Release Notes
New Content
■ New Vehicle: Balfour Falconer 250mm
○ Class: Field Weapon
○ A heavy mobile mortar platform fitted with a thick frontal shield for assaulting fortified locations
■ New Vehicle: H-10 “Pelekys”
○ Class: Light Tank
○ The “Pelekys” H-class light tank is heavily modified with an open top chassis and equipped with a devastating long-range anti-tank cannon
■ New World Structure: Border Base
○ A special base that spawns near Frontier borders
○ Designed to help an invading force gain a foothold into a region
○ Are built automatically by any player that uses it
○ Include starter equipment (which varies depending on global population)
○ Designed to reduce the impact of "border lockdown" on queue sizes
Expanded Win Condition
■ War Achievements
○ Faction wide goals that can influence the final outcome of the war
○ War Achievements are displayed on Map Screen and on War Monuments
○ There are currently 9 faction wide War Achievements available
■ There are now up to 8 Win Conditions instead of 2
○ Crushing Defeat - Your faction has no War Achievements
○ Defeat - Your faction has 1 or more War Achievements
○ Close Defeat - Your faction has 3 or more War Achievements
○ Valiant Defeat - Your faction has 6 or more War Achievements
○ Pyrrhic Victory - Enemy has 6 or more War Achievements
○ Close Victory - Enemy has 3 or more War Achievements
○ Victory - Enemy has 1 or more War Achievements
○ Decisive Victory - Enemy has no War Achievements
Gameplay Changes
■ Overhauled AI Suppression system
○ AI structure flags now flash when they are suppressed
○ AI structures remain suppressed for longer
○ Suppression capability of all weapons have been rebalanced
○ Suppression resistance of all structures have been rebalanced
○ Players mounted in Suppressed structures can't fire their weapon
■ Structure damage model
○ Structures are now immune to Small Arms
○ Build sites remain vulnerable to Small Arms damage
○ 12.7mm/14.5mm can still damage Tier 1 structures (Foxholes, Watch Towers, T1 Bases, etc)
○ Unique SFX is played when 12.7mm/14.5mm weapons damage a structure
■ Border travel invincibility now has a cooldown so players will still be vulnerable to damage when border travelling in quick succession
■ Players in the Gunner position of open top vehicles now gain 25% more sight range
■ Deployment Points (Garrison Size) at Town/Relic Bases in friendly starter region will always grow to a minimum size, even when no players have their spawn point set
■ Frontier Borders
○ Map intelligence and attack alerts are disabled near Frontier Borders
○ Frontier Borders now appears as red on the map
■ All vehicles except Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Field Weapon classes can now run over fences
Game Balance
■ UV-24 “Icarus” inventory increased from 3 to 8, but it only holds RPG shells
■ HH-d “Peltast” cost increased from 45 to 55 Refined Materials
■ Structures are no longer buildable on roads (except for Tank Traps and Gates)
■ Gates now require a Construction Vehicle to build and upgrade
■ Mortar Shell Armour Piercing removed from the game
■ Storm Rifle cost changed from 20 Refined Materials to 165 Basic Materials per crate
■ Storm Rifle crate size reduced from 20 to 10
■ LMG now cost changed from 20 Refined Materials to 165 Basic Materials per crate
■ LMG crate size reduced reduced from 20 to 10
■ 7.92 Crate size reduced from 40 to 30
■ 12.7mm damage has been unified across all weapons
○ Average damage has decreased by 5-10%
■ 14.5mm damage has been unified across all weapons
○ Average damage has increased by 5-10%
■ 12.7mm and 14.5mm are no longer stackable
■ 12.7mm and 14.5mm ammo deal ~13% more damage to Shippable structures (e.g. Emplaced Weapons)
■ Foxhole
○ Health has been reduced by 30%
○ Explosive mitigation reduced
○ Can be destroyed by 2 HE Grenades now instead of 3
■ High Explosive Grenade
○ No longer requires tech
○ Basic Material cost reduced from 180 to 100
○ Explosive Material cost reduced from 40 to 10
○ Crate size increased from 20 to 30
○ Production time reduced
○ Stockpile retrieve time reduced
○ Damage reduced by 30% (to avoid indirectly buffing infantry anti-tank capability)
○ Starter bases now include 100 HE Grenades
■ Garrison Camp (T1 Town Hall) health increased by 60%
■ All Colonial Light Tank variant health increased by 2%
Other Changes
■ New server optimizations
○ Maximum player capacity per region increased to 200
■ Comms Rating
○ The system is designed to encourage quality and relevant use of communication tools
○ Players will now have a rating associated with their profile, which is influenced by player reports, up/down voting, and other factors
○ Players with a low rating will have limited World Chat, Sign Posts, and Map Post capability
■ Input hints now properly reflected remapped keys
■ Player Profile screen has been removed
○ NOTE: Profiles are undergoing a redesign and will be back in a future update
○ Character Appearance options can now be accessed by using the Barracks structure in the Home Region instead (the structure the player spawns in front of)
■ Monument UI has been redesigned
○ New visual layout that displays War Result and War Achievements
○ Legacy commend leaderboard has been removed
■ The message displayed when a spot in the queue is "reserved" has been updated to reflect the current functionality (player is highly prioritized, but not guaranteed to get back in at all times)
Bug Fixes ■ Players sometimes are exited to the main menu when border travelling with the message Faction limit exceeded
■ Reaction fire on Bunker Garrison structures were not working consistently
■ When new inputs are added to the game, existing key mappings become disabled
■ After a server restart, in rare cases Structures/Structure Crates can't be submitted to stockpiles
■ Storm Cannon shots can deflect off Tank Armour
■ T5 “Percutio” shots sometimes don't register under poor networking conditions
■ Field Weapon & Bicycle UI informs users to refuel even though they don't use fuel
■ Character state desyncs and input is lost in some cases when using binoculars when in vehicles
■ Enemy structures can be repaired
■ Structures can no longer be built underneath structures like docks
■ Petrol sometimes isn't transferred to the public stockpile at the Refinery after expiry
■ Grenade weapons can sometimes collide with the area in front of Bunker Bases
■ Roofs do not become visible again on houses if the player exits by mounting a vehicle
■ Rocket Site help tooltip contains outdated information, referencing "Upgrade Parts"
■ A Shipping/Resource container can be placed on a barge with a Crane already on it
■ Unintentional shadows flickering occurs at certain parts of the day/night cycle
■ Crane arm can be climbed to get to higher elevation
■ If a Shipping Container is packaged while another player is withdrawing from it, the item being retrieved is destroyed
■ Storm Rifle audibly shoots twice instead 1 in Single Shot mode
■ A notification "Something went wrong" is sometimes shown when trying to submit order at Mass Production factory
■ Map Bugs
○ Farranac Coast: Bone Haft has floating rocks and bushes
○ Oarbreaker: Flatbeds keep dropping off of the bridge near Conclave