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Community Highlights 28

Hi there, Soldiers!

First and foremost, big congratulations to all the teams that fought in the Foxhole Competitive League (FCL), particularly to the team that got 1st place on this initial season, PUG. The final standings were: 1st place: PUG

2nd place: EROTIC (EDGE, FFL & FB) 3rd place: 10CCE Well fought, everybody! Now to community highlights!

Just remember that there was so much content this time around, there's a good chance I missed some amazing things out there. If you would like to submit something for the next Community Highlights post, please just PM me (HB) on Discord and it will be considered for the next post. Content considered for this Community Highlights was submitted up until Sunday, October 01, 2017. Any content submitted after this date will be considered for the next post.

Note: We try our best to properly credit all community work, but once in a while we may make a mistake. Please let us know if anything is off and we'll make corrections as soon as possible. Thanks!



Warden soldier by Kirdeam


Warden Helmet Design Ideas by Jango


train station concept by Twildion Railway suggestion with explanations by Twildion write up: here


Warden postal APC by o💤


Warden Propaganda for Farranac Coast by Milk


Warden flyer of The Great War era by Estender


Lets Join by Mr Suspect


T1BWR Naval Poster by General Phanter


Funny Videos

Operation Rain Maker - A Foxhole Story by Pvt Rice


War Stories

War story by AhegoFace

Once upon a time there was a brave Warden soldier, his and his company's job was to patrol around the island and look for ships that weren't friendly, then he saw it, a line of colonial APCs storming the beach, he quickly grabben his trumpet and alarmed the officers stationed on the island, hovewer, his alarm was cutted down by a colonial cornershooter, thus ending the soldier's life, after getting shot he dropped his trumpet on the sea, and when the war is still going on his soul may not find peace until he gets his trumpet back, many sailors reported a trumpet floating on the water somewhere around the island, but they couldn't pick it no matter what, and ghost is tied to the island he lost his life on. 100 years later we still hear reports of logistics drivers noticing a warden soldier walking around the beach in the water to his knees, looking for something.


War Poems & Songs by GreyOfTheHounds


song by Bubbadeej


Letter From The Front by A Lager knight


War Footage

Foxhole: 'Blood Tide' by BillNyeTheGamingGuy


Foxhole Competition League - 10CCE vs 501st/NNF/82DK by Sethfire


The Fall of EROTIC - Final FCL Season 1 Match by cobyceltic


Compilação [UBGE] by Léo Freitas


Interesting things

Castle Clapfoot organized by KrazyFlyingChicken

Saving Clapfoot Privates by Markfoot

Operation: Castle Clapfoot (Community Event) by I Saw a Bear


Foxhole Reviews Over Iconic WW2 Images by The Engima

source: link here


The Colonial Fox Issue No.1 by The Colonial [Fox] Company source: link here

*last Com. Highlights I forgot to put the full link, so I'm re-posting it


Update & Tutorial Videos

NNF Guide to logistics by ATGolden


Docks & Safe APCs - Foxhole (Hotfix 0.4.10) by I Saw a Bear


Funny Stuff

The Foxhole Competition League in a Nutshell by Sethfire


Barbed wires? Nevermind.... by Timberwolf (based on this original comic by DeathBulge)


Castle Clapfoot Event line up by MrSuspect


The first day in Foxhole by General Phanter


Triggered RCL Colonial by Lord_of_insanity


Colonial Pepe-Man by Cmdr_Engineer


The beginning of the cult of Markfoot by SunChips


Cult of [HB] by Sir


HB logging off!

It was great to have participated in Castle Clapfoot! I feel special to have been the first to be rescued, haha! Until next 2 weeks!

Cheers! <I think someone is trying to get my attention... Oh well...> proof that HB is lord's senpai by lord_of_insanity

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