 to January 27, 2025. Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible.
Thank you!

By Sukauto31
What a lovely piece to kick off Community Highlights for 2025. The lighting is impeccable!

By: Dmjaxun
Dmjaxun felt pressured to colour their Nakki after the lineart version was shared on the previous community highlights so now I feel compelled to share the coloured version. Let's make a pact to end this vicious cycle?

By: Maxaiz
The execution of this is purr-fect! I'll see myself out.

By: Super_duper_cooler
No notes. As usual, Super_duper_cooler has submitted a real gem. The rain is a nice touch!

By: Ederius
I think this may be the first time Ederius has been featured on Community Highlights — and what a debut!

By: Sm_Andrew
This cutie pie has a face that can melt the heart of even the most staunch Warden.

By: Matrx50
Here's a small version of the usually large Flood, this time from Matrx50. Great work!

By: Cobelat
I really like the unique style used by Cobelat; it really stands out!

By: Dblund
This submission is an interesting combination of somber and hopeful. Thanks for sharing it, Dblund!

By: Ainsley22_22
Really nice work on these low poly renders of the Silverhand Mk. IV and Devitt Mk. III tanks!

By: Theseal
It's always fun to see the Colonial and Warden emblems reimagined in different styles. 8-bit-ifying them was a great idea!

By: Dobeltip
We love a little model and this one is no exception!

By: Globalfeet
To answer your question, Globalfeet, yes this is good. Thanks for sharing!

By: Bambamtheeggman
Warden Countryball, now in 3D!
By: Girlsplayitbest
I'm definitely jumping the gun on this since Girlsplayitbest is still planning on painting this after firing it but I just had to include it. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!
By: Scylaar
Just when I thought all creative avenues have been explored, Foxhole music videos have entered the chat!
By: Beef.lord
For those uninitiated to the world of Foxhole lore, Beef.lord's video provides a nice overview of the statues dotted around Caoiva.
By: r3dsauc3
Along with contributing works to the foxhole-creative and foxhole-videos channels, r3dsauc3 has also created this helpful video for anyone else who's hoping start making Foxhole art in Blender. Thanks for being a great community member!
By: Typwriter5410
Typwriter5410(Arminius) is back at it with another cinematic that can only be described as:
That's a wrap for now, I hope you enjoyed the first Community Highlights post of 2025. If you liked what you saw and want to see more, be sure to check out the foxhole-creative and foxhole-videos channels as there's always more to see there.
Steamed Hams